Feedback - Bug Reports

Same for me.


Same here. Review seems to be broken, it keeps going forever without validating. Also, no green bar when correct, no sound, etc.

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Yes, there’s something going very wrong.

@Daru @mrnoone @Jake

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Looks like it’s a problem with the Autoplay Audio. I just disabled it and the problem was solved.


Indeed disabling Autoplay Audio in settings fixed the issue for me too, thanks Tyrandos.

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Hey! We’re in the middle of an update to audios and reviews. Some stuff got borked and we’re working on fixing it right now.

For now though, like @Tyrandos reported, disabling Autoplay will fix it.

Sorry for the inconvenience. :bowing_man:

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Thanks for the quick response!

Do let us know when it’s fixed so we can re-enable it.

@Pierre @Tyrandos @Micha @Kappa420

Should be fixed now :+1:


My reviews seem to be in bunny mode even if I don’t have it selected in the settings. After I get a correct answer, it jumps immediately to the next question.

Seems like reading practice isnt working, internal error:

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Yup, all good now. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Can reproduce here too. Reading page doing error 500.


Do you have the little Bunny icon inside the input field?
Also could you try turning the setting on and then back off and see if that fixes it?

@Mannelito @Megumin thanks for pointing that out. It should be working now.


Confirmed working on my side :+1:

1 Like

All good, thank you! :+1:


Is that by chance a self study question you made, maybe accidentally?

The latest update to the review page seems to have messed up the colorblind assistance setting. It keeps resetting to the original color scheme. I turn it off and back on and it appears to be fixed, but the next review it’s back to being the standard color scheme:


Sorry about that. I believe it should be patched now.


Double checked just in case but it’s not. Don’t know if it helps but this the review I get from the server. Maybe you can reproduce it with that?

JSON review
  "id": 4065869,
  "user_id": 28673,
  "study_question_id": 10162,
  "grammar_point_id": 960,
  "times_correct": 0,
  "times_incorrect": 0,
  "streak": 0,
  "next_review": "2021-12-09T17:58:09.322Z",
  "created_at": "2021-12-06T19:39:45.046Z",
  "updated_at": "2021-12-09T17:58:09.325Z",
  "readings": [],
  "complete": true,
  "last_studied_at": "2021-12-08T16:58:09.322Z",
  "was_correct": null,
  "self_study": false,
  "review_misses": 0,
  "history": [],
  "missed_question_ids": [],
  "studied_question_ids": [],
  "review_type": "standard",
  "max_streak": 0,
  "grammar_point": {
    "id": 960,
    "title": "わ〜わ",
    "created_at": "2021-12-06T19:38:02.637Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-12-06T21:19:44.773Z",
    "alternate": null,
    "meaning": "~and ~and, keep ~ing, one after another, so much, so many, one after another",
    "caution": "",
    "structure": "<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='950'>Verb[る]</span>+ <strong>わ</strong> + <span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='950'>Verb[る]</span>+ <strong>わ</strong><sup>(*)</sup><br><br><sup>(*)</sup> The same verb has to be repeated",
    "formal": false,
    "level": "JLPT1",
    "lesson_id": 46,
    "new_grammar": false,
    "yomikata": "わ〜わ",
    "nuance": "(A) わ (A) わ is a pattern used to emphasize that (A) takes place repeatedly or its large degree/amount  - often to the speaker's astonishment. 出るわ出るわ is one of the common set phrases.",
    "discourse_link": "",
    "incomplete": false,
    "grammar_order": 833,
    "last_updated_by": "TheGreatestZenMaster",
    "metadata": "",
    "slug": "わ-わ",
    "explanation": "",
    "temp_slug": null,
    "kanji_info": "",
    "polite_structure": "",
    "casual_structure": "",
    "part_of_speech": "",
    "register": "",
    "word_type": "",
    "part_of_speech_en": "",
    "word_type_en": "",
    "register_en": "",
    "example_sentences": [
        "id": 9909,
        "grammar_point_id": 960,
        "structure": "  ",
        "japanese": "「病院(びょういん)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='32'>に</span>入院(にゅういん)し<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='136'>てた</span><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='93'>時(とき)</span>、いろいろ検査(けんさ)し<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='102'>たら</span>まあ、出(で)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='12'>る</span><strong>わ</strong>出(で)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='12'>る</span><strong>わ</strong>…(思(おも)った<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='338'>以上(いじょう)</span><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='6'>の</span><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='98'>こと</span><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='10'>が</span>指摘(してき)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='145'>され</span><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='895'>た</span>)。」",
        "english": "\"When I was in the hospital, they did various tests and, well, they just <strong>kept</strong> com<strong>ing</strong> up...\" (the results that were worse than expected)",
        "alternate_japanese": null,
        "created_at": "2021-12-06T19:44:53.501Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-12-06T19:44:53.501Z",
        "audio_link": null,
        "sentence_audio_id": null,
        "nuance": null,
        "sentence_order": 0,
        "last_updated_by": "Admin",
        "vocab_id": null,
        "jlpt_level": null,
        "male_audio_url": null
        "id": 9910,
        "grammar_point_id": 960,
        "structure": "  ",
        "japanese": "「新婚(しんこん)旅行(りょこう)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='52'>から</span>戻(もど)っ<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='102'>たら</span>メールボックス<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='32'>に</span><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='3'>は</span>郵便物(ゆうびんぶつ)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='16'>がある</span><strong>わ</strong><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='16'>ある</span><strong>わ</strong>、つかえ<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='172'>てしま</span><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='416'>って</span>引(ひ)っ張(ぱ)る<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='110'>ことができ</span><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='896'>なかった</span>。」",
        "english": "\"When we got back from our honeymoon, there was <strong>so much</strong> mail in the mailbox that it was stuck and I couldn’t pull it out.\"",
        "alternate_japanese": null,
        "created_at": "2021-12-06T19:45:11.175Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-12-06T19:45:11.175Z",
        "audio_link": null,
        "sentence_audio_id": null,
        "nuance": null,
        "sentence_order": 1,
        "last_updated_by": "Admin",
        "vocab_id": null,
        "jlpt_level": null,
        "male_audio_url": null
        "id": 9911,
        "grammar_point_id": 960,
        "structure": "  ",
        "japanese": "「子供(こども)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='10'>が</span>転(ころ)ん<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='416'>で</span>泣(な)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='26'>く</span><strong>わ</strong>泣(な)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='26'>く</span><strong>わ</strong>。なだめ<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='12'>る</span><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='16'>の</span>大変(たいへん)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='40'>だった</span>。」",
        "english": "\"Our child fell and cried <strong>so much</strong> that it was hard to calm her down.\"",
        "alternate_japanese": null,
        "created_at": "2021-12-06T19:46:08.003Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-12-06T19:46:08.003Z",
        "audio_link": null,
        "sentence_audio_id": null,
        "nuance": null,
        "sentence_order": 2,
        "last_updated_by": "Admin",
        "vocab_id": null,
        "jlpt_level": null,
        "male_audio_url": null
        "id": 9912,
        "grammar_point_id": 960,
        "structure": "  ",
        "japanese": "「先輩(せんぱい)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='3'>は</span>面白(おもしろ)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='24'>い</span><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='826'>のなんのって</span>喋(しゃべ)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='26'>る</span><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='143'>と</span>笑(わら)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='26'>う</span><strong>わ</strong>笑(わら)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='26'>う</span><strong>わ</strong>。」",
        "english": "\"Senpai is so funny, that I laugh <strong>so much</strong> whenever he talks.\"",
        "alternate_japanese": null,
        "created_at": "2021-12-06T19:46:18.449Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-12-06T19:46:18.449Z",
        "audio_link": null,
        "sentence_audio_id": null,
        "nuance": null,
        "sentence_order": 3,
        "last_updated_by": "Admin",
        "vocab_id": null,
        "jlpt_level": null,
        "male_audio_url": null
        "id": 9913,
        "grammar_point_id": 960,
        "structure": "  ",
        "japanese": "「ちょっとからかっ<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='41'>た</span><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='109'>だけで</span>、あいつ怒(おこ)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='26'>る</span><strong>わ</strong>怒(おこ)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='26'>る</span><strong>わ</strong>。」\n",
        "english": "\"He gets <strong>so</strong> angry just by teasing him a bit.\"",
        "alternate_japanese": null,
        "created_at": "2021-12-06T19:46:30.367Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-12-06T19:46:30.367Z",
        "audio_link": null,
        "sentence_audio_id": null,
        "nuance": null,
        "sentence_order": 4,
        "last_updated_by": "Admin",
        "vocab_id": null,
        "jlpt_level": null,
        "male_audio_url": null
        "id": 9914,
        "grammar_point_id": 960,
        "structure": "  ",
        "japanese": "「雨(あめ)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='744'>だろうが</span>雪(ゆき)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='744'>だろうが</span>、走(はし)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='26'>る</span><strong>わ</strong>走(はし)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='26'>る</span><strong>わ</strong>。<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='42'>もう</span>走(はし)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='26'>る</span>病気(びょうき)<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='358'>って</span>感(かん)じ<span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='1'>だ</span><span class='gp-popout' data-gp-id='78'>よ</span>。 」",
        "english": "\"Whether it is rain or snow, he <strong>keeps</strong> on runn<strong>ing</strong>. It seems that he has an incurable passion for running.\"",
        "alternate_japanese": null,
        "created_at": "2021-12-06T19:46:30.471Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-12-06T19:46:30.471Z",
        "audio_link": null,
        "sentence_audio_id": null,
        "nuance": null,
        "sentence_order": 5,
        "last_updated_by": "Admin",
        "vocab_id": null,
        "jlpt_level": null,
        "male_audio_url": null
    "supplemental_links": [],
    "offline_resources": [
        "id": 2082,
        "grammar_point_id": 960,
        "site": null,
        "source": "A Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar",
        "location": "Page 701",
        "created_at": "2021-12-06T19:38:32.836Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-12-06T19:38:32.848Z",
        "lesson": null,
        "key": "a_dictionary_of_advanced_japanese_grammar"
    "related_grammar_points": []

Since I seem to be the only one with this problem I tried removing and resetting the grammar point but that didn’t help. It happens in both Firefox and Chromium-based browsers, so it also shouldn’t be a Firefox problem. (Seeing as most people use Chrome that might have explained why none else complains…)

For more than 10 months, some Feedback I’ve written using the form has never been answered and I cannot write new Feedback since the old one is still there. Wanted to report that Grammar Popups are not working and load indefinitely.