Feedback - Bug Reports

I have this issue sometimes, it seems like some reviews for some reason don’t appear at the start of the hour, so the forecast will show X reviews at this time while you have 0 reviews you can do.
Then later at like half past, or 45 past or such, the reviews appear.

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I’ve noticed that since the the recent enhancements to allow custom decks, the percentage learned isn’t displayed for decks that you’re not expressing learning.

For instance, most of the below Genki decks show 0%, even though I’ve finished the N5 and N4 Bunpro Grammar decks.

It’s a minor thing, but I really liked the peace of mind of knowing how much of each textbook (for example) that I’ve covered even though I’m on the Bunpro path.

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FYI, as a workaround, you can click into the decks individual, then the percentage caches and is available to the main “Decks” page.


Yeah just click into the decks your interested in seeing the percentage for and it’ll remember it. Personally I don’t like seeing that progress bar for decks in not interested in

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Yeah, something weird is going on with vocab. I am definitely occasionally losing words that I am supposed to be reviewing (is it because I am adding new decks? @IcyIceBear or @Flutter have you noticed anything similar?)

I looked at the decks this morning to see my known vocab:

But then when I clicked the little refresh button for these, the ‘Learned’ vocabulary actually went down:

Another example:

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I have this issue where the system keeps failing to accept my answer for a specific problem that is marked as a ‘ghost’ entry. I also can’t delete it from my ghost pile, seems like it’s a bug that’s directly related to it being a ghost entry. I checked the network tab in the developer console and it seems like the API request is failing.

Also I highly recommend the Bunpro staff to use error monitoring software like Sentry so you can immediately capture bugs like this without having to rely on users to manually report them for you

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I haven’t been around this last week to notice anything. But if you haven’t reset vocab items anywhere in any deck or manually, that number shouldn’t be going down


Very good find!
I’ve fixed this and it will be out in our next release.

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Welcome back!
Very nice catch. Fixed and will be out in the next release.

Trying to replicate this locally but unable to.
Any particular Vocab this happens on or pattern you’ve noticed?

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Hi again!
Checked your account on both FF and Chrome on MacOS. Both seemed fine.
Is this still persisting? Any plugins being run etc.?

Ahh I remember having to manually go through and fix these :woozy_face:

I seemed to have missed one!
Thanks for pointing it out.

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They are cumulative on web and overlapping on the app.
Confusing I know.
Which do you think is better?

The only thing I’ve noticed is that it seems to happen more often with vocab, though that could just possibly be because I have many more vocab reviews to do :sweat_smile:

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Nice sleuthing, detail and video!
Was able to replicate it and get it fixed. It’ll be out in the next release.

Thanks 🙇‍♂️

Welcome to the community, and thanks for the detailed report!

Just logged into your account and was able to submit that Ghost successfully – might have been a one-off error? Not sure what could have caused it to be honest…

Noted RE Sentry… I get advertised it ~3 times a week through Syntax podcast.
Might be worth finally trying out :sweat_smile:

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I prefer the overlapping of the app. It just behaves how I would expect it to

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Still an issue on Firefox. No extensions other than AdBlocker, which I tried disabling but didn’t make a difference. It’s weird, because it’s only an issue on the Dashboard page. Every other page I navigate to, the Reviews topbar section shows the correct number, but when I navigate back to the Dashboard it gets set back to 50 reviews. When I select the dropdown to see the split between Grammar and Vocab, it is also only showing Vocab reviews.

In contrast, this is what I see in Chrome and on Safari (the correct amount):

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Links to Wasabi grammar articles appear to be broken. The links are treated as being relative rather than absolute. I found this to be the case with the links at the following grammar points:

But those are just the ones I’ve come across so far, I assume it affects all links to Wasabi.

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In opposite じゃないか?
“Don’t keep talking while laughing!”

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