Feedback - Bug Reports

Not sure if this is only happening to me but when i’m reading the graded readings in bunpro, the furigana gets clipped in half. Zooming on the page doesn’t fix it. This doesn’t happen when text is in vertical. If it matters i’m using firefox.

Here is a screenshot from it:

Hi! I’m stuck in vacation mode on both the website and the app. The app is up to date in the test flight store. Whenever I try turning off the vacation mode on the app, I’ll click the slider and when I back out to the main screen, it’ll show my review pile for a second before turning the vacation mode back on again.

On the website, it’s perpetually stuck in vacation mode with no button to exit it even if I keep on refreshing it. Not sure what to do here but if anyone has any ideas, I’m all ears.

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Just to report back that I encountered no problems after completing the first 200 reviews of a review session :+1:

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Hi, I’ve noticed that on /dashboard\s Activity dashboard there is stat that I’ve already completed 80 Reviews today, but /summary’s last 24h says that I’ve finished only 50

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After learning batch and exiting to summary I can not click in anything because of that popup that I can not close

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Same problem here :confused:

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I’ve just manually run the exit code on your account.
Are you able to please confirm it’s working again?

Sorry for the inconvenience!

@NeyoYamura @Bingleybongley
Should be fixed now!!
Thanks for the report. Surprised there weren’t a loooot more people reporting it.

Also welcome to the community @Bingleybongley! :tada:
Love the name

That worked! Thank you so much! For future reference, do you know why this happened? I popped my vacation mode a few times this month during my vacation to get a few reviews in here and there but this is the first time it got stuck.


I have fixed this bug, and it’s waiting for the release. Sorry for blocking the lemonade access! You should be able to squeeze in your searches again soon. :lemon:


do you know why this happened?

I’m not sure why this is happening… Seems to happen randomly/intermittently tho.
We have a dev working on a (hopefully :crossed_fingers:) fail-proof fix for it.

It seems to happen on accounts that have a loooooot of Reviews (i.e. ones like yours!)
Takes a while to update all those Reviews as you can imagine!


On the Stats page both “Reviews Done Per Day” and “New Grammar Per Day” heatmaps don’t show up during the first time the Stats page is loaded. The browser console is filled with CORS errors, which don’t seem to be relevant. Reloading the page fixes the heatmaps, but spits out

Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
    jQuery 2

and the same CORS errors later.

Firefox 134.0.1 on Arch Linux



My study streak is longer than my days studied. This should be impossible.

28 days ago: Streak 30 days
29 days ago: Days Studied 30

That makes sense. My days studied used to be 1 day longer than my streak.

Now, I’ve reached my 60 day streak, but I only have 59 days studied. These two numbers got reversed at some point.


On the Community:

EDIT: Already seems to be working again! :smiley:

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Hi @Jake,

I’ve reseted my grammar and vocab while on vacation mode, and now i’m unable to disable vacation mode. Clicking the button in the settings page triggers a loading but does nothing. Tried different browsers and the webapp without success, should be a backend issue.

Please fix asap, as at the moment my account is unusable.

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Not sure if it’s really a bug, but currently on grammar pages, I’m getting the “sidebar” appearing as a very slightly reduced version with a scrollbar.
Since there would be space for the whole thing, without a scrollbar (there is only one button on there that you can’t see all of), it would be great just to show the whole thing without needing a scrollbar:

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I believe it’s a new feature that extra reviews are added into an ongoing review session sometime during the hour that they become due.
(e.g. If you start a review session at 10:59am, then you might get a load of reviews added into your current session at something past 11am).

The issue is that the new reviews added in don’t seem to follow the established ordering of reviews.
I could understand if you had to go backwards in the review stages (if say you’re doing reviews “ascending” and you’ve already progressed through “Beginner 1” to “Expert 1”, but then some of the new reviews added in drag you back down to “Beginner 2” before you work your way upwards again from there).
However, after new reviews are added in, the order seems to be thrown off completely and seems to become random.
The only pattern I’ve noticed is that ghosts seem to be clumped together, but within that clump you could get say Ghost 1 → Ghost 4 → Ghost 4 → Ghost 1, etc.

Also getting a few weird things in deck completion percentages, e.g.:

just bumping this as didn’t see any reply - would be possible to fix the audio in the mobile app to be able to hear it for the vocabulary translate/reveal reviews? thanks!:hugs:

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The two Imabi links for extra reading under まで (N4 grammar) are unavailable (“ページが見つかりません”)

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