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@Kurikukku looking into it. When did the problem start?

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Thank you @veritas_nz and @mrnoone
I think it started about a month or two ago around the time of an update? Sorry not 100% sure. All settings about playback are set to on, it wasn’t playing during incorrect answers, it was playing when inputting the correct answers during the ‘post cram’ after a review session.

What is the normal behaviour of the playback? because hearing audio at any point would be great


I don’t remember the exact grammar point i was on at the time but it is also not related to one specific point. It can happen to multiple grammar points consecutively and it only gets fixed when reloading. Maybe the grammar info is not being loaded and as a fallback the button and f key just continue?

Edit: happened again today but reloading fixed the issue. Might wanna check that all data is loaded before anything is displayed or add some error handling just in case

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After I submit the answer.

This is kind of a weird issue, but I noticed that when you are playing the audio to a grammar point example, if you press the play button again while the audio is still playing, it will only restart the audio if the speaker is female. If it’s a male speaker, the audio will keep playing and you can only restart it once it’s finished.

This happens in Chrome on desktop.

Not the biggest deal. I just use it since I’ve switched to figuring out the example through listening only. I have to keep stopping and starting again because they speak so fast for me, even on slow playback.


In the iOS app when editing a self-study sentence in grammar you can only edit the answer if the virtual keyboard is visible. If it is not, when clicking the edit button (specifically for the answer) it will not let you make changes. It tries to pull up the keyboard but fails.

Also, I can’t add furigana to my example sentences using the iOS app. It works when using my computer because the Japanese characters for () the brackets have a sort of “built-in” space at the beginning and end when being typed on the computer. On my iPad I’ve tried using brackets and space characters from both the US and Japanese keyboards and a mix of both but it’s not working to produce the furigana.


Sometimes I get double enter with single enter press which can ruin review of that item since you can’t undo it. Browser: Firefox 127.0

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Looking into the issue.

The “Forecast” widget on my Dashboard looks strange. For some reason, the columns aren’t using the entire available height.

Could it be because I have a ton of reviews (1000+) after synching with Wanikani, but this is showing just the “new” ones? If I remember correctly, it looked better before I did the sync.

Can this be fixed? Thanks!

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Just checked your account!
If you change it to the total ones, it’s using the available height.
I think it’s something to do with that…

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minor issue,

when all your ghost are cleared, the last one stays apparent in the stats page.

Thanks so much for checking!

Yes, you are right that the “total” graph uses the entire height. But it seems to me that the “new” graph should have a similar display. For example, in the screenshot I posted, I would expect the bar for “24” to be as tall as possible since it’s the largest number. Or am I missing something?

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A cram session number is appearing in many places:



Will remove this. Probably is unnecessary huh

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My dashboard seems to jump over a couple of days in the review forecast, I was a little surprised to see the big jump before I noticed the gap of 7 days:


Same thing here, had the exact same effect on me lol. “+500 reviews on one day? what???”


The hourly mobile forecast seems to have the time wrong. I cleared storage to see if that would fix it, but it’s still an issue. The website is fine though.

Edit: Changing my time zone doesn’t affect the forecast either. Seems it’s stuck in UTC?


The first example sentence of the vocabulary word コート’s English translation is very awkward, possibly even grammatically incorrect. The sentence says ‘Whose is this brown coat’ when a more natural translation would be ‘Whose brown coat is this’


Not sure this problem was already flagged, but there is a discrepancy between the mobile app and the online version.
The Cram section in the mobile app cannot see the onomatope deck, nor any previously bookmarked onomatope cards.

I tried reinstalling the app from scratch but it didn’t help.




Ahhhh I forgot to mention!
This should be fixed now