Couldn’t replicate it again today
Ah sorry! Since it was a part of the sentence rather than the general UI, I didn’t realize it would be unique to mobile. Thanks for checking!
Since today I’m having furigana appear for words before revealing the answer (which normally would make the furigana appear), even when furigana is unchecked.
I have to check it and uncheck it to make the furigana disappear. This is only the case for when the furigana’d kanji is in the highlighted part of a sentence, whether in a grammar or vocab review. For other kanji, the furigana works fine and is displayed/hidden properly.
This is on both the mobile website and the desktop website. I have not checked the mobile app.
Looks like the same error as @FlippFuzz.
These are just for Reading-style questions yeah?
Will check tomorrow!
Yeah, I’m on Reveal & Grade reviews.
I reported this through the actual portal on the vocab page, but I wanted to show a photo here because my description wasn’t very good. It’s double displaying the furigana for the first kanji, once for the kanji itself, and then once for the “shape/form” kanji as the compound word.
I guess the “replace” button isn’t supposed to hide the proposed vocab when importing in a deck.
Btw the webapp UI in general doesn’t adapt very well when using a bigger font size than the default one. Not really annoying though. Just so you know.
I’m experiencing some unexpected behavior with WaniKani syncing. I have it set to update my kanji progress, but I don’t think it should be importing vocab (based on the UI).
However, each day it marks new vocab as “seasoned”.
Is it possible to sync the kanji progress (for hiding furigana) without importing vocab?
just adding in, having the same problem since just today. no problems yesterday. reading style on web. I have furignana set to on, I dont do wk. Had to turn it off for todays reviews, and thats working fine
On import screen of decks
if you go back to import into previous units, while there is a newer unit with saved imports already in it, you get a never ending save loop. went and ate dinner and it still never actually saved. not worried about it since its a smaller number, just letting you shouldnt happen too often, I just forgot to add the other half of the imports from the 500 limit for that unit.
Also a question, is the 500 limit for imports only or unit size? I know you can keep importing to a single unit and making it go over 500, but it keeps a warning ! even after accepting it and saving. So… wondering if thatll make future problems
You have it set to “Daily Sync”.
If you turn that off it will stop syncing your Vocab Reviews.
Hope that helps!
@Flandre5carlet @FlippFuzz @IcyIceBear
I think I’ve fixed the Vocab Reading-mode-not-hiding-furigana-properly bug!
Are you able to check for me plz?
if you go back to import into previous units, while there is a newer unit with saved imports already in it, you get a never ending save loop. went and ate dinner and it still never actually saved. not worried about it since its a smaller number, just letting you shouldnt happen too often, I just forgot to add the other half of the imports from the 500 limit for that unit.
Hmmmm don’t think I’m able to replicate…
My steps to try reproduce were:
- Have Deck already that has one Unit with contents (let’s call it Chapter 1)
- Go to the import tool
- Create a new Chapter 2 with contents using the Import tool
- Save Chapter 2
- Import more contents into Chapter 1 using the tool
- Trying to save Chapter 1 then results in infinite loading glitch?
- For me, this saving worked OK
Might have been a one off for you – I can see from the logs you had a FetchError 4 hours ago on that page.
Either way, if you see it again, please let me know!
seems to be working for me
Think it should be fixed.
Will publish it some time this week likely.
Looks to be fixed!
yeah I think maybe it was just struggling. It did it yesterday in the same way. no doubt its my internet more than anything
right now its also stuck at zero, but im trying to save a 7k import. Interesting enough, when I look at the deck in a new tab I can see the first unit with just 24 items has been saved, even though the save progress is still at zero
Just did 40 vocabs review. Looks good!
Thanks for your help.
That’s embarrassing, sorry for the user error. I was thinking the daily sync was needed to keep the wanikani furigana up to date? I guess that’s not the case.
Out of curiosity, if I do vocab reviews and I don’t set them to “Mark as Mastered” or “Practice Mode”, then what level are they imported at? I’m seeing them brought in as “Seasoned” but I would’ve expected that only if practice mode was on.
Thanks for the followup.
Did this run properly in the end?
If you’ve somehow managed to hack it to add more than 500 items to a Unit you’ll run into it slowing down considerably on the server-end.