Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

@Kert Completely agree with you (in fact I’ve seen this complaint already posed on Kitsun which is a different SRS website/app). I would recommend you use the Dark Reader extension to increase color contrast (as well as make everything dark mode if you like that). You can have settings that apply to all websites with an opt-out feature for individual websites. I’m not colorblind but I nonetheless like it to correct for the eye-hurting design of most websites.

After using Bunpro for a while, the only feature I would like to request would be simply this, the page that shows which items you got correct and which you got wrong, except have it viewable again for your next session. The way Wanikani has it set up the next time you go to review, you see the stats for your last session before you start a new one. Currently I can only see this page after a session but once I click away I have no way to access this page again. If there is a way to get it back I would love to know.

The benefit being I can narrow in on what I missed last time specifically for the next session.


Hey! You can view it in the dropdown under your profile image in the top nav header :+1:

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I kinda agree that it’d be nice to see the Summary just one click away on the main page. Next to the Show Upcoming Grammar button would make sense to me.

Found it! Thanks!

Still struggling along the Tae Kim path here :slight_smile:

I’ve already mentioned that the thing that bugs me the most is that, without fail, there’s always a sentence or four that relies on a future point…

For example:

One of the sentences for the grammar point ようにする is (answer highlighted):

子供こどもの前まえで駄目だめとか、無理むりとか言いわない ようにしましょう

Unfortunately, to pass this sentence you also need to know the polite volitional form; there are 21 points (and two whole chapters) between them on the Tae Kim path:

I guess this is pretty much always going to be an issue because of the way points and paths are only slightly coupled. I suspect if I’d done a different path I’d already know how and when to form the polite volitional form.

My latest solution (having given up on maintaining a list of answers I can’t know yet) is to have Aeron Buchanan’s amazing two-page verb chart open, and every time something like this happens I locate the unknown form and get a surface understanding that can carry me until I make it to the point that I should know it.

So, short-story long, I think a built in feature like this would help ease the gap between the books the paths are based on and the ‘original’ path the sentences assume you’re taking:

When you get a sentence wrong, it should outline all the grammar points the answer relies on, so that you can at least continue armed with what you need to know to no longer be haunted by it.

So in the above example, when you get it wrong you also get a link to point 70 (ましょう).

I guess you could even take it further and not show that sentence in reviews until point 70 is also studied, but I appreciate software development is an incremental thing :slight_smile:

(n.b. this really is a common occurrence; ましょう isn’t even the only future point you need to pass ようにする 's reviews, you also need to know てください 7 chapters and 64 points in advance…)


@thomasmichaelwallace Kudos! This is a very thoughtful post. :blush: :+1:


It’d be nice if there was a way to pause cram sessions. I’d like to be able to set up a session, but do it at my own pace, being unable to answer any questions or proceed while the session is paused, so that we don’t have to pick and chose the grammar points all over again.

It’s a small thing but would it be possible to have a single scroll bar for both reviews and new grammar done per day?


I’d be nice if there was some way to batch edit the status of your grammar points, to have more control over your cards.
For example, I think it’s fair to assume that you probably don’t have to finish the srs intervals for the n5 grammar points to know them if you read a lot, because they show up over and over again anyway. I’d like to mark them all as known as an easy way to lessen the review load.

I’m assuming that right now, you’d have to click on every grammar point individually to do that.
As an alternative, being able to click “I know this” directly from the review screen would be great too, but even here, you have to click on the “NX: Lesson Y” thing first before you can do that.

(please tell me if something like that already exists and I just haven’t found it!)

Re: fanfare, quick note — probably should be a small message for adding everything, and then bigger celebration for achieving, say, all streak 6 and all streak 12. :smile:

I would be great to be able to choose how many sentences we are tested against during review.

I would feel far more confident that i do indeed remember given grammar point if i would be tested agains 5 or 10 sentences. Especially when some grammar point are quite complex.

The same goes for quiz after learning new grammar point.

I find the references to Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar to be very helpful when I’m studying. Are there any plans to add in references to Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar and Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar? If so, that would be fantastic.

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Looks like they will be but this response was May last year. The Japanese Grammar series are often the most useful resources for me so I really hope they are added soon. I always make sure to check my copy even if they don’t have a page number added yet.


Glad I’m not the only one. The cross-references save so much time looking up grammar points in the DJG tomes, and the explanations are so thorough.


For an N1 review I think this is way too easy. It might as well say “How do you conjugate ある into たら form?” Is the second sentence really necessary?

Sorry if this point was already mentioned.
I would love to set a number of reviews i wanna do in one bunch.
To keep my motivation for doing reviews up, i have to do them in really small quizzes (10 at a time are good / currently my daily goal to tackle my reviews). Doing all the reviews at a time just totally demotivates me and i make many mistakes.

I like the “wrap up session” feature, but it is annoying i can’t see, how many sentences will be left when wrapping up. I just have to count or guess, how many errors I made.

Are you planning such a feature? What is your opinion on it? Do you maybe have tips for keeping motivation high and doing reviews regularly, even if the number of reviews seems overwhelming?

Did you consider using text2speech for the missing audio? Something like Amazon Polly for example.


Slightly more complex grammar questions/modes with more blanks have been suggested before.
I just wish to point out that such a question can have the potential to be more challenging by forcing the users to input the particle as well.

This could address some feedback where users feel that they are not adequately tested in all aspects of the said grammar point. In this case, I feel like I would take awhile to guess which particle to use if I were to create a sentence using the grammar point.



Nice idea, but i hope that would be something everybody have to opt into. Not everybody is interested in having perfect grammar. Some people just want to learn it to reasonable level so it is not stoping them during reading/watching something.

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