@Revel We apologize for the late reply! Any links that you click on under readings should register them has having been checked whether you clicked on them in Study or on a normal lessons page. Please let us know if you can confirm that this is not happening for you. Currently clicking on a kanji turns off the furigana for that particular item site wide, but clicking to turn it back on does not turn on furigana for all instances of that kanji. Our original reasoning behind this was that you would turn furigana off for kanji that you knew and would only turn a kanji’s furigana back on if you had temporarily forgotten the reading. Adding the ability to turn back on all instances of furigana for a particular kanji is on our to-do list. Thank you for your patience. Cheers!
@kparks29 Thank you for providing your bug report and including a screenshot of the console.log message. That is very helpful information for us as we get to the bottom of what might be causing these bugs. Cheers!
@Anthropos888 Thank you for your feedback. We like the idea of implementing a way to simply skip items that we plan on removing or merging in the future. We will see what we can do. Thank you for your input on the text in parentheses and on the length of particular sentences. We will see what we can do about improving the UI on these items. Cheers!
@MissDagger Thank you for providing such invaluable feedback! We agree that the way we currently display verb conjugations does not look as appealing as it could. This goes for any display. We are working on making it more intuitive and prettier. Thank you for your patience as we iron out all of the kinks.
Thank you for letting us know about the badge not showing up in your notifications and on your profile. We will look into it.
Our originally thought process for including the first part of の中でいちばん in that particular review question was precisely your reasoning. This is the first review question that you receive in your reviews and we wanted to cut down on confusion and test you on just one aspect of the grammar point now and quiz you on the rest of it later. いぜん is not currently on our list of future grammar, but it is a viable answer and one that self-studiers on Bunpro, that use the site as a supplement to other resources, might attempt to answer. Instead of marking you incorrect we decided to add it to alternative answers that Bunpro would catch.
Thank you for letting us know about the multiple button bug! We will look into what might be causing it. Again, thank you for all of your feedback and your patience. Cheers!
@Lilalas Thank you for your feedback! We are still pretty new to discourse, but will see if we will figure out a way to have links open up in new tabs. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for letting us know about the input collapsing on mobile. We will look into it. No! You’re not supposed to look at Bunpro’s landing page on classic mode! We will get that fixed up. Cheers!
@madmalkav Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that you were experiencing slow load times. Please let us know if you have any more trouble. Cheers!