Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

This was going to expand on something someone else said, but I think that was in another thread so I’ll just post this here:

It would be great if every setting could be set separately for grammar and vocab. If you’re afraid of bloating the settings, you coupd just hide it behind a toggle to “use separate settings for vocab and grammar” or under an “advanced settings” section.

For example, with the new SRS timings, I might want to be more strict on failing grammar than vocab (say, halve for grammar and -2 for vocab), and even the lightning mode feature would be improved (to me, at least) if I could use it only for vocab.

Edit: Additionally, when using lightning mode, an undo button to go back to the previous item if you accidentally marked it right when it wasn’t. Doesn’t happen often but sometimes my trigger finger gets antsy and then it’s a bit of a hassle to fix it as is.

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Was Cloze-style reviews for N2 Level vocabulary just implemented today? If so, I really want to express my gratitude to the Bunpro team. お疲れ様です!

That was probably my most wanted improvement. Bunpro’s fill-in vocabulary flashcards are the most effective tool I’ve found to get Japanese words into my active (not just passive!) vocabulary, and I’m really happy there’s more of them.

just wanna say that I may be an idiot, I am an idiot, a gigantic idiot, but nevertheless, I still wish it was clearer that cumulative yearly subscriptions do not go towards the lifetime subscription. Years ago, I paid for a WaniKani lifetime subscription 'cause I thought hey, this will take several years; I’ll just pay for this now, all’s good. Year and a half or so after WK, I found Bunpro. Was a bit hesitant about diving right into the lifetime subscription. Saw there was something about yearly subscriptions folding into the lifetime subscription and I thought well cool, that’s great. I’ll just get a yearly subscription and stick with that each year and eventually it should fold into lifetime, boom!

Well after three years now I’m thinking I must be close to paying off a lifetime subscription and I check it and realize, that’s not how this works. I see now it’s prorated, meaning each year is separate from one another and does not go to the overall lifetime subscription.

I know, I’m an idiot, I’m a moron, I’m an idiot, I’m a moron, I’m an idiot, AND I’m a moron – so don’t nobody quote this saying “well see it says right here…” 'cause obviously I must have missed it. So now after paying for three years of Bunpro thinking I’ll have a lifetime subscription paid up, I got nothing.

Probably gonna be done with Bunpro after this year as I just don’t think I could justify dropping double what I’ve already paid just to pay for something that should have been half the cost. I’m pretty mad right now – mostly mad at myself. So, so very goddamn dumb. Absolute moron.

Anyways, getting back to the beginning, I feel like for any other idiots out there like me – and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a couple – it might be good to better describe, explain, warn (?) new subscribers how the yearly/lifetime plan thing works. I really don’t know how, I don’t run a business. I just feel it like it might be helpful so someone else doesn’t do the same stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid thing I did.

I would love a massive deck of the top 10k words ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ just to work through it steadily ordered by general frequency. I think it would give a very nice overview of known/learning vocab that isn’t jlpt based.

But I know you’re working on custom decks, so I hope we’ll be able to add all available vocab on site into a massive deck if we want🎉

For a while I wasn’t using the vocab decks, but after going through and filling my gaps from n5/n4 decks this last month I have to say I really appreciate the work you all do! I absolutely love the rotating context sentences to give me an overall feel for the word and different ways it can be used while giving my reading speed a boost. It feels more natural than simple flashcards or a single static example sentence, and makes it easier for me to connect to it and store it properly in my memory.
I look forward to learning new words as I continue with vocab on bunproฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ

Sent you a DM!

Thank you for reaching out! Appreciated, and hopefully there aren’t others who ended up in the same situation as I did.

When it comes to questions with names in them, can I get a -さん or さま?

This is one, but every so often I get confused at a sentence trying to figure out what I think the English word is only for it to be a name.



I wish search allowed to filter/search by resources. For example, while not all “Sou Matome Bunpou N1/N2/N3”-grammar is marked as such (or has an entry in Bunpro), it would help narrow down to the correct grammar-point when working along-side the book.


Sorry if this is a repeat, I tried searching for similar posts but search can be weird.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone might have suggested some concept of Community Decks yet so far? Somewhat related to the post above mine, as I work through the Soumatome series, I’d love to be able to make a custom deck where I can collect those grammar points into one spot (possibly in the order I encounter them, too). This would reduce the pressure for you guys to keep adding textbook decks because community members could make decks for their own resources.

Thanks for all you do :pray: ^–^


On the dashboard, you can see your Progress and click into SRS categories:

It would be nice if that screen had checkboxes and a button to select items for a cram session.

The rationale behind it is I have some lessons that keep being stuck in Adept and not really making much progress, and on this screen they’re really easy to spot and round up for review, so it would be a convenient addition.

Something (well, very similar) like this already exists in Cram actually!

If you scroll over to the ‘Special’ tab, you should see your SRS rankings there. From that point, can either add points individually or just select the entire ranking to immediately add to cram.

It’s missing out on the stats (unlike the Dashboard) but doing it through the Cram page allows the user to customize the Cram session to exactly their liking. Wouldn’t really be able to accomplish that via the Dashboard without making it a bit hard on the eyes along the way~


Okay, cool. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Custom decks are in the works ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ

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I do something very specific to my use case, but I would like it if you could add the items you have bookmarked to the learning queue.

I’m not sure if this is the right place but would like to suggest the following grammar be added.うちに入らない-uchi-ni-hairanai-meaning/


Is there any way to reach the troubled vocab group on the web version? I tried to find it, but no luck. :<

When studying new vocabulary I would rather for the meaning to always be the same.

Like for the word 資本. It sometimes shows up as capital, funds or asset.

I know there is a nuance from “funds” to “capital” depending on the phrase.

Maybe a solution would be for a system where you have to learn it as “funds” first. Once you’ve learned that it unlocks the next meaning “capital” and so on.

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Do you mean for mobile web? It’s the same cram>special>troubled vocab
But how to get to it might not be apparent. This part scrolls side to side to get to the other categories

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I wish there was section in the dashboard displaying our recent mistakes (ie mistakes made in the past 24 hours), like in Wani Kani.

It would be a great way to leisurely review content we missed throughout the day more in-depth by reviewing the lesson, instead of creating a cram session just to do exercises.

Welcome to the community :tada:

When you answer the review question, if you go to info you can check out the grammar point more in-depth during your review sessions. After the reviews, you can see everything you answered in the summary page and if you click on one you can also look at it’s info page

On web/mobile web you can also go to profile>stats and scroll down to see troubled grammar list. There’s only a list like this for grammar items though, cram is the only way to see vocab.

I definitely wouldn’t mind making a square here though :joy: might be nice taking you directly to troubled items to do an end of the day refresher kind of thing