Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

Second this one! Wanikani has a script for this on website, and a “last completed item” button on 3rd party android app (Flaming Durtles). It’d be cool to go back, I can’t count how many times I wanted to check the previous one again for some reason. Whether it’s a sudden realization, and wanting to double-check, or deciding I want to check what grammar point was that to further study etc.

I know end-results show it, but by the time you finish reviews you either forget or don’t bother.


Damn, I completely forgot that this thread existed and ended up creating my own, sorry! :sweat_smile:

Instead of deleting it, I think it’s better to link it here:


A way to filter decks for learned/unlearned items on web version like the app :eyes:


And to add to that, a way to filter decks for vocab/grammar points (where both exist within the same deck).


Add to that, filter by Nlevel vs extra vocab or unclassified


it would be great if three was a feature to practice writing sentences/kanji

ex: there is a sentence in English that you have to wright out using a mouse in Japanese


Is it possible to “snooze” or pause a particular review item/grammar point, just for the current session? If not, I’d love to have that. Sometimes something just isn’t clicking and rather than getting frustrated I’d rather just deal with it in a future session after some more studying :sweat_smile:


I think this got fixed today.
I still had the sentence in my ghosts and it looks better now:

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I know “Bury siblings like in Anki” has already been suggested (including by me), but today I thought of a use case again.

I’ve added both 他(ほか)and 他(た)in Bunpro as fill-in reviews to distinguish one from another based on context. Seeing them in completely new sentences works great, but I’d love to have only one of the two to show up in reviews on any given day, and preferably a random one. Otherwise you immediately realize “ah, I already had ほか today, this must be た”.


Thanks, I didn’t think you could bookmark vocab.
It’d be cool to have this feature on the app then.


So this has been an interesting problem to have…I’ve had trouble remembering the full translation of this word in English (but I now know it in 日本語!). Anyone else had issues like this and have a solution so it doesn’t get stuck as a ghost for all time? In general I’m disliking that words I add to review manually are coming up like this asking for English keywords :thinking: (I’d rather this was reversed and asked me for the kanji or Japanese word using the English word).

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Go to that vocabs info page and set a synonym of just “sinus”. Any synonym you set for a word will be marked as correct

The reverse en>jp isn’t an option. You can change it’s review type on its info page to either manual input (what you have it right now), simple flashcard, or reading where it’ll give you sentence if available (you then mark as pass or fail).

You can also set a global default so you don’t have to do it each time for every vocab you manually add by going to settings>reviews


Thanks I’ll try that on the next word like this one. Unfortunately I don’t seem to have any option to change it from translate style answers, presumably because there are no example sentences for it? I added a self-study sentence but perhaps the system can’t use those. I’ll have a play around.

Adding answers in as extra synonyms worked great though! I added “sinus” and “ふくびこう” so now I can get this review over with :joy:


The vocab bookmark is added to the app and waiting for the release.

Cheers :+1:

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presumably because there are no example sentences for it?

That’d be correct!

I added a self-study sentence but perhaps the system can’t use those

They are treated as completely separate entities – they’re treated as their own separate Review, as opposed to what you’re imagining, “as a sentence that belongs to 副鼻腔”.


I’ve been going through the reading exercises more frequently now that they have audio. Both the audio and texts qualities are amazing.

I have two suggestions
1- Have an option that when enabled they don’t say the speaker name before saying the line.
2- When you press play on a specific line here, and it starts playing

It would be nice to:

  • it only played that singe line, then stopped
  • or a tiny pause button showed up next to it

I think these options could facilitate shadowing or just reviewing a specific line over and over.


Hi there,

If I’m not mistaken, vocab questions are based on your N level in grammar, right ?
But if you add vocab that is above your N level, it won’t affect which sentences you see.
Anyway, I’d like to set this up myself.
I don’t care struggling a little trying to read more complex sentences and actually find it useful.

“See sentences/questions up to Nx level.”

Also any idea why lots of words are in the database, already have sentences written, but only show up as basic anki style word-translation question ? e.g. がさがさ, 無我夢中…

Not sure if this is the right spot, but this seems like a confusing phrase (or confusing hint?). Maybe one of those should be re-worded?


You can report/make suggestions for sentences and such directly on the review page and also the items info page with the bug report button. Helps the team find it easier too

But I do agree with you. Welcome to the community :tada:


Not sure if this is the right place for grammar point requests, but I ran into this point in Kanzen Master but didn’t find an entry:

additional information 【JLPT N2】文法・例文:〜ようとしている - 日本語NET

Would appreciate if this point could be added in!