Feedback - Bug Reports

Since a recent update on the mobile app, the display language keeps resetting to English, even when set to Japanese…
What I mean is that when I open up the app, it’ll be displayed in English, even though when I go to the settings Japanese is still the selected option. Swapping to English then back to Japanese works, but I have to do that every time I open it to have the app display in Japanese.


I am unable to deactivate vacation mode. If I use the link from the homepage to access the vacation mode setting, the button will turn gray but will load indefinitely. If I go into my settings and try to deactivate it, the button will stay purple, the loading ring will appear for a few seconds, then go away.


In the dashboard of the mobile version you cannot see your JLPT progress with vocab, only with grammar.

This is an example of how it looks on the web version

Next to “JLPT Progress” there is a little arrow to change between vocab, grammar and grammar&vocab progress. That arrow is absent in the mobile version.


Further to this, you cannot exit the app with the Back button of the navigation bar. You have to use the Home button instead.

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I am looking into this bug!
Will make sure to fix it by the end of this week.
Sorry for the inconvenience :bowing_man:

We will add this feature with next update!


Any one else get a bunch of “phantom” vocab reviews in their queue today? I haven’t been studying any vocab (just been doing N4 grammar) but all of a sudden have 20+ vocab reviews.

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It looks like you have the WaniKani daily sync toggled on. This will import any review activity from the past day from your WK account.


That’s strange. I’ve been using both WaniKani and Bunpro for a while now and this hasn’t happened before. Wonder what made that switch go on. Anyways, thanks


Good news, the language resseting bug on mobile app has been fixed.
We will publish the patch this weekend!

Sorry for the inconvenience,
Dominik from Bunpro


Got a strange review session today. The same sentence came up twice. So the review contained 2 copies of the same sentence and 18 other sentences, 20 in total, matching my session limit of 20 reviews.


The sentence in question is a ghost of ならまだしも. I think I also got a double sentence in a review yesterday, it might even have been the same ghost, but maybe not.

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It’s never happened before to me either. I want WK sync for furigana, I don’t want reviewing vocab on BunPro, how do I turn it off?
Upd: Found the right setting, I think.

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Two more bugs.

The latest update hides community discussions even when set to “no”.

But far worse, I can’t select any text when looking at sentences in Learn mode! It’s driving me nuts. Also one of the html classes there is “undefined”.


Thanks for the report and feedback. Check your Bunpro notifications :wink:

Dashboard Community bug has been fixed!
Fix for blur coming too.


Good Morning,
Hope you’re having a wonderful day. I love the website you’ve made.
I seem to have a problem with the hide sentences function.
It used to be that it was a button, but now it’s just blurred.
This change or bug creates two problems:

  1. I can kind of read through the blur quite easily, which makes it really hard to test myself. Especially on listening.
  2. It interferes with the extension I use to check the meanings and readings of words that I don’t know. So now I have to manually look up the words, which is kind of a hassle haha.
    Is this a bug? Or an intended change?
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@adorable @discopatrick @Dasutin @Myjackisback @onionbread

Just pushed a fix for the blur in Example Sentence text.
Increased the blur to make the text unreadable, and fixed the text not being selectable.

RE the actual switch to blur as opposed to the old buttons, will see if we get any more negative feedback with this.

少々お待ちください 🙇‍♂️


Yooo! My dude. You’re amazing. That’s saved my day of study! Thank you so much!

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When are badges updated?
I finished my N4 deck yesterday and I still haven’t received the N4 badge.

Also, I wasn’t prompted to change my deck when I finished it.
AFAICR, I was prompted when I finished the N5 deck.

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I’ve been trying to change the review style for my vocab, but I am getting this error. Is there any way to fix it?

Re: blur, I suppose it’s not clear in which way the blur is better than the button at all… What’s the goal?

It would be one thing if you went for “unblur on mouseover” approach, that would at least save a click.

But with the “unblur on click”, the UX is the same as with the button, with the downside of having to see the blur. My eyesight is already blurred enough, please don’t give my brain more blur to frantically try to de-blur :see_no_evil:

A tentatively negative feedback.


Already posted.

My review queue is still messed up showing a lot less reviews on my dashboard in the app vs the website. My decks on the website show a lot less reviews than the app. I hope this gets fixed soon as it is making the app unusable for me