Feedback - Bug Reports

ホーム accepts the answer ‘home’ for the word ‘platform’. Is this expected?

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Spotted this minor typo of “Learning” in the app.

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yes, the bottom squares. my session today (right after this feedback) seemed a bit smoother than yesterday somehow though, still a bit slow but experienced no timeout.

Yesterday was timing out constantly. the day before also.

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We now have a separate vocab for that meaning of the word (here), so I’ll remove it!

Thanks for the suggestion.

Can you let me know how roughly many seconds this is taking when you next use it?
Published some performance updates yesterday.
Might have a helped a bit.

Yes, it works correctly now.


Hi there!

Are you saying that when you Marked as Mastered it skipped the next item?
Tried to mimic this behaviour but couldn’t get it to work.

If this isn’t what you’re referring to, are you able to elaborate a bit more?
Marking as Mastered should skip that newly mastered item and then jump straight to the next item in the queue.

oddly enough that used to happen to me before, but I can’t replicate it now either.

I think what @skullclutter is saying is that if my batch size is set to 5, if I mark one as mastered it removes that item from the items I’m learning, but doesn’t replace it with the next one in the list. So I’ll end up learning 4 new items and not quite reach my goal of 5 so then I’ll need to start another learn session.

my goal was set to 5 items and after setting タオル to mastered it left me with 4 items. Can be really annoying when you already know 3-4 of the 5 items.

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Will see if I can calculate this height better!

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Hello, some reviews are defaulting to automatically use katakana on iOS and while it used to just be an annoyance it’s now preventing me from finishing reviews on the app because some reviews seem to not accept katakana answers. I’ll use mobile web for now but I really like using the app for everything!

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I am looking into it! Will make sure to fix it with the next release.

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@veritas_nz This is it exactly. I’ll try to see if I can get a screencapture vid of the issue today.

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Hey, are you using the latest version of the app? It should fix this issue. You just have to update in the testflight.

If it still occurs after update, please PM me.

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The hint for the vocab word 場所 includes the word itself; is this intended behaviour?

No vid, but here’s a couple screenshots to illustrate the issue:

  1. First vocab word pops up. Note there are 10 slots in this batch in the footer:

  2. I set the vocab word as “mastered” and it loads the next word, but now there are only 9 slots in the batch in the footer:

I have a problem: I have deleted self-study senteces from the grammar point “まえに” I think and the reviews do still show up in the due reviews and in the “Self-Study” Count, but if I click on it the sentences do not exist. Is there a way to remove them fully?