Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

That implies you want to toggle all furigana, not just a specific word. I’m curious, is there a reason you’d want to do that?

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It could simply toggle between “None” and whatever displays normally (according to user settings and individually-toggled word readings).

Maybe it would be a toggle for everything if you have furigana set to “Off,” though.


It wasn’t fixed for me just now when I did reviews.

Just a thought, maybe we could put our time zones in our profiles and out study streaks could be based off that?

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Some small feature requests:

  1. Shift + Spacebar to cycle the hints backwards
  2. “Q” shortcut to mark the answer wrong (red) and simultaneously display the correct answer
  3. Possibly have a page somewhere that lists all keyboard shortcuts


Now that all reviews can have hints hidden completely, sometimes (but not always) I just want to be able to peek at the type of answer it’s looking for, then hide it again.

I picked “Q” because it’s not used to type any Japanese (and therefore, should never be required when answering), and also because it can stand for “Quit” :stuck_out_tongue:
It’d save the small trouble of typing in gibberish, hitting enter, then pressing A to see the answer. The ; key could also be mapped to the same function (or anything else that would be convenient).


@misterkite Updating the summary page is on our to-do list! We would like to add SRS information/streak info for all of the items that you have studied. Stay tuned! Cheers!

@MissDagger Thank you for letting us know. Looks like there are still a few review sentences that are being stubborn. We should have a fix ready soon. Thank you for your patience. Cheers!

@MasterOfPuppets We are working on it! Hopefully we will have something available for you soon. Cheers!

@Kai Thank you for providing these suggestions. While adding additional keyboard shortcuts is not on our priority list, it is something that we can definitely consider in the future. Cheers!


I just want you to know that I’m unreasonably excited about this :stuck_out_tongue:

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Awesome, thanks!

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It would be really helpful if we could pick specific grammar points to study in the Cram section. I find myself wanting to practice specific grammar points rather than all my previously studied grammar.


This is actually something I’ve been meaning to request for a while now, too.

I’d especially love it if we could create and save sets, e.g. “keigo review,” “colloquial review,” “conditional statements,” etc. I’ve been playing an MMO in Japanese lately, and I’d love to be able to cram a round of colloquial grammar points before logging in!


It may have been mentioned (it’s fairly similar to the 2 points above) and may even exist (but I can’t find it) but the ability to flag problematic or interesting sentences (or grammar points) would be handy for later review. I’m currently copy/pasting into Google Keep. This could then be a study option in “Cram” perhaps? Based on the above posts perhaps a tagging system would be better.



While we’re suggesting improvements for Cram, I’d love to be able to practice all (or all studied, or all difficult, …) grammar points, not just those from a particular JLPT level. Perhaps you could add an “All” button at Cram’s first selection screen, next to the N5, N4, … buttons…?

EDIT: Or make it so that I can select any number of JLPT levels :slight_smile: (basically turning them from radiobuttons to checkboxes)


New feedback system: would be good if sent feedback immediately appears in the user feedback section. Especially when I find a bug in a ghost review and send feedback, I might encounter this bug again the next time I get this ghost review. But since I don’t see which feedback I already sent recently, I might send the feedback again in case I forgot that I sent it already.

If all (recently) sent feedback appears in the feedback section, you’ll get less redundant feedback from the same user :wink:

Edit: maybe you could show during reviews (next to the report error field) that feedback already was send for that sentence.


Any plans to add a grammar point for the imperative verb form?
食べる ー 食べろ
飲む ー 飲め
来る ー 来い
する ー しろ

I always forget about the exceptions so would be good to have a grammar point for that.


For the Your Feedback page, would it be possible to have a little heart or like icon or something we could click to acknowledge that we’ve seen the staff’s feedback and comments? I’d like to give them a little thumbs up, but replying to every comment with “Thanks!” or something of the like seems like it’d clutter up things quickly.


Something like that would be nice. So far I haven’t actually replied back to any comments about it being fixed, but I’d like to do a thumbs up every time. :smiley:


Why is there no Grammar Point for multiple adjectives in N5 grammar? As in:

い-Adjective - い + くて + Adjective 2
な-Adjective + で + Adjective 2

Or am I just blind? For some reason a lot of grammar resources don’t seem to cover this. Is it just uncommon or something?

Also I’m not seeing a Grammar Point for turning Adjectives into Adverbs. It’s sort of included in the “to become” Grammar Point but isn’t really pointed out as that you’re adverbializing the adjectives and adding なる.


Isnt this just the te-form of adjectives, used to join a sentence?
Genki covers it in lesson 7

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Yeah, I already kind of know it but I was pointing out there isn’t a lesson on this site.

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For the Feedback page: It would be nice to see clearly which ones are newly replied to. I have the “New!” message, but unless it’s something at the top, I have to scroll around and try to remember which ones I read or not to see what’s new.

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