Feedback - Bug Reports

I appear to be having a bug where I’m seeing no new reviews available on Firefox. It’s been like this for the last couple of days.
My reviews are available on Chrome and the Android app though.
Firefox on the left here and Chrome on the right, opened at the same time.

Update: Looks like uninstalling and re-installing Firefox fixed this issue for me. Huzzah.

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I noticed this too, if you press next it will go in order for the first 3 stories for that level within N5 but then when you expect the 4th story, it skips to the first story of the next level.

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I started a trial 6 days ago and I get this error almost all the time (at least one during each big review, usually several times) when doing reviews:

I’m using Safari on Mac.

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Welcome to the forums, and thanks for the report!

I just logged into your account on Safari on Mac, and was able to successfully access Reviews, so it might be something to do with your local environment.

Some questions/requests:

  1. What MacOS version are you running?
  2. Are you able to first try it with all browser plugins disabled / in Incognito mode?
  3. Are you trying to access Bunpro from work/a school or something?
    • We often have people find trouble accessing the site because of local network firewalls getting in the way

Sorry I can’t be of more help!

Trying to load the Dashboard, currently stuck in an endless cycle of:



EDIT: Oh OK, it did eventually load, but it took a couple of minutes :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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In cram mode for N4-lesson 7, for unknown reason I got 1 self-grade question instead of fill-in.
Cram selection is set to Input, the grammar point in question is set to fill-in, and 35/36 questions were fill-in as expected.


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I’ve noticed this happening recently too, I don’t like using the self grade option but I have just done a cram session and most cards were “full in” but a few random ones were “self grade”. Is this my settings or a bug?



Thanks for the reports. I was able to replicate this. 🙇‍♂️
Will look at getting it fixed!


A very minor issue, but I’ve been wondering if perhaps review data for 2017 went missing at some point, or if there is something else going on with these graphs:

I mean, it’s possible that I had been adding new grammar points and doing 0 reviews for a few months, but it’s not very likely…

Am I going crazy? A few hours ago, I started on a set on reviews, but got the first one wrong and decided to quit immediately, take a nap and then re-check the grammar I had just learned, because clearly it hadn’t stuck in my brain.

However, now that I’m going over the lessons again, I don’t see what I actually did wrong. I know I have small brains so it’s possible that I’m overlooking something, but it does look to me like my correct answer was marked wrong.

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The site doesn’t remember what you typed in. The summary page always shows the correct answer, either in red or green (failed or not).


Ah, I see. Thank you very much. Then I really must have given the wrong answer before.

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The “tip” on this question seems backwards. It says “Let’s try a grammar pattern that is a bit more old-fashioned”

While in the description of なさるit mentions that the なさるis the old fashioned version and that in modern Japanese になる is preferred.

Seems like the tip should be “Let’s try a grammar pattern that is a bit more modern” since the correct answer is to use になるin this question.


We’ve found the issue we think, and the fix should be released tomorrow morning (JST) 🙇‍♂️


Greetings fellow Bunpros,

I’ve just updated my Bunpro Android mobile app to version 0.4.2 and now kana conversion seems to be broken thus I cannot input any answer. I’ve checked within review settings and kana conversion is not disabled.



We are aware of the issue. Are you using Microsoft swipe keyboard?
Does it work properly with Google keyboard?

Sorry for the inconvenience


Samsung keyboard is my default one. I’ve installed Gboard and indeed it is working with Google one.


Adding to the info, I have the same surprise too. I use Microsoft swipe keyboard and also the Samsung, and the kana conversion doesn’t work correctly.

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I’m getting a few different images on tabs for the forum:


I’m using Swype and encountering the same problem. Please hurry. my reviews are piling up and my streak is on the line. :sob:

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