Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

I might end up doing that, but Ghosts do come in handy for some vocab I haven’t seen in a while. There are a lot of synonyms in early grammar levels (from what I’ve seen) that must be used in specific grammar patterns that I often lapse on.

I’ve resorted to just deleting the ghosts manually that are dupes (or “cheating” for a sentence I already know has a ghost). I’ve been adjusting the SRS strictness as well to try to keep my lower level things always in my reviews.


Durings reviews, maybe a way to show what you originally entered after showing the answer. Sometimes I’ll click “Show answer” only to suddenly think “I thought I put that” and then to never know what typo I ended up making.

Only a small thing issue though.

Also, Merry Christmas!


I can press backspace to edit an incorrect answer (in case of typo)


Full Ghost Review Control:
I would like to be able to select a certain grammar point and create a ghost review for it on my own. Sometimes the “minimal ghost review” feature doesn’t seem to work properly. I just made two mistakes in one review for example and didn’t get a ghost review. So far, I can’t find a way to manually create a ghost review of a certain topic. For me, that would be the most efficient way of using that feature.

Higher Penalty or Deactivate Compensation of Level Loss in Cleanup:
An option that makes the second answer in a review stop compensating for the penalty on the level of the grammar point. I like cleaning up my wrong answers, bit I would like to keep the level of that grammar point at -1 and not without change.


Welcome to the community :tada: anytime you go to the info page of a grammar point, during reviews and on the summary screen too, scroll down to Examples and choose which sentence to create ghost for


Features Suggestions :

A « cram favorite » tab in the cram session, allowing the user to set its own cram cocktails and boot them instantly. I am on android, so maybe this exist on the others versions, tho.

I would love a « cram history » too, to fullfill the same reasoning as above.

Also, a way to select crams sessions by thematics would be very nice. Something like « focus on Conjugation » or a set relevant to a specific irl situation (for example, « going to a bar » would have vocabulary like 酒, verbs like 飲む, and pre-made sentences)

Eventually, the possibility to share cram session could appear, but that’s a far off evolution of the concept.

On a side note, I really enjoy this tool so I’m thankful for it. Many thanks.


I couldn’t find this anywhere, but is there a category or section or deck or something for 四字熟語? It’s easy enough to look up in a dictionary, but I’d like to be able to practice how to use them.

Also, thanks for the hard work on everything else!


@entropyofchaos @discopatrick
In settings you can enable “large furigana mode” that increases furigana size.
It is also possible to pinch to zoom.

The app now supports the phone scaling, so if you increase the app font on the phone, and leave it on medium in the app, the font will still increase in size.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
Dominik from Bunpro

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Thank you for your response. My issue has not been the large furigana. It’s that the scaling is inconsistent. If I use the browser I need the medium size but if the app on the iPad, I have to change to the large size. It’s just inconvenient because I switch between devices depending on where I’m at. It’s more the fact that the sizes are inconsistent that’s annoying for me.

Also the fonts are all smaller on the app than the browser. The font scaling on my ipad is default. I tried to upload screenshots so you could see.



Thanks Brian, will look into this!


Issue with the attached example sentence and hints for the vocab card for miso - the first hint simply provides the answer instead of a hint. Removing the word “miso” from the hints would still leave the clues useful without giving away the game, in my opinion.

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Another one here, basically the same problem as above, though more minor - the hint benefits little from stipulating that 鹿 refers “especially (to) the sika deer”, but the hint essentially gives the reader the answer for the card.

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I suggest having the ability to pause vocab or grammar reviews to focus only on one of the two modes. Sort of like a partial vacation mode.

It has been suggested before and the answer is always the sort of “just ignore the reviews of the type you don’t want to do and let them pile up”. Which I don’t think is a good idea because when the user wants to start doing the reviews of both types again, one type will have too many reviews which will lead to burnout.


I have a very minor suggestion regarding the Android app for Google Pixel devices. The Pixel Launcher tries to use a uniform style for all apps, but those without an icon made specifically for it end up being a white disc with a tiny logo inside. Perhaps the app icon can be updated to be more compatible?

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Can we get a way to pause vocab reviews and/or control the number of reviews generated each day? I sync with wanikani because I like getting some English to Japanese reviews but the sheer number rapidly gets out of control. Even with a fairly high success rate I have some 70-100 vocab reviews a day.

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Hi !
Been away for some times and haven’t read the 400 posts I missed, but I second the suggestion of having separate SRS strictness for vocab and grammar. Well, maybe not if FSRS is released sooner than later, but if not…
Same for lighting mode.

Also could we have the translation, or even all hint levels displayed after answering ? My thumb hurts after all those tap.
This has been suggested multiple times and never been addressed, is there a reason?

-I started to use the vocab decks again but I don’t like and don’t use the study goal so I set it to 0. This forces the batch size to 0 or 1, which is fine for grammar but annoying for vocab. I’d like to be able to set it however I want.

-And for reading review with vocab, I’d like to have an option to display the word being questioned standing alone in big size above of the context sentence, if that makes sense.


Translations should already auto reveal after answering? Mine do

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Probably wasn’t clear enough, I meant for grammar reviews too.

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Edit All my translations auto reveal on answering. Grammar and vocab. nvm, i guess they don’t for grammar you’re right.


I would love to be able to download the audio from sentences just like your able to copy the Japanese and set a ghost review, like a little button in the menu from the triple dots, like a button that just allows you to download it in order to use it for Anki decks, because right now the easiest way to do it is go to inspect element and click on the sound after having played it. As well as the ability to copy the english meaning on top of this.

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