Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

It’s on a bottom menu bar, rather than the side. Select ‘grammar’ from the side menu and see if you get a bottom menu bar appear.

I just checked for updates, and there wasn’t one, so think I’m on the latest version of the app

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Have you tried under ‘Content’, the third element from the left in the menu line at the bottom?

Before doing that, you should opt-in to the Bunpro Beta. It’s under ‘Settings/Account’.


Thanks, it works with Beta


Don’t know if this will benefit everyone or if there is some feature that already accomplishes this, but it could be nice if when syncing Kanji and by extension furigana to WK that BP kept a running list of which kanji has been synced and stops displaying furigana for those kanji independent of the WK subscription.

What I mean by this is that my WK subscription has lapsed and I don’t intend to renew it for the next 2-3 months while I focus on other things. As an unfortunate result of this, all of the kanji which I have already learned and would prefer to not be seeing furigana on BP for have since started displaying the furigana.

Satori reader’s interface allows you to input the list of kanji you know manually which it then uses to decide which furigana to display. I’ve also seen other sites which allow you to manually set the highest WK level you have achieved which then automatically sets all the kanji up to and including that level as known. It would be nice if BP had something similar to those functions.

If that is a feature I’ve overlooked I’d be quite grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.

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I didn’t had the arrow next to review button, but thanks to your suggestion I started poking and found this has to be enabled in Settings => Reviews => Split Reviews. Thanks!


Is there an official way to request adding new vocabulary? Or an option to manually add custom vocabulary? Today I found phrase 機内モード (airplane mode), which is missing on Bunpro (either 機内モード or just 機内).


There likely will be in the future!
We still have a lot of stuff to do for Vocab.

What I’m currently doing at the moment is studying all the Vocab I find on Bunpro if it is available, and for the items not available, studying it through another flashcard app.


I would love to see improvements in the 同義語 area since it seems multiple synonyms are only appearing on certain grammar points or not appearing at all.
One example was the n1 point ずにはすまない and しかない.
Where the i wrote しかない instead of the intended grammar point, the hint said it was perfectly natural however when checking the synonyms they don’t appear at all.
That’s something i’ve noticed on a lot of grammar points ,this is just my most recent example.


I don’t see an option to ‘mark as mastered’ a review when using the mobile website (android). In the Info panel, it has the grammar details, but doesn’t have the ‘Your Progress’ section. It is annoying to have to do reviews at the computer to have this, it’s nice to review when out and about.



If you click the ‘Open Sidebar’ button on the bottom left you should see 2 options for marking new reviews - Add to Reviews and then Mark as Mastered.

Does this help?

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Maybe this option is already here and I’m missing it: Is there a way after missing or making a review to sorta not go up or down in skill and ghost count?

Like if I miss a grammar point but only because I didn’t treat it as a “-na adjective” and not for the reason the grammar point is actually there. I kinda don’t wanna lose a level because of that, and I don’t want to gain a ghost either, but I also don’t want to gain a level either.

Does that make sense?

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Yeah I understand completely what you’re saying, although I don’t think a feasible solution would exist for this scenario due to things like interval timings, etc. Totally up to you how you handle questions like this, but (based on a lot forum posts) quite a bit of users just undo the answer and enter it correctly if they were missing something like a の before the GP or using って instead of て. I think it’s more efficient in specific situations like this to progress and potentially get it wrong in the future rather than create a ghost and need to be tested more on something you seemingly know quite well over a small hiccup.

I also think it would create confusion for new users and that’s something I really want to avoid so for now it will probably be shelved, but I’ll keep it in the back of my mind going forward~ :+1:

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Yeah thanks - open sidebar I had tried a few times and shows different options on different pages - also have to click the gearwheel when there. Could be a lot clearer to new users

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Hi there and happy new year everyone!

-Is there already a way to auto display translation after answering ? I like to check my understanding of a given sentence, and always have to click 3 or 4 times on the hint button to get the English sentence, which is time consuming and kinda annoying.

-Also, I find the japanese hint to be hardly readable on phones. I have to be really close to my screen to decipher, let alone furiganas.
I’ve increased the whole website size in settings, but it makes everything else way to big.

Thanks :upside_down_face:


Hello =)

It would be useful to have an audio infinite loop toggle on the cram reviews.

I am currently hitting the “play again” button multiple times.

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Is it possible to see a summary of my worst grammar points - the ones with the lowest success rate. Like on my kitsun deck summary screen.

I feel like there are definitely grammar points where I’ve literally failed every level and just ghost ground it up. Would like to see them so I could reset them

(yeah 結ぶ just won’t stick in my brain, I learnt it at the same time as 破る and I get the two mixed up a lot)


I imagine this has already been asked before, but would there be a chance of having a comprehension mode for the site?

I personally would get a lot more out of the site if I could modify the flashcards to JP → EN, then have some sort of pass/fail grading system.

I understand that this may not align with the core objectives / philosophy of the project, but I feel that it would potentially attract more users and be of tremendous value to people who focus on comprehension rather than output due to the site’s well-structured curriculum, quality sentence bank and the intelligent SRS system.

Would I be safe to assume that this wouldn’t be too complicated to implement as well?

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Are you referring to changing the Flaschards to EN → JP?
If not, then we already have this!

Check out the Default Grammar Review Type section of the Review settings page.
You can also change this on an individual basis for each Grammar Point here:

I think the combo you’re after is Reading questions + Reveal & Grade answers.

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On your profile → stats, it will show you “troubled grammar points”. Check it out :slight_smile:

Go to this page and scroll down until you see “Troubled Grammar”:


For “Reading Practice”, it would be great if there were voice recordings of the passages so it could be listening practice as well.

Sorry if it has already been suggested!