Feedback - General

I meant a page for going into detail of how the grammar works, similar to Maggie Sensei, imabi, and so on. But just for this grammar point (and potentially other complicated ones in the future). But having a second grammar point for はか~ない sounds good too if that’s what you’re getting at.

Looking at this grammar point, I also noticed a bug with the Show English button in the Examples section. Clicking Show English shows both the English translation and the extra information in orange. But clicking the English translation only hides the English, and likewise clicking the extra information only hides that. I think it should hide both just like the button shows both. [CC: @Pushindawood]

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I agree with @seanblue that it makes sense to have a section for additional information about more complex grammar points. But I’d prefer to see this section directly below the structure, with a “more information” arrow to show/hide this section. The “reading” tab provides links to external ressouces and explanations. And the “more information” section (or whatever you want to call it) provides your own explanations for that grammar point.

That is actually one thing I was missing since the very beginning of Bunpro. You only provided external links and not a single sentence/summary about that grammar directly within in your web app. Now that you start to write your own explanations you could also consider an own section for these explanations (below the structure or within ‘readings’). If this sections grows in the future you could also become completely independent from external links which would make Bunpro really unique.


It looks like all the duplicates are still there. Is one of them:

One is んだって and the other is just だって, but one of the structures for the latter says Noun + (ん)だって, so it still feels like a duplicate. Tae kim link doesn’t work. I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be this.

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Thank you very much!
Fixed! :+1:

Lesson 7 for N3 is done and will be added soon. Lesson 8, 9 and 10 will come shortly there after.

@Anthropos888 At some point in the future we hope to have our own explanations for grammar, especially since a lot of the N2 and N1 grammar lack good online resources to explain them.


What does “硬” mean in the grammar points? How do you decide which grammar points to give this mark to?

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I think it means that the grammar point is primarily used in writing and formal situations.



For the (つもりだ/intend to), it would be nice to have some negative sentences. There is no example for the “intend not to” and “don’t intend not to” cases.

Also for the (な/don’t) , maybe the verb should not be provided in the questions. From my basic understanding, this is important to learn to use the dictionary form of the verb and not the stem here as using the stem would be the casual form of なさい imperative form. I would prefer to enter the verb myself here, I think.



Great ideas, added to to-do-list. :ok_hand:

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For this sentence:


I’d recommend adding a warning if the user answers with かんがえなおします. I’ve seen before when the past/present isn’t the point of the grammar (and either version makes some sense) that the review gives a warning instead of marking as wrong.

For this sentence:


I think it’s really weird partially asking for 直して in the answer. I think you should either ask for [直してもらう] or include 直して in the sentence and just ask for [もらう].


I have some concerns with うちに and あいだに. In examples like the one below, I almost always get wrong. Maybe it is obvious which one to use, but even my Japanese friends said they are the same.
Could someone help me with the differences?
Would it be possible to add some hints in these examples? I feel like when it comes to these two, Bunpro is pretty unforgiving. Especially since the differences seem minuscule, if there are any.



I had the same problem and asked for more explanations. Here is the thread:

I agree, the alternative answers are still missing and I almost always get a wrong answer. Also, うちに and あいだに are not linked together as similar grammar.

@Jake Thoughts on these?

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@seanblue Thank you for your feedback. I have added a warning for かんがえなおします and have changed the ているところ grammar point to only ask for the conjugation of もらう. Cheers!

Edit: Added! Thank you for your patience. Cheers!

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@Pushindawood Some grammar structures have orange text and use ・ where I would have expected +. Why is this? It really throws me off because I generally look at ・ as “or”.

For example:

Here are three grammar points that do this:

P.S. Here is one that uses ・ in the way I’d expect:


I have changed those to be easier to understand.

I agree, this was confusing and I will standardize the “structure” section.
This very moment I am also writing a FAQ to it.

Sorry for causing confusion!



The translation and specifically what’s in yellow makes it seem like the answer should be いらっしゃっています.

@seanblue You are absolutely right. We have updated the sentence to be less confusing. Thank you for letting us know. Cheers!