Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

Ah ok, no worries, I currently just change my system language to Japanese and then select hiragana to type in hiragana every time. It’s great how you don’t have to do this during reviews because what you write automatically appears in hiragana without having to change your system language :smiley:

Just in case and to make sure we are talking about the same thing, I am thinking about just writing automatically in hiragana (rather than kanji or romaji as currently) when creating self-study Japanese sentences.

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Hmmmm this would make sense for answer, but not for question!
So after entering your question in Japanese, you would still have to switch your system back to English to enter into answer anyway :thinking:

Lots of people write questions with Kanji so only allowing hiragana is not an option for the question unfortunately!


Ah, I think I get it. So you can’t have different boxes taking different types of inputs on the same page.

Yeah, I guess it would be ideal if the Japanese box at the top could automatically accept hiragana/kanji input, something like how my system handles it:


Then the answer boxes automatically just do hiragana, like when doing reviews:


Then English … is just fine already :laughing:

But it sounds like it’s not easy or wouldn’t be possible. I can stick to just changing my system language around a bunch of times :rofl:

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Discussed with the team, and I’ve enabled the Undo button / hotkey in Learn!

Hope this helps~
Happy studying! :nerd_face:


Is there a way to get a list of all vocab in every deck?

My use case is that I use the Yomichan browser extension a lot, and I think it could be useful/motivating/interesting to know when a word I look up is part of one of bunpro’s vocab decks. I already have similar support for WaniKani:


You can see the “WK[10]” badge that means that it’s part of WaniKani level 10.

All you need to do that is to generate a JSON file which contains a table of entry like:

    "value": 5,
    "displayValue": "Vocab-N5"

With WaniKani this is trivial to do thanks to their public API, but I don’t think there’s any way to do get that list for Bunpro.

You could probably also add grammar in there too, although obviously that would be a lot more hit-or-miss depending on the construction.


I would love to have the possibility of clicking “Play all examples” on a grammar page.

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For “Reading Question / Reveal & Grade Answer” type reviews (my favorite!) it would be nice if we had the option to play the audio before revealing the answer. Or even a third option to play the audio before seeing the original Japanese sentence.

I personally am way behind on listening, so it would be great to be able to focus in on that during my Bunpro reviews.

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As a new user (I first tried it 4 years ago, but I came back and reset my account), I was quite confused by the “Quiz me” popup after learning new grammar points.

Whenever I clicked on “Quiz me”, it would just open a screen with “Good job!” popup, saying that all items have been been added to reviews, without actually quizzing me. Turns out this is because I’ve been clicking “Add to reviews” on each item. I assumed I had to do that in order to mark the item as learned, and I didn’t know I’m supposed to just go through the grammar points and do the quiz at the end.

It’s possible I just missed something obvious, but I feel like this behavior could be presented better. Even if I make a new account, on the だ page the “Add to reviews” stands out more compared to the right arrow, so I feel like most people would click the add button first and then be confused why there’s no quiz (if they click the arrow).


In the meantime I worked around the issue with a bit of Python-fu:


Dictionary is available here (can be loaded in yomichan as-is):


Is there a published vocab list for the hints available at all? Or being a bit cheeky, could the full list of grammar hint strings be made available for vocab mining?

I’m interested in trying to switch over to using the Japanese language hints for the various grammar points, but one of the main obstacles is missing various bits of vocab.

If I had all the strings I could extract all the words, which would make compiling a list a lot easier.

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Would anyone else be interested in a “cram bookmarks” feature? I would really love to be able to just bookmark my grammar points that I see as a problem (because that’s why I personally bookmark them anyway) and select a tab that has those listed on the cram selection screen.



I wonder if this would do the trick:



Whoops I should’ve looked harder. Thanks for showing me, that’s perfect!


I’ve been using BunPro on and off for years and just stumbled over the same thing. This button appearing during lessons is a fairly new feature. I think? I don’t quite understand what the purpose is since the items are added to your reviews anyway if you finish the quiz at the end.

The “Mark as Mastered” button that came with this change is a nice addition though, now I don’t have to wait until an item comes up during review if I already know it.

Another thing regarding the new button, it seems that the review type from the deck setting is not used if you manually add an item to the queue. If I add vocab with the “Add to reviews” during lessons, the word is added with the review type “Reveal&Grade”. Even though my global setting for the vocab deck is “manual answer”. So I have to set the review type manually for each word after adding it since the deck settings are not working here. If I just finish the lesson normally it works as intended.

I do not love the use of ら抜き言葉 in training. Such as 見れる. I really think it would be better to stick to 見られる for example until teaching ら抜き言葉 as a topic.

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This button has been removed, and was an oversight when we upgraded to the 3.0 version of Grammar/Vocab.

Thanks for the feedback!


It is taught in the relevant lesson, I believe. Unless you mean it is being used before that lesson? It is also very common and normal so I think it should probably used in examples.

Edit: Here is the lesson where it is mentioned.


Could you perhaps introduce a dialect like Kansai dialect mini course? Where you go over basic slang and changes in grammar/common vocab?

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ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ hey
Do you mean like the Kansai deck they’re currently have available? It doesn’t cover all of the dialect, but it says it has a “large portion” of it. I dunno if they’ll continue to update it, but it should definitely be a start for you

unless you mean a different dialect that would have a deck like the Kansai one does, then ignore me


Is there a way in the app to hide the vocab forecast graph bar? I know there is on web, but I dunno how to do it on app if you can. I want to because I go through a lot of vocab in comparison to grammar so the stat values get zoomed out making it difficult so see the values for the smaller grammar bar. I’d like to be able to switch focus onto either graph individually