Feedback - Bug Reports

Around 10 minutes. Long enough for me to stew about it and make a post here.

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And likely not enough time for manual intervention too.
Will chalk it up to happenstance then!

We’ve had a lot of issues with Vacation Mode recently, so I understand the doubt.
Also, congrats on the baby! (I assume it’s yours :joy:)

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Yeah, he’s mine. same face and everything. He’s like a clone. lol. Thank you!


I’ve finished the N1 deck at 180/180, but I don’t seem to be getting my badge? I checked all the items and they’re all marked as learned as far as I can tell.
I’m being deprived of vital dopamine. Anyways, there are definitely still bugs with badges.


I’m being deprived of vital dopamine.


How long ago did you complete N1?

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10 minutes ago. I know I’m being impatient, but every other badge has been instant so it does seem odd.

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In the first example, there is no の in the voice line.

Btw, should I continue reporting little bugs like this (or with wrong English translation (in my opinion wrong))?


Hey mate, thanks for the report and for the question!

For the audio, you probably don’t need to worry too much about reports at the moment! I am going through absolutely everything with a fine tooth comb on the new audio, so there should be no errors at all (no promises though I am only human) :sweat_smile:.

The new N3 female audio will be going up within the next few days, and then N2/N1 soon after. The male audio will take a bit longer to come out, but it will also be available in the very near future!

If you do happen to find errors in the new audio though (you should be able to tell that it is new by the huge quality difference), then I definitely recommend reporting them!

Edit - As for translation errors, sure! You can definitely report those if anything feels off to you.


Just a tip, if you hit the little three dots next to the sentence (on the right) you should get an option to report a bug/suggest something. As the report is then directly attached to the relevant sentence/question I think it probably makes it easier to respond to. You should have a feedback page accessible from the front page where you can see your reports and if they’ve been responded to. You can correspond with whoever deals with the feedback directly that way as well.

It’s a moot point now as the audio will soon change but I can hear the の with the current audio, by the way. Perhaps it’s a little fast for N3 though.


Ok, thanks :ok_hand:


Wow, thanks, that is super helpful!

Forgot to mention that it’s in the male voice line (because I use it exclusively, and forgot for a moment that the female voice version exists), can you hear it as well?


Yep, the の is missing in the male one. Took me a minute to notice you meant the male one as well, as the female voice is the default.


I’m having an issue sending new reports. As soon as I click the text box to explain the reason for my report, all but the top header portion goes away.
Like this:
before clicking the textbox:

After clicking the textbox:

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Ye that works, basically works every time

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Hi there.

I can see you’re using Windows 10 with Chrome.
I don’t have access to a Windows machine, so are you able to try do the same thing in an Incognito Mode with Plugins disabled?

I have a feeling it might be to do with Adblockers… :thinking:

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I came back from my vacation and disabled vacation mode, it didn’t seem to pause any reviews and was shocked with 1700+ reviews. Also, it’s been 更新中 for 15+ minutes, should I continue to wait? Is it possible to get the review amount reset to where it was before vacation?

I am also trying to generate my year-end recap and it has been similarly frozen for the same amount of time.

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That did it :sweat_smile:
I hadn’t changed anything from other times I’ve made reports though :thinking: Oh well.
Thank you!

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A bug I noticed:
Using the browser I get 3 hint levels on vocabulary questions, the 3rd of which gives the definition of the missing word. Using the Bunpro app I only get 2 levels of hints. I get hints up to a translation of the Japanese sentence, but not the full English definition of the word.

Should these settings be the same between browser and app, or is there not proper communication between the settings. Is this a bug?

Also, this may be a bug. Using the Bunpro app, I can’t figure out any way to determine my total experience. I only see my level and the experience to the next level, but can’t figure out how far I am from experience point badges. Am I missing something on the app, or is this information just not available on the app?

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Android app
During learn queue, back button arrow points forward, not back


The exception regarding invalid return code is fixed but furigana still doesn’t work today.


Vocab already burned in wanikani.

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