Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

Space bar and backspace work as expected using the English keyboard too.


Late response, but RE: 嫌い:

That’s exactly what な-adjectives are though— they’re nouns that are being used adjectivally. It’s an adjective that isn’t an い-adjective. Because it’s “noun-ified” from 嫌う.

IIRC, the term “な-adjective” is a wholly English convention that was coined to help English-speakers understand Japanese. I’m pretty sure 嫌い is simply considered a noun to Japanese people, which would also explain why it’s not an い-adjective.

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That’s not really accurate.

名詞 = noun
形容詞 = い-adjective
動詞 = verb
形容動詞 = な-adjective

If you look at the dictionary entries for the words I mentioned 嫌い says [名・形動], indicating it’s both a noun and a な-adjective. The others don’t seem to indicate part of speech at all, but as far as I can tell that means it’s only a noun (for comparison 車 also doesn’t list a part of speech, but 勘違い says [名](スル), indicating it’s a noun and する-verb).

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Thanks for the clarification, the Japanese dictionary I checked didn’t appear to list parts of speech.

形容動詞 is nonetheless defined as a “quasi noun” or “adjectival noun” though, and like you said, verb stems become nouns, so I’d still say that 嫌う → 嫌い is clearly why 嫌い is not an い-adjective.


Feature request - I’d love to see a leaderboard, maybe reflecting some of the badge categories or something. (Not that I need even more reasons to keep visiting, I already check bunpro compulsively all day long.)


Can we get any kind of signal that a review question is actually a user-created self-study question? I just added my first one and I want to continue. But I feel like it’s inevitable that I make a mistake when I create one and then forget about it and think it’s a BP original one and come here and complain. Lol.


That’s a good one. I’ve had to stop myself more than once from doing that. :grin:


I’d still like an indication that an item became burned during a review.


The だれ grammar point should include its Kanji 「誰」 as that’s how it would normally be written.


Done :+1:

Thanks for the feedback :bowing_man:


The grammar point has the Kanji now but the example sentences are still showing in Hiragana. Although I am on mobile right now.


@Johnathan-Weir All example sentences should now have the kanji for 誰 with furigana. Cheers!


Any chance to get toggling hint/english/off via space working on Android browsers? I’m using Yandex browser and hitting space just writes a space. No toggling.

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On the subject of hint toggling, this color of hint still breaks it and prevents you from cycling (hiding) the hints at all, getting stuck on English. It’s been like this for months now.


I have passed that to the programming team :bowing_man:


I think the ぬきで・ 抜きで grammar point should be split up into seperate grammar points. Right now it’s combining:
Noun + 抜きで (は)/ 抜きに (は)/を 抜きにして (は)/は 抜きとして (は)

Noun1 + 抜きの + Noun2.

I realized that 抜きでは and は抜きにして actually mean quite different things from watching this video. So at least those grammar points should be seperated.


On the grammar listing page:

and preserve the filters during the session.

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It would be great to be able to toggle furigana with a keyboard shortcut.

@Kai @lopicake

We finally figured out what was causing this and have pushed a fix. Thank you for your patience. Cheers!

@goldenrold and @Jsaunders86 Thank you for your suggestions. We will see what we can do. Cheers1

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I think that the screen shown after we finish a session is kinda bad, it would be better if it was similar to WK’s, the ones you get wrong first, then the ones you got right, also with a name above them.

Something like this: