Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

There’s also this free app, available on both iOS and Android:

I like the app better, but they both get the job done.


It may be possible already, but I have tried to find out how and I have been unsuccessful so far.

Is there a way to add an entire deck to your reviews without having to manually add each word?

For example, an N3 learner who wishes to add all N5 vocabulary without manually learning it again or flagging each individual item as “Add to reviews”.


I am having serious performance issues with safari on Mac.
Basically running bunpro will freeze any other tab or separate window.
It is very apparent running a YouTube video on the side, the video will stop after 30sec (1min?)

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I love the Quartet deck, but some lessons seem to be missing even though they are present on Bunpro.

Some examples from lesson 2 of Quartet:

事 になっている
お陰 で


Ive been noticing the same, no matter the browser. Also pretty massive battery drain on both my iphone and ipad. Both become pretty hot too when doing bunpro, app as well as the site when doing reviews.

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I should mention that when the other page freezes, I have no other choice than killing safari and restarting it, even if it is a simple text page it will systematically be completely frozen.

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Hi, been using Bunpro for around a year now. I would like to suggest with a lot of the new vocabulary additions to maybe add an easy way to alternate between Fill In reviews (english to japanese) and Translation reviews (japanese to english). I didn’t notice for a while i could even change them and I think it would be helpful to have a setting where every few reviews it automatically switches it for that term.


Hi there !
Some people had similar issues with battery drainage and high CPU load about a week ago. Was supposed to be fixed, maybe not after all.


An option to prevent automatic advancement to the next card during reviews after a correct answer?

I’d like to be able to re-read and review the sentence after a correct answer, as well as have the option to “Show Info”

I’m ADHD and have significant impairments in working memory and procesing speed, so I need the extra time to review a correct answer (and the info page) to try to consolidate it in longer term memory.

Appologies if the option is already there. I haven’t found it yet.

EDIT: Found it. Lightning Mode Disabled :slight_smile:

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Was this automatically enabled for you by chance since you were unaware of the feature? Might be a potential bug on our end that needs looking into.

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I understand this is a huge ask, but I would love to see the day when Bunpro integrates speaking drills/shadowing, etc. Since joining, I have really improved my vocabulary and grammar, and enjoy the reviews, but we need an Applied Speaking section to round it out.

The Community page offers some interesting supplements, but I need to talk to other serious learners and native speakers for this to stick and gain confidence. This might look like video calls, chat rooms, group events, etc. Could also look like A.I.-powered conversations, pronunciation detection, and a whole host of other things.

As I said, I know this would be a very expensive, time-consuming, and exhausting project for anyone involved, but I’m just spitballing here. With some additional features encouraging speaking and conversation, I can make BP my one-stop shop for all things language learning.

You guys are doing wonderful as is, and I am not going away anytime soon. This is just a thought I have had since joining and I bet the team has already pondered such features. Keep up the amazing work.

With the advent of the new vocab decks for the book clubs, it would be great to have a drop-down menu for reviews, in the same fashion as the one introduced for the “learn” menu a few weeks ago. Having a shortcut to decide which decks to review, instead of lumping all of them together, would be really nice.

(I know I can already split grammar and vocab reviews, but maybe a further menu to split reviews from different vocab decks).


Suggested Improvement: Missing Grammar

The よ can also be used as what would be the vocative case in Latin. For example;

水よ! (Oh water!)

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Missing Basic Grammar Point:

mou doesn’t only mean “already” or “anymore”. It can also be used to say “more” when used with numbers and counters.

I think this is some very basic grammar and it should be added.

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Missing Grammar Point:

You only have な as sentence ending particle when it is prohibitive or as かな (I wonder). But な is also sentence ender particle used to express emotion. Often な is used for self-talk.


I actually don’t want this to be improved because it’s way funnier this way.


Seconding this one, I only encountered 又は/または in the N4 vocab deck, surprised it isn’t its own grammar point.

Would love to read more about the nitty-gritty of it and how 又 (usually meaning again) can mean “or” when part of that conjunction (can’t find much about it online).

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I’d like to request more granular Learn Queue order.


What I’d like is to basically establish playlists. Right now we can split decks into batches which is brilliant. But I’d like to go further.

For example, Grammar Deck A has a goal of 6 per day in batches of 3. I’d like to set the first batch at the beginning of the playlist and then the last batch at the end.

Ideally a setup could essentially work itself out into cycles, something like

  1. Grammar - Pt 1
  2. Vocab A - Pt 1
  3. Vocab B - Pt 1
  4. Vocab A - Pt 2
  5. Vocab B - Pt 2
  6. Grammar - Pt 2

I could see this being too granular with the RoI not being there so maybe limit it to each cycle needing the same order? I think the added flexibility would make it easier to pace things out over disparate times of the day.

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I don’t know if this function exists for entire decks yet, but I did notice that the new Onomatopoeia deck has ‘chapters’ in it, and for each chapter there’s a ‘hamburger menu’ like [ ⁝ ] which allows you to select various ways to ‘add’ the entire chapter to your reviews, including (I think) ‘mark as mastered’, among other options.

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This may have already been requested on here, but I was thinking it would be nice if under special categories for cram sessions, there was either a category for OR a way to search for grammar points based on their accuracy. For example, if I want to study items that have below 75% accuracy, having a simple way to find those grammar points and do a little extra practice!