Feedback - Bug Reports

I’ve updated the metadata for this.
It should show up now.

I’m also getting this error page

edit: thanks for fixing it, @sam_bp!


I’ve got an “error loading sentence” for more than a month. Happening only in Android app.


Why does this blank page appear when doing reviews?
It fixes if I reload the page, but it keeps appearing after doing like 2 reviews.


Welcome to the community! :partying_face:

Thanks for the report.
I just checked your Review queue and nothing seems out of the ordinary (I couldn’t replicate the bug).

The only thing I can think is that it was a one-off issue with the animation library.

If you see this bug again, can you please send me a DM with details such as the URL, and I can try and replicate it.


Yes the Stats page has been fixed!
It was @sam_bp :raised_hands:


Got a reoccurring issue in the iOS app, currently on v0.4.1+222. My review forecast will load properly when first opening the app, but if I open it when it’s been running in the background then I’ll get a failed future error. It resolves again when I toggle to hourly and then back.


When doing grammar reviews, after every grammar review, the screen jumps up and then snaps back down.
Maybe better than having to manually adjust it after it goes up after reviews sometimes, but I wish it could just remain in the same place :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Since today, all the nuance tips for my grammar reviews changed to Japanese in the iOS app. Even though I changed everything to English, the nuances stay Japanese. This does not happen in the browser version (phone, desktop).

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We will fix this bug with next patch, sorry for the inconvenience :bowing_man:

We will be releasing android patch within 24 hours, mind telling me whetehr it worked when your app gets updated?

The update should be available within minutes in the testflight. It should fix the issue!
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Dominik from Bunpro


Is this new behaviour? A bug?

What exactly is happening? Trying to imagine it given your description but I’m having trouble… :sweat_smile:
It shouldn’t snap down unless you answer another question and Show Info :thinking:

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2 bugs I noticed recently:

  1. New self-study sentences don’t appear to be being added to the relevant grammar pages recently - when I navigate there or click on the self study box with the number in on the home page, new sentences I’ve added recently (last 2/3 weeks) aren’t anywhere to be found. Prevents users from editing their sentences if they made a mistake.

  2. On the android app, the play button next to the example sentences shows no indication in dark mode of having been pressed, which is a little frustrating as the audio frequently takes a second or two to load, which results in the user pressing it multiple times. Perhaps a good fix would be to switch the symbol to a pause button once the audio has started playing successfully?

Thanks :slight_smile:


Does 1) also happen on the android app? If you close and reopen grammar point will be the self study sentence there?

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The review screen flicking up isn’t new, but flicking back down again immediately is new. It’s on a phone when you tap on the input bar and the keyboard opens. I’ve found it isn’t just for grammar but seems to be for any manual input questions (I’ve tried to change all vocab to reading, but some have slipped through the cracks). I’ll try to take a screen recording and PM to you, if that’s ok.

By the way, I’m sure there used to be a maximum of 200 reviews per session, but I’m now getting over that. Just in case that’s not intended.

EDIT: Got a video, but can’t seem to send over the forum. I caught a couple of other bugs on the video too, including the green flashes I’ve previously mentioned. Let me know if there’s a way I can send!

EDIT 2: Got a video of a case when the screen flicks up but not back down again. That still happens sometimes. Again, let me know if there’s a way I can send.

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If this is in Firefox for Android, it might be related to the latest update. At least that’s when it started happening to me.
I’ve filed a report for it there.


I seem to be stuck in vacation mode - I’ve been trying to turn it off for 2 days now, but it just keeps reverting to being on. It doesn’t seem to work no matter how long I leave the little spinning icon loading without refreshing the page or navigating away.

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I can see this odd visual bug on Firefox 132.0.

Screencast From 2024-11-05 21-48-17


You can upload GIFs, in case that’s sufficient.


Enabling the listening mode (now) also hides the Japanese sentences in the explanations. There is no audio for these sentences, making it pointless to hide them. I’d also argue that even if there was audio, you would not want to hide the Japanese sentences in the explanation portion of the article.


Welcome back to the forums!

New self-study sentences don’t appear to be being added to the relevant grammar pages recently - when I navigate there or click on the self study box with the number in on the home page, new sentences I’ve added recently (last 2/3 weeks) aren’t anywhere to be found.

Thanks for the report!
Are you able to please give me an example you have?
I’ll check it on your account which should help me fix it waaaay faster.