Feedback - General

Fixed :+1:



@Pushindawood Is there any plan to show the Bunpro lesson number even when looking at a lesson through a path? I’d like to still see it along with the path chapter number.


Question: When I learn new grammar points, after how many hours will I see them for the first time in my reviews?

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You are going to see them 4 hours after you getting the right for the first time. Here are the current SRS intervals:

They need some slight tweaking though as the gap between a couple later intervals is too long.

@seanblue That shouldn’t be a hard fix. I will look into it.


I can’t see that page :frowning:
Which post of the BunPro Wanikani thread is it?

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@Pep95 I have updated the post to link to the Bunpro FAQ page instead. Cheers!


I think “want to go and see” would be a better translation here. Otherwise just 行きたい would be enough.

Under 例えば

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It might be meant as 行ってみる, but in that case it probably shouldn’t be using 見る’s kanji.


This feels like a bad example for potential form. It may cause confusion between 見える and 見られる.


Question about this card.

「先週に来たお客さんの 。」

Genki taught me that you do not use に with expressions defined relative to the present moment, so why is に used after 先週 here? Thanks!


Hey :smiley:

That is right, though Japanese often use に with words like 先週 for emphasis though.

I think it is fairly common (though it is not a case for 今日).



Thanks for the explanation!


Right now the only way to access the self-study sentences is to go through a specific grammar point’s lesson page. My question is, does that means that created sentence will be tied to that specific grammar point?

I want to add some sentences for grammar points that aren’t yet available on Bunpro, but I don’t want them to mess up another grammar point’s SRS or whatever.


@lopicake Review sentences that you create in Self Study are only listed on the Grammar Point page and do not affect the SRS of the Bunpro reviews associated with those items. Self-study questions also do not affect one another; they are all on separate SRS intervals. Therefore, if you add eight sentences to a grammar point at the same time, they will appear in your reviews as if they were all added from eight separate grammar points at the same time. I hope that makes sense! Let me know if you have any further questions. Cheers!

Edited for clarity.


Thank you for your reply, that really does clarify things.

Is there any possibility of feature in the future that allows us to add sentences that are not tied to grammar points on BP? Right now I’m just adding all my sentences under「だ」so it’s just easier but I wish I could make grammar points with their own info and everything. Though in my case they’re just temporary since it’s N1 stuff.


I think the review sentences are too varied. For example:

There is no XX need to
It is not necessary to
Without the need to

Every single one of these sentences are different grammatical meanings for the same single grammar point, which is までもなく “there is no need to”. I know it’s to show that there’s a variety of ways to understand までもなく, and the translators’ attempts to show natural English grammar. But, that variety should not be used in reviews at all.

Reading grammatical variations for one grammar point during reviews as a default muddles the meaning and makes it harder to know if you even understand what it’s supposed to be.

It’s good that the site tells you that you can think of it in different ways. But when teaching is limited to flashcard style learning, the flashcard changing its context grammar when you’re learning only one grammar point means it’s harder to get a base understanding.

If you have 3 different flashcards where one shows a picture of russet potatoes, a picture of sweet potatoes, and a picture of french fries, but the target word is just “potato,” then it can be frustrating to a student who is just trying to learn the word “potato.” It’s a big variation and expects too much too soon.


Hey and welcome on community forums :smiley:

The translation has been changed and is more consistent now :+1:

Thank you for the feedback!

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I am confused. I thought that more variations is a good thing. I would hate for all review sentences to be similar.


I agree with this, because languages (especially ones as different as English/Japanese) hardly ever map to each other with a 1:1 match. Associating a grammar point with a single, rigid English translation just sets us up for confusion when we encounter the Japanese grammar being used more loosely than the lone English translation allows for.

The only times I’d advocate for less variety is A) needlessly (overly) wordy English, or B) on grammar points with similar (overlapping) translations; in these cases, I think it’s ideal to try to retain even the littlest distinctions between them as best we can, rather than simply thinking, “oh yeah, grammar points A, B, C and D all say the same thing.” (This type of vague understanding leads to us choosing between them almost at complete random when we attempt to speak/type/write Japanese ourselves.)

The example brought up here arguably falls under A), but I just wanted to warn against oversimplifying things.


I think it was case of A), so @bleet was absolutely right :slight_smile: