Feedback - Bug Reports

Good find! Vocab having so many items wasn’t factored in when this was initially created.
This will be fixed soon. 🙇‍♂️

This is a data issue with a handful of items!
Gonna fix them now.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention as always 🙇‍♂️

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Only change I can think is the Wanikani update.
Is the A/U-level Vocab (that is being reset to Translate/Manual Input type ) stuff that you have studied in the WK update?

Can you plz give me an example of the Vocab?

I noticed lots of performance issues these past couple days. (due to last update?)

Overall loading times got much longer, but especially setting an SRS level manually went from almost instant to often 7/8 seconds or even timeout errors.

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I took a look and it seems like those A-level ones either seem to not have any valid cloze questions yet or have some questions that are still being worked on to make fill in the blank type questions (both cloze and cloze flashcard) possible. By default, they fall back to the manual input style.

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There is the mark as mastered option you can toggle on. This works with one time imports as well as the daily sync.

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not sure if this is the case with you, but if your WK subscription isn’t active then the site automatically sets you back to level 3 until you offer up your $10 to his divine majesty the Crabigator (glory unto his blessed soul). The API then also only pulls data up to level 3.

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the self study review is not linked to the grammar point. Let say grammar point A has 30 self study sentences. However the grammar point A was not added to review. The review will still show the 30 self study sentences for review.

So right now I have all grammar points not added to review. But i still have 300 self study sentences to review.

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Are you referring to this feature here?

Ahhh I see…
The expected behaviour is for this not to happen.
Never thought about this before :thinking:

Internally the 3 Review types (Regular, Ghost and Self-Study) are treated pretty separately.

Will bring this up internally

In my case I have a lifetime sub on both sites and am currently getting through WK level 20, so there’s definitely something up with either the Bunpro sync or the WK api that’s not pulling Guru words properly (and I’m leaning more toward the Bunpro sync because I use a third party app for WK reviews and it can see all my reviews/lessons/levels etc just fine)


Could you try using the “Import” button again please? I believe what happened was due to how we use their API. Instead of getting all of the data everyday, we use the endpoints they provide for getting just ones with changes in the past 24 hours.

@EthanW9701 Could you please try using the “Import” button again? We had it setup in a way that wouldn’t overwrite existing reviews even when marking mastered and have changed it.

@korrect Could you let me know if you are experiencing this still? I believe it was fixed.

@Eroliene Regarding the correctness judge, I went through the existing vocab and updated them. This vocab word now has: “guilty, feeling guilty, guilty conscience, look guilty, uneasy” as the accepted answers.

@stephane @Quickhands18 @TheEmpty2023 We are looking into what changes might have impacted performance.


@adorable Could you please let me know if you get those words the next time you learn. I think it was due to them being grouped correctly but out of the global order for the deck.


I just triggered a manual sync, but it’s still the same after ~10 minutes. I have 0 new reviews, and various words that are Guru on Wanikani are still “unlearned” on Bunpro instead of being Seasoned 1. For example the ones in this post: Feedback - Bug Reports - #5018 by Flandre5carlet but also 若布 | Bunpro or 歌詞 | Bunpro or 汽笛 | Bunpro… among perhaps many others.

The furigana sync option however seems to work properly, although I can’t say for certain.


Hey, clicking learn now shows them! Thank you!


It seems there are a handful of words that are on wk that we haven’t linked to the word we added on Bunpro. I will see about getting those linked. I believe once that is set up it should solve the issue.


Gotcha, I’ll wait until that point then! Unlucky me that it seems like a lot of those words are words I JUST came across on level 19. :sweat_smile:

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I clicked import, and it didn’t seem to do anything. I still have only 329 mastered words and no words in any of the other categories. For reference, I am on level 17 of WaniKani, and I have more than 800 burned words and another 800 words that are Guru or above.


When I’m studying a new batch of vocab by clicking ‘learn’ on the dashboard, if I then click “set as mastered” for a vocab item that comes up, it also removes one slot from the batch. This means I get the quiz even though I haven’t studied my full allotment of new words yet, so I have to go back in and do another (or several more) learn sessions to get a full batch of new words done.

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Finally showed up in my learn! Thanks.

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