Interesting! It’s been so long (263 days to be exact) since I started here I can’t remember what it looked like when I first signed up. Your post got me thinking about a potential splash screen (or whatever you want to call it) for new users that would give them the gist of the website in one brief summary before then returning to the main dashboard. This could essentially be a walkthrough of what to do, tips and tricks, etc.
- Explanation of paths
- Quick paragraph on what any differences between the paths could be
- Recommended way to get the most out of the website
- Photos of recommended readings
- How to use custom notes, etc.
- Link to forum thread for new users with introductions/general chat/questions, etc.
- Example of different amount of new grammar you could learn per day, etc.
I started as a fresh user and started with the TK path but eventually just opted for BP’s standard path as the sample sentences flowed in a much more logical order. At the end of the day you can only lead the horse to water, but I think there’s always room to improve how the horse gets to the water so to speak.