Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

You and me both pal :joy:

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Improve loading time. It sometimes takes more than 10+ seconds for reviews page to stop spinning the spinner (also half of that to load home page, but I skip it).

It’s so bad that I on several occasions I just close the tab and go to do other things, and I’m certainly not the only one

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This is something that we can potentially review in the very near future.

We’re implementing a faster way to handle receiving items in Cram, and we might be able to use this in Reviews.

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add an ignore sentence for review option in the sentences option menus :

This sentence in the screenshot is a random one, but I have a few sentences that come back that I really feel are problematic for unclear hints or formulation, where the grammar point is just fine in my brain but I would still fail them or be confused.


Or perhaps even better but more difficult to implement, let us customize/personalize sentence hints and translations.

Low priority request here but wouldn’t hurt to have an option to bury an item when doing lessons (mainly for vocab) so it won’t show up in a while but isn’t removed outright

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I like Bunpro’s dashboard, but I see a few areas of improvement that may be helpful for the community.

  1. Forecast/Activity/Progress - Is it possible to split them by the JLPT level or by the deck?

I would like to know if I’m still struggling with some low-level N5/N4 grammar/vocab, before I will move forward. With that I would feel safer while preparing for certain JLPT exams, knowing that all that stuff is at least on the seasoned/expert level while still not wasting time and learning new things.

I know, that for the progress section, I can click, scroll all grammar/vocab and look for points from a certain level, but it would be nice to not do that every time :slight_smile:

  1. More granularity - Can we split all beginner/adept/seasoned/expert statistics by their sublevels and show them on Progress and JLPT Progress dashboards?

Once the card lands in the seasoned section it will take months before It lands in the expert and then slightly less than a year to master it. At this moment, most of my N5 points are in the seasoned section and I barely can see any progress here. It would be more rewarding to see progress bars changing quickly after each review’s success.

  1. Add progress bars for Vocab.

Currently, the JLPT Progress bars are based on grammar only, but we have many more decks available and deck settings may be different, so tracking progress for each of them would be beneficial. Especially in comparing grammar and vocabulary where the order of magnitudes differs.

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An option to cram i+1 sentences, meaning at most 1 word you don’t already know. And here “know” doesn’t have to mean mastered, but maybe a user determined minimum level (e.g. expert 1 or higher). Make it quick and easy to add the new word to your reviews too.

And in the same vein, an option to simply cram sentences where you know all words (or, again, above a user set minimum level) would be wonderful for listening practice especially!


This is not really a suggestion or a feature request, but I would like to just say that I’m really grateful that “vacation mode” exists. It’s such a godsend sometimes, thank you for adding this feature :heart:

I love how Bunpro is all about learning, but also makes sure to be flexible enough to always accommodate different people and different ways to learn

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theres no conjugation instructions for na adjectives even though the example sentences have na adjectives. (this one is not a big deal but i figured i would throw it out there)

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Call back to this gem. I would really love this feature. Being able to put a pause on specific decks while you focus on others would be really nice. I shift focus with my studies, so when that happens I want to be able to take a deck out of reviews and have it stay exactly how it is without building up more reviews and come back to it with 500+ pending.

I know that’s a little against SRS rules but how I study nonetheless. I can also see this helping book clubs as that continues to build a library of deck collections. At least for me anyway, if I’m already going through a books deck, but decide to put a pause on reading it for whatever reason, or decide to switch to a different book or maybe the active book club decks for instance. It would be nice to have my progress in that deck saved for when I’m ready to come back to it where I left off, and not be harassed by reviews in the meantime

I do remember reading somewhere that you’re trying to adjust how the reviews come back while factoring in things like “how overdue was this and if they still remember it, it should be a little further out” kinda stuff. So I can see wanting to solidify that first because that would also really help the single deck pauses (if that would become a thing :kissing_closed_eyes::sparkles:)


I know saved cram presets are coming, but I would like to express how much I REALLY want this feature. Either that, or a way to make bookmark categories, and cram based off of a bookmark category. I’m getting annoyed with the sentence/phrase opener (それで, それに, それ/これから, しかし, etc.), and different ways of expressing similarites/likeness, and I don’t like to having to find them every time I want to cram them, or sift through uncategoriezed bookmarks.

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I feel like a “study ahead” mode would be really useful. Often times I find myself come onto bunpro at the beginning of the day, with only a few reviews, but the forecast shows that I will have 10s of reviews more by the end of the day.

It would be useful to have the option to study the whole day at once.



It sounds as if this setting would be useful to you:

Give it a look and see if it is what you are seeking.

For more details, the main topic about this feature is this.



We are planning on introducing user-made Decks in the future.
This will cover that use-case!

Watch this space :eyes:


Hey Bunpro Team,

This possible already posted here but I couldn’t find it under search.

I wanted to bring an urgent issue to your attention. On the iOS app, I’m not getting pop-up notifications when my reviews are due.

This might be due to the app being in a testing phase, but it’s really important for keeping me motivated. If I don’t get notifications, I might forget to do my reviews, which means I’ll use the app less. And less usage means less improvement for me and potentially for the app too.

Can you please look into this? I think it would make a big difference for many users.

Thanks for your attention to this!

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Could you please make the translations optional in the grammar point explanations ?

I want to try translating every sentence before checking the translation but sometimes my eyes slip and I get “spoiled”, missing the opportunity to progress :sweat_smile:


Hey! Welcome back.

This may already be a feature, depending on where you are talking about :thinking:
Are you talking about the Examples section, the Quiz, or the About section (below)?

Instead of several separate dropdowns to pick one of only a few possible combinations of which hint/nuance/translation to show automatically and in what order, why not make a draggable list (like the learning queue deck order) for full customizability, and simply let us set how many to show by default, going down the list?


E.g., for grammar I’d like to see the meaning and JP hint by default, followed by EN hint and lastly the full translation if I choose to reveal more; and for vocab I’d probably do just JP hint (when available) by default, and EN hint if I reveal more.

Cherry on top, but arguably a separate (yet related) request, would be the option to automatically show the whole sentence translation on revealing/entering the answer.!

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I’m talking’s about the « about » section.
I already enjoy the quiz without any hint :innocent: but I never read the exemples :thinking: I guess it would be nice to have this functionality for the exemples too for people who read them if it’s not already available.

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