Got a bit of a strange one when replying to a forum post:
Not sure if this helps but to protect your streak can you do your reviews on the website for the time being? I have been flitting between website and app, and the app I have on 2 devices, but it doesn’t seem to impact negatively.
Hope you get the fix you need but this may help in the meantime
When are you supposed to receive the Grammar badges? I’ve done N4 and got them all up to at least Seasoned, but I haven’t received the badge yet.
I did some offline study on the iOS app yesterday for the first time time while doing some travelling, and it seems to have created a frightening number of vocab ghosts ?! Not sure how these numbers could be right since I did maybe 200-300 reviews. I seem to have gained about about 900 ghosts.
Update: I’ve started to go through reviews and it seems even words that never came up yesterday are now level 1 ghosts. This…could be fun.
You get them when you study the last item. Badges just don’t like to work on time
Should have the badge now!
@Alerean I took a look and something is indeed odd. I can remove those. Will see what might have caused it
In addition to my rabbit deck now having an invisible vocab word, I’ve come across more decks recently where every unit is marked as complete, but the percentage of the deck complete is less than 100%, e.g. I now have 99% on Japanese from Zero! Book 2 [Vocab] despite every unit in it being marked complete:
In this case, the offending vocab seems to be 展 (exhibition, exhibit):
Thank you! I noticed a few bugs with offline reviews, such as some words having no correct answer (even though I double checked them in Info and found them to have Synonyms added). Sometimes this led to ‘failing’ the same words over and over again, and maybe this helped break something
Thank you!
Some, but not all, of these ghosts are very bugged as well. I can clear some just fine but others I’ve seen come up a few times but remain as level 1. Did over 1k reviews yesterday but barely made a dent it seems. Is there a way to purge all ghosts on my end maybe?
When hovering over text to show furigana in grammar writeups, the lines move up and down (which is fair enough in itself), but often in the opposite direction to what you would expect!
When looking at deck I havent added to my learn queue it shows that my known percent is zero.
But then when I add them to my learn queue it realises that actually a lot of the vocabulary is known.
This zero percent I think is a little bit broken.
Thank you!
Thanks as always for all the reporterinos 🙇♂️
I now have 99% on Japanese from Zero! Book 2 [Vocab] despite every unit in it being marked complete:
In this case, the offending vocab seems to be 展 (exhibition, exhibit):
Can you describe the issue a bit more plz? 🙇♂️
You’ve done 展 and it shows as complete on the Vocab’s page? Just in the Deck it shows as incomplete?
When hovering over text to show furigana in grammar writeups, the lines move up and down
What browser, and what Grammar Point?
I believe it might be the HTML not being correctly split into separate paragraphs with <p>
Sorry for the delay. I have removed those ghost reviews from that period of time.
@bunnypro Was able to figure out the issue. It seems there are a few items in there that aren’t in any units.
Sure - no problem!
Back in the day, I studied all available bunny vocabulary (as any good rabbit would), and so I completed my Rabbit Deck.
The Rabbit Deck showed 52/52 complete (100%) and every unit had the special Bunpro symbol next to it to show it was complete. So far so good.
Now, every unit still has the special Bunpro symbol on the right, showing I’ve still completed every unit in the deck:
However, the completion stats for the deck as a whole have changed to 51/52 (98%).
It seems to be a contradiction.
If I go to “Learn”, I find that it shows me this vocab card, for アンゴラ兎.
If I use Bunpro’s search function on my Rabbit Deck, I can find the Angora rabbit!
However, the Angora rabbit card doesn’t seem to appear in any of the units anymore (it’s probably trying to hide from a passing fox).
So it seems that the card is still in the Rabbit Deck, but it’s fallen out of the units somehow.
When I check some other decks, there is a similar situation (all units appearing complete but some “wildcards” that are somehow in the deck but not in a unit).
Does it help?
For this one, I’ve just had a look at this grammar point (N1 Lesson 4: 9/17, には当たらない) on DuckDuckGo and can find the issue here, for example, but it can happen in the “About” section for multiple grammar points which involve kanji with furigana.
Can you see the difference here?
Here, I’m hovering over the first “当” in the paragraph:
Here, I’m hovering over the second “当” in the paragraph (in line 3), and the gap between line 1 and line 2 shrinks:
So line 2 seems to jump up and down, depending on where you hover.
Only the gap between lines 1 and 2 of the paragraph seems to change, which seems unexpected because there are no furigana on line 2.
Just let me know if you’d like any further details
Any special history behind アンゴラ兎? Did you delete it/move it or anything like that?
Indeed it was not part of a Deck Unit!
A big ol BUG. I’ve moved it to the unit “Advanced Rabbiting” for now.
Will keep my eye out for any more instances of this.
Thanks! As far as I can recall, there was no special history behind アンゴラ兎.
I guess it’s totally possible I moved it around in the deck sometime.
(Possibly playing hide-and-seek or taking it to see the vet).
Having said that, every rabbit is special in every way.
I’ve been using my laptop lately for study and it seems like for non-jlpt words there’s no acceptable answer, even though for most I’ve added Synonyms and they work fine on iOS. It just prompts me to use English, which is really strange? The synonym for that example is ひとつ. When I do try and use English or Romaji, it still won’t accept any answers.