Feedback - Bug Reports

No need to feel any shame. It’s hyper confusing, and we get heaps of users asking about it.
We’re currently about to add an update to clear things up more.

This is a Support article I’ve just published to explain it better.
Note that the “Default” option doesn’t exist yet (neither does the dropdown), but that is essentially what no options selected does.

To quote the article for those curious:

  • Default
    • Marks items Guru and above in WaniKani as Seasoned (SRS 8) in Bunpro. Burned items get marked as Mastered. All imported items will be added to your Review queue.
  • Practice
    • Marks all items Guru and above in WaniKani as Seasoned (SRS 8) in Bunpro (including Burned items). All imported items will be added to your Review queue.
  • Mastered
    • Marks all items Guru and above in WaniKani as Mastered (SRS 12) in Bunpro. No items will be added to your Review queue.

it didnt. I left my computer on with it running overnight, checked on it 12 hours later. was still at zero with the spinning circle :man_shrugging: ended up just refreshing the page and erasing it all so I could try again. currently loading it 500 at a time per unit so that I can save in between

I wouldnt call it a hack per se…more like accident I wasnt sure what to do with ahaaha. So when you import, you can only import 500 at a time before it auto makes another unit. but if you import 500, and after it runs through to find vocab, you end up with much less than 500 in that unit, depending on what is already in the deck. So if youre bad at math, when you import more into that unit it can go over 500. because your imports stayed at 500 each, but the unit itself will still accept more imports even if its total items in unit exceed 500. itll save the items just fine, with the addition of the red ! that only shows on the imports screen

my import screen before importing anything

wanted to see how many I could add to a unit for funnsies, bad at math and as you can see, it only added a new unit because that import went over 500. but the backgroud unit is well over 500 and it still lets me save it. I could at more but I think youve got the idea

I figured you guys reimplemented the limit for a reason. I didnt do it on purpose, and they dont exceed 600. Im just not sure what to do the extra items in previous units. there isnt a way to bulk move items between units

The new article is super clear and helpful! Thanks for explaining. :pray: