Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

I suggest to make the app open source for several reasons:

  • Encourage contribution and involvement from the community to improve it.
  • More freedom for users giving them the ability to fork the app and create one that fits their needs, ultimately leading to a rich and vibrant ecosystems of mobile app maintained by the community itself.
  • More transparency for Bunpro’s users about what the app do, ultimately leading to better security.
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regarding vocabulary decks

the more I progress in japanese the more the vocabulary I learn from my immersion sources is not part of bunpro JLPT decks but still almost always present in the database. I realised since I started reading seriously it happens a lot, every single day.

At this point I almost only use bunpro to track my vocabulary as I am pretty much done with the grammar study so I end up with an imcomplete database and am unsure of moving forward using bunpro for this purpose despite having a lot of JLPT words left to learn. The JLPT decks seem in a way limited for some rather common stuff while I feel they are full of vocabulary I wouldn’t really need before a long while.

I understand it is hardly possible to get the same full SRS integration for all the non-JLPT decks words, but I am curious if any evolution is planned to happen nonetheless.


I had the same thought today actually. I started a new drama and decided to take it slow and add a bunch of new words to review (many of which were unclassified), and it was pretty slow going to get everything properly added. Non-JLPT words seem to be treated very differently by default. Then there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of tracking the overall progress on those words from what I can see.

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Two things i noticed today:

I want to make use of the SRS strictness setting but i don’t understand it.

It’s there a way to make it less punishing than the default? There is no real explanation shown when editing this through my phone that would make me grasp how it affects my reviews.

And it would be cool if there was a vacation mode for vocab and grammar separately. I’m trying to brush up on my vocab and pause grammar because i burned out on it. I don’t want the reviews pile up on it when I’m focusing on vocab.

Don’t know how this could work, just throwing it out there: A way to reset pending reviews to 0 would be nice. I was seriously considering for a moment to reset my progress. Maybe an option to “phase reviews back in” when they have piled up, marking each with a grace period where it doesn’t show up again. Maybe with a configurable minimum and average grace period.

Or instead of flooding me with reviews (which is just discouraging) a strict daily batch system that prioritizes the items on the review pile. I’d prefer that option to the unpredictable SRS.

I’ve seen the minimum SRS level option for decks and love it. But while that’s easy to implement, a max level option would be even better. When it hits Max level, vocab will no longer show up in reviews until the level for the deck is reset. This would help help more with learning vocab fast which to me is preferable over 100%. If i grasp 80% of 1000 words i have learned more than 100% on 500, but currently the SRS emphasizes perfection over throughput - which might be good for grammar, but as i see it, quantity in vocab is much better than quality for getting a grasp of the language.

Thank you for reading. I’m just trying to get a way down to get back into Japanese, and SRS can be very annoying. Many people like it as is, I understand that. Keep up the good work. :slight_smile:

You guys just reminded me of something I started last week but never finished. I’ll try to finish it up today or tomorrow and let you know :sparkles:

In the meantime, if you guys are opted into beta, you can make your own decks to track whatever your learning.

Can even scrap subtitles to whatever you’re watching and add them all to a deck at once using flutters tool


Sounds amazing honestly! I’d love to be able to make decks for specific episodes/tv shows :open_mouth:


Just make sure you’re opted into the beta from account settings and create away on the deck page :tada: make a deck for whatever you’re watching and create units for each episode to group them up if you’d like. Depending on the number of episodes you might end up with a lot of decks to go through if you decide to make one for each. But whichever you find helpful :sparkles:or both ahaa


Deck then units within does make a lot of sense. I’ll have a play around. It seems like I could then do cram sessions based on that deck or the units. I’ve been watching content specifically for listening comprehension so it’s extremely handy to be able to do focused study :heart_eyes:


You most definitely can :tada: currently the only way to make custom decks show up in cram is if you’re “learning” them. But once they’re in your learn queue you can select them in cram

@veritas_nz a dedicated “bookmarked” section that includes custom decks listed next to “learning” would be handy for cram selection :eyes:

When it comes to fill-in reviews, which I use for grammar, would it be possible to have a way to make it so that you get hint 1 and hint 3, but not the full translation of the sentence nor of the explanation?
Basically like this example mockup here:

Hint 1 just gives you “in terms of〜in terms of”, but if you want the JAPANESE explanation of the grammar point you’re forced to also enable the full translation of the sentence, which I’d like to avoid to keep things as JP as possible.


I’d love to see a feature that allows users to review a set number of hours ahead. Sometimes, you might not have access to your phone for a few hours, and when reviews come back around, they can pile up at a specific time.

What I mean is that you could choose how many hours ahead you want to review, and the system would split the reviews into hourly sections. If you get something wrong and its SRS timing would normally cause it to reappear in the next hour, it would be placed into that next hour section within the review window. Once you finish, you wouldn’t have anything scheduled in those hours unless you do new lessons.

This would help spread out reviews more evenly and make it easier to manage time-sensitive situations. Although this could end up being counterproductive, as some people might abuse the system, having something like this would be a huge help for times when I don’t have access to my phone and don’t want the reviews to pile up at specific times of day. Maybe it wouldn’t need to be accessed easily; it could be placed in the same section as the vacation mode. Probably not a good idea, just something that came to mind that I thought might be helpful for some people and for me.



I’d love this actually! Being able to input my rough work schedule and avoiding busy times would be awesome :thinking:

It can be demotivating at times to see the reviews pilling up, knowing you can’t tackle it for a while (and that it’ll be even worse by then).

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I saw an announcement recently about how vocab sentences now show even more context if you tap a word or phrase - you now get links to grammar points as well as furigana options.

I just wanted to say that it would be very cool if the same was applied to vocab hints!

I am slowly getting better at reading the hints as my grammar improves, but links to grammar points here would help.

Also, can anyone point me to the original post?.

If im going through a vocab deck i need multiple clicks before i can set it as mastered (at least on mobile), being able to do it with one click on the vocab page would be useful. Right now its a lot of work to go through a lot of vocab you already know.

Is there an easy way on iOS to mark something as “Adept” or something other than “Mastered?”

I very rarely want to put a word straight to “Mastered” because I want more exposure and I’m not 100% sure I really know it, but often I do want to skip the very early SRS stages where it’s way too frequent for familiar words.


If you scroll down on the page for whatever you want to set you’ll find this.

If you click on the little I don’t know how to describe them rectangles you can set it’s level.
Fourth from the left should adept 1. Hope this helps! Although now that I think about it you might be talking about the button that literally sets to mastered, and are saying you want to be able to use that to set it to adept instead, which I’m not sure if you can do that.



Thank you, that does help! It’s a bit fiddly with some scrolling and clicking but it does get the job done for sure and I can dial each word in which is great. I was initially talking about the other “set to mastered” button but this works for what I need.

Edit: One flaw with this is you don’t have these options for words not yet added to reviews, so you still have to go through the process of “learning” and adding to review before you can adjust the SRS level. It would help to have the progress bar show when the words first come up so you can set the SRS progress level straightaway.

I should mention that this is mainly a concern for me only because I’m a self study learner that’s only a month into Bunpro, so I’ve got a bit of work to do getting what I already know integrated into the system :sweat_smile:


Oh I see, although you can set it as mastered and then just set it to adapt right after, probably not the best workaround but just thought I should mention it.

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All good, I appreciate it! I just realised that at the very least I can go through each word after the initial learning session and set their levels (in the results/post session summary).

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I wouldn’t add it to mastered first, because when you lower it back down to adapt or whatever it’ll make make it’s review immediate. Just add it to reviews during “learning” on its info page then adjust right there

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