Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

I would like to do reviews on a similar style to the JLPT test, where I have to choose the correct answer instead of writing it

This may or may not already be in bunpro, Sorry if it is, as I cannot find it.

Can we add an option that if you reveal an answer, even if you put in the correct answer afterward, it counts it as wrong? as of now you can show the answer, backspace, and input the right answer and it counts as correct. For me it is a bit counter intuitive, as I want practice typing it correctly, but at the same time I got it wrong to begin with.

To be clear, this is different than the simple typo then bckspacing to correct. This is enter, pressing A to reveal answer, then backspace to answer correctly.

Iā€™m aware that I should just backspace and then double enter, but sometimes I just forget to do that and this should be optional for folks who would want it.

Maybe I just canā€™t find it on the settings page but - could you consider adding an option to reveal kanji readings after typing the answer (ideally correct answer but both would work for me)?
Or at least add a shortcut for on/off furigana while doing reviews?

My story is as follows: I already know a lot of Japanese words and Iā€™m practicing grammar/typing them. I donā€™t want to use ā€œshow furiganaā€ because I know the reading 95% time (as I use a keyboard only and just want to omit clicking/hovering during reviews for some harder words that slow me down)

I just noticed a weird mechanic. In the apps, on both Android and iOS, if I do reviews by deck, the ghost reviews for those decks are included. But if I do it on the website, the ghost reviews donā€™t seem to be available if I do a review of a deck. Iā€™d prefer to be able to review ghosts for a deck on the website as I do on the app.

Iā€™d love a way to mass add grammar points (and vocab points) to certain levels of SRS.
Iā€™m going back over old N4 stuff, complete a cram, and want to shove everything that I got wrong down into lower SRS so I can study it again. As the system currently stands I have to click on each grammar point in turn, go to their flashcard page and change the SRS level there. This just takes too long when Iā€™ve got about 40 grammar points I want to drop down a few levels.
Similarly with vocab, Iā€™d love to be able to just select all the words Iā€™ve forgotten from the deck list and just dump them into a chosen SRS level.
Add onto the above some ability to ā€œset entire deck to [level]ā€ or ā€œselect all cards of [level] / [level] or higher / [level] or lowerā€ would make it way easier to sort through points to help keep things in circulation once some time has passed.

If this could be integrated into Crams, thatā€™d be great too. For example, after completing a cram and getting to the summary screen, if I could ā€œselect all incorrectā€ and then ā€œset to SRS [level]ā€ thatā€™d make things much better for me.
Or maybe itā€™s easier to just have an option to have crams count towards SRS levelā€¦


Something I would like to see added is a deck for A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. Not because many people are using that as their primary way of introducing grammar topics, but because I would really like to have a progress bar for how much of it Iā€™ve covered. Being able to pick up that thick yellow book and think, ā€œI know every single topic in this thingā€ would be nice motivation.

Also, since the grammar points say what page of ADoBJG theyā€™re on, the info needed to pull this off is presumably already in the database, just in a different form.


So much yes pls. I would love to have decks for the series! I personally could also see it being helpful for me like if I just want to review the ā€œbasicsā€ / ā€œintermediateā€/ ā€œadvancedā€ from those books on a given day. Would also be neat to do with the book on hand for more depth/examples/different way of explaining.

I do know some people who actually just use those books to study/learn from too.

The only battle I would see with adding the intermediate/advanced would be with grammar that isnā€™t added to bunpro, or some points that have been condensed into one :upside_down_face:


Hey, I tried searching for this one, I couldnā€™t find it, but I could just be bad at searching

Are there plans to introduce male audio for N3 example sentences?
Iā€™m in by no means saying that the female audio is bad, but as a male, I would personally prefer male audio to practice the nuances in the way it is spoken.

Thanks a bunch

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Hi there,

I consider this to be a very specific wish/improvement, so I donā€™t know if itā€™s worth the trouble.
But I use the TestFlight App on MacOS (m1) and everything is working just fine!
I noticed though, that the fonts stay kinda tiny. If there is an easy fix, I would highly appreciate it, since I really love the idea of an Bunpro App for Mac.

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I will make sure to increase the size on macos with next update.
For the time being, go to the settings and set the font size to big. this will make most of the fonts big enough.
Also you can enable big furigana mode.


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Thanks for the immediate answer! Canā€™t wait for the update now ā€¦
I already did that, but since im shortsighted, I should preferably just get some glasses in the meantime :sweat_smile:

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Just got what looks to be a fairly major app update on Android. Colors are nicer, main-screen graphs are nicer, and everything loads faster. Love the progress; thanks for releasing updates that are good and not bad.


I would like to suggest two new features!


  • Allow us to set which days are considered ā€œdays offā€. It would work like an automatic vacation mode that triggers on and off on the set day. Preserving your streak.
  • Recently I have started taking Sundays off from my Japanese learning. I found that I can still maintain the pace I wanted without getting burned out.
  • That being said, I donā€™t want to lose my streak. So the current process is to manually enable vacation mode every time.


  • Allow us to have a UI settings per platform.
  • I would rather have a bigger font when using Bunpro on my tablet. Right now when I change on the tablet it changes for the browser as well.
  • It would be nice if Bunpro could detect the platform and apply the settings per platform.

I would like for the review button to be split in two again. Maybe a setting? As one button I find it very confusing.


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I create a lot of my own notes in lessons, but at the moment there is no option to link between them. I would like to request a feature to add custom hyperlinks in notes, to both other Bunpro lessons, and to external sites.


As an update after a week of doing this:

  • I would estimate my level at N2 kanji-wise and somewhere between N4 and N3 (probably closer to N4) for grammar and vocab and it can be tricky to parse the nuance hints, although with enough focus and looking up words here and there with yomichan I can usually parse them eventually. It does slow my reviews considerably to do this though, and if Iā€™m not ready to dedicate a lot of time to reviews I end up switching to English to speed things up.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s an issue per-se, writing good hints is hard, doing it in very simple Japanese would be even harder.

I do think that it would be great to have Bunpro automatically modulate the hint level based on SRS though, for instance defaulting to Japanese for high SRS items. This way I can go through my reviews faster for new items (which are always the bulk of my reviews naturally), but I can take the time to think a little more for advanced items I should know well. And this way my overall review session time doesnā€™t explode.

  • A lot of the time the grammar/vocab description hint alone is not enough to really figure out what I need to answer, so I want to check the translation to get a better idea of what Iā€™m supposed to say, so I would like for the hint progression to be:

ā€œJapanese nuanceā€ ā†’ ā€œpartial translationā€ ā†’ ā€œfull translationā€ ā†’ ā€œEnglish nuanceā€

The idea being that I think that ā€œJapanese nuanceā€ + ā€œpartial translationā€ should be enough to disambiguate the vast majority of cases, while ā€œJapanese nuanceā€ + ā€œEnglish nuanceā€ doesnā€™t bring anything new if I understood the Japanese version correctly and it forces me to ā€œcheatā€ by looking at the nuance hint translation before committing to an answer.

But as it is I donā€™t believe itā€™s possible to do so, I would prefer if in the settings I could completely customize the order of the hints (for instance using dragā€™nā€™drop) instead of having only two pre-baked orders.

  • On average I find it a lot easier to understand the Japanese hints for vocab than for grammar, but I think thatā€™s not entirely surprising: itā€™s a lot more difficult to describe grammatical constructions generically than a word which (usually) has a specific meaning. As such the existing settings for hint levels being split for grammar and vocab makes a lot of sense and should be kept that way IMO.
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Created a ticket internally for this!


Definitely something thatā€™s on the table/under consideration.
Weā€™ve gotten this feedback on more than one occasion, and it makes sense for sure


I noticed that the [adjective] + ćŖ恕恝恆恠 grammar point is not in the reviews. I think that it is a common enough grammar point that it should be included in the reviews.

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Add other popular books like: New Kanzen or give me the ability to.

Iā€™m currently studying at a popular language school in Tokyo and when we got to N3 we went from Mina, to New Kanzen N3 and ę—„ęœ¬čŖžć®ę–‡åž‹ćØč”Øē¾ 55

These books are pretty sparse on actual explanations especially in English (just like Mina) but full of examples and questions/quizzes.

Iā€™d like to add tags to search or add them to a custom list (like I do in Anki) but for now I just bookmark the grammar Iā€™m interested in and mark the chapters/section as a custom note.

Making a review/cram for my test next week would be much easier if I could specify the book/chapters I need, etcā€¦

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