Feedback - Bug Reports

Is anyone else having problems clearing reviews? It just gets stuck at 1 every time, and when clicked on it goes to the summary page or no reviews page.

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Oh wow, thank you very much

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Welcome to the forums! :confetti_ball:

We’ve had a report about this before.
Looks like it’s to do a self-study question. Potentially one that you tried to delete?

Have you deleted a self-study question in the past/recently?

Either way will do more digging for you :hole:

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Yes! But that’s odd? Why would it not be fully deleted? It this an ongoing bug? It does still show that I have one in summary, but when I click into it, it says that I don’t have any.

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It started to work today again :woman_shrugging:
I will keep that in mind anyway, thank you!

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Basically to every Self-study instance, there is the “review” component (stores stuff like your SRS level, next review timing etc.) and the “question” component.

For some reason when you deleted the sentence, the “question” component got deleted but not the actual “review” part.
Hence it showing everywhere but not working properly

is there a way to fix it?

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Just to mention that the change of font happening every time a review loads is still continuing.

I’ve caught a relatively obvious one during a review just now:

When the review appeared, this font appeared momentarily:


However, after about half a second, it changes to:


NB This happens consistently when accessing the vocab item page / reviews.


This is a bit of a corner case, but please hear me out.

I’m trying to read example sentences within grammar point explanations without glancing at the English translations.

My settings are:

  • Hide English - Yes
  • Furigana on Hover - On

For sentences embedded in grammar explanation, Hide English doesn’t work, which is I guess 仕æ–čăȘい (but please make it work).

So instead I’m scrolling the translations below the browser viewport, like this:

But now this breaks Furigana on Hover instead. When you scroll a bit down the page, Back to Top bar appears and blocks mouseover. This is in Firefox if that makes a difference.

I’d love to be able to have embedded sentences work with this combination of settings, English hidden but can be shown when desired, Furigana hidden and shown on hover.

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Forecast and activity graphs seem to have shrunk considerably:


When I want to add a vocabulary, the popover message appears outside the screen which leads to an overflow-x. Changing the position of the popover message would be nice.

MacBook Air, 13’’

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Also, pressing space multiple times during reviews (to cycle through hint levels) sometimes has the effect of pressing backspace (removing a kana from what you have just input).

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We couldn’t find the source of the bug, so I’ve manually intervened and fix this on your profile.

Let me know if you have any more issues.

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Just to mention that the change of font happening every time a review loads is still continuing.

Forecast and activity graphs seem to have shrunk considerably

  1. Interested to know what setup you’re running, what OS / browser etc.
  2. Are you running any browser plugins?
  3. The graph thing is on web yeah? Were you altering the window size when you saw that bugged screen in your screenshot?
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Hi, It’s Android and using Firefox browser, without any plugins. I don’t think I was altering the window size at the time or doing anything particularly noteworthy (other than Bunpro, which is always noteworthy ofc) but the graphs seem to be back to normal when looking again anyway :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the detailed feedback.

This is on my radar.
I was actually surprised you’re the first person to mention it.

FYI, we’re going to be updating the rest of the About sections so that they’re also interactive (obey the hide/show EN system).
Currently I believe only N3 / N4 is done.

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Recently I’ve been having an issue with audio auto-play.
My Autoplay Audio setting is on.
For the first review of a session the audio doesn’t auto-play.
Then I press P to play it manually, and for all remaining reviews it does autoplay as normal.
This is in Firefox. Not sure when exactly it started and if it was correlated to browser auto-updating or not.

nothing suspicious in browser console

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Hm. Looking at my queue and clicking the three dots next to the N5 vocab deck I have loaded, it tells me I have “1097/1100(100%) studied” (the “100%” just changed from 99 while I was writing this). Clicking it gives me “Error loading content”. Going directly to the deck shows “you’ve finished studying this deck.”

Edit: ah, now it’s come around. The number’s been off for as long as I can remember, though. Because I’ve been tracking his many I have left through that three-dots view for quite a while, and only having 3 to learn today was very surprising.

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noticed that some tooltips are missing or their path/key is wrong


For forums I use iPhone 10 and it always squeeze my screen so I can not see a few button as well as my text.

I can try to downscale it with my fingers but then it become a bit laggy (throwing from side to side) sometime cursore disappears or shifting in another side. I have this on my iPhone 7 as well.

I don’t know if this bug deserves time, because this phones are old and probably that is the problem, but just letting you know that this is the case.

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