Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

It could be useful to have number of days attach to each troubled grammar point which would indicated how long we straggle with it. I want to allocate some extra study time only to those which are there for 3 days or more, but keeping an eye on it is troublesome. They go in and out often.

Adding running total in Review Forecast after hovering over it would also be nice. It would be easier to check how many reviews will wait for me when I come back after work or after sleep.

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Yes please. I personally have certain hours that I study during so I try to set a good amount of reviews due the next time I study. Not too high and not too low. This would help tremendously.

It would be nice to have exercises for conjugations of verbs in different forms (plain, infinitive, imperative…). There are already some exercises for this as grammar sentences but it would be nice to have preexisting lists of verbs and exercises focused only on conjugations


Thanks for the suggestions! I can add a data point retrospectively to note when it became troubled. Is that what you are thinking?

I can look into the running total for review forecast.

Here are some verb conjugation practice tools

Is there something specific that you see that would make having a built in verb conjugation tool on Bunpro inherently better than using an outside resource?


Yes, thank you :relaxed:

If you got time you can add script so it will become for example more and more red the longer is troubled for some visual clue, but it is not necessary. Just idea how to make visually more interesting.

Thanks for the links. Looks like the tools are a perfect fit for my request.
Given the existing external tooling I don’t see any reason for integrating this into bunpro as is.
Maybe a way to integrate it would be as sentences that have minimal differences (just enough context change to change the verb form). For me at least a bit of a downside of the training/review system is that you kind of memorize the sentence so sometimes it’s more autopilot than actually applying grammar. Not sure the above would improve on this point, but still putting it out there as a thought…

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My sub is inactive so I can’t leave feedback on the sentence itself, but a friend of mine showed me this:

Unless I’m missing something there are too many をs in this sentence; there’s only supposed to be one per clause.

Chapters 19 and 20 in the Genki II path both have いらっしゃる.


I think it’d be nice if the review forecast retained the time span that we had previously selected, or defaulted to hourly because I’d consider that the more immediately relevant information. :slight_smile:

It would also be nice if the “view community” button was in a place that didn’t require scrolling. Even just adding the old button back would be nice. I am aware that there is a button under the top right drop-down, but the physical exertion of that one extra click is extremely demanding. :’)

Also, the peak peeking out here mildly piques. (1920*1080)

It would be great if the cursor would automatically jump into the input field when starting reviews.
I’m pretty sure that’s how it already used to work, but since the new dashboard I always have to manually click the input field before typing text.

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I love the self-study tool, which allows me to add example sentences from other materials I use, but I often make mistakes when I’m typing that I don’t catch until I repeatedly get the review wrong. It would be nice to have a quick and easy edit option so that I don’t have to hunt down which grammar point I wrote the original sentence into.

It also might be nice to have a notes section on each grammar, where I can write personal notes about common mistakes I make, or notes from other materials as well. Right now, the only section that I know of where you can add your info is the self-study feature.

Otherwise, I really love the site! It’s made studying grammar so much easier!


This exists :slight_smile: Top left:

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Some people would benefit from new setting allowing them to disable some kind of hints after giving not exactly proper answer. Worth considering, I guess?

Adding something working other way around would be nice too. Option for extra hints after completely wrong answer? Or ability to try a few times with “oops” that would still mark it wrong even if i got it at third attempt? That would benefit me personally.

here is discussion on the topic:


I was searching for the 「げ - seemingly」point, using “ge” and げ, and it didn’t show on the “ge” results. (“ge” results went for two screens)

screen caps

Is this grammar point missing from Bunpro?

EDIT: there’s this, but all the examples use plain form.

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Do you mean this?

Or this?

I don’t think it really matters whether it’s plain or ます, or do you think it has a special meaning when you use ます?

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The ように祈る grammar linked by @FredKore seems to have a note and a sentence ending in ますように… is that new? I think it would have helped me a lot when I first saw it in the wild (unfortunately I discovered bunpro too late for N4 though).

The reason why I had trouble puzzling it out was just that I didn’t trust my judgment. We learn that ます is only used at the end, and I also wasn’t sure what the missing part after ように would be. Eventually it all falls into place but this is so common that I think it’s great to point it out explicitly for people around N4.

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Oh dang, I didn’t even see that.

@nekoyama @Pep95 Agreed that ように is related, but that note about ますように is what I’m driving at. At least, this comment started because when I searched for ますように, nothing showed up in the results.

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