Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

Just a quick request to be able to set furigana by review type (Vocab or Grammar).
I find I often end up remembering Vocab by the shape of the kanji, so often end up being able to understand words but not read them. Being able to have all my vocab cards have furigana would be helpful; but at the same time, I prefer NOT having furigana on my grammar sentences so I can use them as broader reading practice.
Thanks as always!

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Iā€™d like to suggest two features for the vocabs.

  1. On the dashboard you can change "Your Progress"between grammar and vocab. It would be great if this was also possible for the JLPT progress. Or maybe show the progress of the active vocab deck on the dashboard. It is a bit cumbersome to always go into the decks to see your progress (For N5 for example).

  2. In a vocab deck itself. There is the marker on every vocab in which SRS state it is. It would be very useful if you could filter out the ones that are already in the SRS progress. It would be much easier to go through the decks to see which vocabs I already know but which arenā€™t in the SRS or marked as mastered yet.


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Feature request: separate batch sizes for vocab and grammar.

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you can change the batches for vocab and grammar in the deck settings. I have 2 for grammar but 4 for vocab.


Oh, I didnā€™t know there are settings outside the settings page.
Thank you!

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Added linking to Notes on the website! Hope this serves your purposes :v:
Let me know if there are any issues or tweaks you feel should be made.

Support in the app will be coming soon too.


Hello, would it be possible to add a new review style that mimics the JLPT test questions? For example, instead of typing in the answer with various hints provided, provide no hints and 4 very similar grammar points in which the user must select the correct one.


Iā€™ve tested it and it works perfectly, thanks!

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On the Web version Iā€™ve been doing reviews with the English translation off. Sometimes I use the iphone app and the other day I was mucking around with the app settings and switched the Hide Translations toggle off, and then back on. This works for the app ok but now on the web it is showing the english translation. The app setting does not seem to control it and there isnā€™t a similar option on the web settings. Seeing the translation is really annoying when Iā€™m trying to just read the japanese.


Iā€™d like to be able to use yomichan on the content ā†’ grammar page. Could this be implemented?

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Canā€™t remember who asked for this, but I just implemented a feature so if you accidentally close the popup while creating a Self-Study Sentence, the content of what you were entering will be saved ready for you when you reopen the modal.


Was just talking to a friend, who started Bunpro freshly. I explained the concept of ghosts to him and that my massive stack of vocab reviews forced me to put ghosts on minimal, even if I find ghosts very effective for my learning (especially grammar).

Is it maybe possible to differentiate the number of ghosts spawning by deck or type (grammar/vocab)?

If not, is that a valuable feature?

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Not sure I understand your issue or the context of what youā€™re referring to, but on web that setting is called Hide English and can be found here.
If that is of any help

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You should be able to using the regular Shift+Click method, is it not working?

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Yeah not being able to filter by Grammar/Vocab is something we missed on the initial implementation of the Queue Order system in Reviewsā€¦

Would being able to order Regular/Ghosts reviews as well as by Grammar/Vocab solve this headache for you?

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When will the N2 sentence cards be ready?

Not a priority. If you could make a ā€œpathā€ or ā€œvocab listā€ of the words used in Japanese nuance.

Wow, reading this thread was a wild ride. Itā€™s amazing how many features got added to bunpro and how involved the comunity is. I just started bunpro November 2023 (After using the free trial back in 2020). I came here after using JALUP for the past 3 years (got 2,933 JJ notes done!) (The iOS app is called ā€œNihongo Lessonsā€)

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This is probably a huge ammount of work for a very small feature, but I just came across ę³•å¾‹ which 10ten tells me is ā€œlawā€. Since I am a lawyer, I thought Iā€™d be cool to add that word to my reviews. Which is easy enough with copy and paste, but Id would be really cool if I could just click on the word to get me its meaning and then click on it again to add it to my reviews.

Not super pressing, but I feel like itā€™d be a cool feature long term, as bunpro expands its vocab branch.

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Thatā€™s something weā€™d love to make possible through creating a more permanent public API that users could create scripts with.

We already have this available within the site (see pic), but having it available through browser reader plugins like 10ten, Rikaikun and Yomichan would be next level.

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I have another one for the vocabs. It seems it is not possible to see all accepted meanings of a vocab on the learning screen/ iteminfo. I can only see them in the review mode with the Alternatives button.

The Alternatives button should be on the learning screen as well. There are lots of times when one of the alternative answers makes it a lot easier to remember it.

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