Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

I didn’t go through the entire thread here, so not sure if this was already asked, but saw that the Cram page was getting an overhaul.

I’ll add my two cents that the “Slow” button is SO unclear about whether it is currently triggered or not visually. I can never tell if it’s slow or not.

And I think the slow setting should be reset back to normal when going to the next card. This could be a setting somewhere, but typically I turn that on to help me understand, then want it off on the next card.

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Welcome to the forums! :tada:
Vocab Search will be getting an overhaul somewhere in the near future.

We’re aware that it is quite painful to use at the moment!


Cram will stop using the old Quiz system, and using the new one (the one in Reviews/Learn Quiz currently).

So the audio and settings will basically have complete parity with how it currently is in Reviews/Learn :ok_hand:

And I think the slow setting should be reset back to normal when going to the next card

Thanks for the idea!

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I would love an “Ignore this item” button, especially on vocab. This button would prevent the item from ever appearing in lessons.

There are some items in the decks that are just very difficult to learn and words that I don’t think I’ll ever need, not when I’m at this level anyway.

I don’t want to mark it as “mastered” since it’s no where near mastered, but I also don’t want it to pop up every time I add new items from the deck. I just want to pretend that that one item isn’t in the deck, forever or until I feel ready to tackle it.


regarding the color templates choices, I think they could be easily improved.
Do you have stats regarding users choices? I imagine there is a massive blue on dark choice preference?

Mainly You’d want a coherent and progressive gradient in the progression bars to show progress, some of the templates seem incoherent and unusable to me, either by having way too distant values (blue on light for example), or incoherent ones (mulberry has a dark value in the middle of the levels?)

I personally use the dark blue template because it is the only one that feels right to me.
Some of the proposed color schemes have a coherence, like purple or green on dark but they are super agressive and radical color choices. I wish I could have other hues, something soft and relaxing would be suited IMO but that is just a design choice. (how about a sandish theme? or just overall softer hues)

From my post in Bunpro’s bad SRS algorithm is discouraging, since this is the place for suggestions:

You could even implement a feature to export vocab and even full decks (incl. current progress, ideally) to Anki, so Bunpro users may continue to benefit from the many sample sentences and such they pay for. I can understand a reluctance on your part, but it’s worth considering.

Better still if we could somehow sync progress too. Not to increase scope too much tho, just food for thought.

This got me wondering, are there any os/devices left where Japanese input cannot be installed?
Or is this more from a perspective of a family member’s device, whom you wouldn’t want to inconvenience with installed Japanese input.
Not criticizing the suggestion, just curious. On mobile I would also find it faster to type romaji than native japanese, due to my lack of practice.

Please make a deck with common collocations, as well as maybe idioms and set phrases :+1:


I don’t think there are unless it’s a really “ancient” device (but you wouldn’t use Bunpro on such anyway). For me it’s just a thing that all the Japanese things I do on mobile except from Bunpro which I prefer on desktop so I’ve actually had no need for Japanese input there. And besides, I’m somehow not fond of desktop Japanese input :wink:

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I would like the vocabulary review seperate from the vocabulary just because sometimes it seems overwhelming. I personall like seperating them to focus on to see what im weaker in.

Sorry, I think I may be overlooking something, but is there any way to show all furigana automatically upon clicking ‘show answer’? I know the ctrl + shift + f to show all furigana during the question, and also hovering over a word to show furigana, but would save some finger movements if I could just get all the furigana to auto-display after I click ‘show answer’.

Is there a way to do this?

Thank you

It would be nice to have a vocab deck with all terms and labels used in the Japanese interface of Bunpro, to ease the transition to it.


Do you mean grammar? You said vocab twice. You can already separate grammar and vocab into separate review stacks by going into settings :tada: update- couldn’t find that setting in mobile anymore 🤷

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Pls add gesture controls for recognition reviews (⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠♪

Been away from bunpro for a while and have my 400+ grammar reviews to show for it :poop: so of course I went to learn vocab instead of tackling them obvi

My suggestion is for mostly for mobile vocab learning/reviews but could apply to grammar reading reviews that use pass/fail option. I’m currently speeding through lower vocab decks for reading practice of words I already know since I can’t bulk master yet

When you review a vocab item the show answer button is waaaaaay at the bottom of the screen

I use my phone in one hand, and the stretch is really strenuous for my thumb. Not only for the ‘show answer’ button but also for the ‘bad/good’ buttons. Before I was using bunpro for vocab, I set my Anki to be pretty smooth, and on there an option for gesture controls is available.

So if bunpro was able to do this too, you could reveal the answer with just a tap to the screen (blue dot)

And answer with a swipe

I don’t know how much work it would be to implement something like this, but it would lessen strain and speed up the process by a lot :sparkles:


Hi there! Great suggestion.

I’ve added this option onto the site.
It can be accessed in the same place as the other sorting options.

The oldest due items will appear first.


nice, I would suggest to include this menu in the main settings though.
I personnaly had completely missed on these options for a while because I am concentrated when doing my the reviews and had no idea it was even there.

Also it is a bit weird that you can access it only when you have reviews to do, when I was introduced to it by the staff on the forum I had to wait for my next round to check it out.

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I would love to see an “ask me later” option in the reviews. Basically it would be a button that allows you to skip the question for now, but still attempt to answer it during the review session. I have a userscript that allows me to do this with WaniKani, and it helps reduce the frequency of clicking “I don’t know” during reviews.


It would be nice to filter the deck contents view by SRS stage. e.g. I often go in and manually add lessons when I want only a small number, or look over the unlearned vocab to prune/mark as learned stuff I’m confident I’ve learned from other sources like immersion. So it would be nice to hide all the ones in the SRS already.

Similar I could see a use case for the inverse, perusing mastered vocab to find if anything needs to be sent back to the SRS.


I’m sure this has been asked before, but I had trouble finding other posts :sweat_smile:

Is there any timeline regarding when hints will be available for other vocab decks besides N5? I’m currently working on the N4 deck, and am finding it really difficult to remember what word the review is asking for without a hint. There are often several words that I feel like could fit, and it’s a little frustrating. With the N5 deck, the hints helped me to mainly avoid this.

I’m sure the hints take quite a while to complete, but I’m curious if this is in the works.

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I didn’t even know N5 vocab had hints, thought it was exclusive to grammar :exploding_head:

That would certainly be nice, but I’d also like to see N2 (and N1) example sentences during reviews already. I read in another post that N2 was “definitely” going to be ready on that front by the end of 2023, but I’m still not getting N2 sentences and didn’t see anything about it being delayed or whatever.

To be clear, I don’t mean simply having examples listed if you scroll down since those already exist (even if a lot of them are by ChatGPT), but in reviews like this:

(or with a blank space instead of the word in purple when not doing reveal & grade)

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