Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

All ready to go :slight_smile:


Thanks so much! Really excited to dig into the N1 grammar with new audio files!


I really like the new checkbox/tickbox on the Grammar Reading lessons. Would it be possible to also mark a lesson complete on the Reading Practise overview page/screen/view? It would make it more consistent with the Grammar lesson overview page. More importantly it gives the user a nice feeling of progress / completion. Quite important for those little motivational moments.

But only if it’s a not a lot of effort.

cheers, keep up the good work, it’s really appreciated.


Someone else had suggested it on the Wanikani forums as well.
It is live now. It is just a simple checkmark as the tiles themselves and reading passages as a whole will be reworked sometime in the future.


confirmed, working for me

awesome (hang on it also means terrible according to 10ten?!)

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making bunpro improvement requests on the wanikani forums! the cheek of it!


It depends on the context it’s used in. If you’re familiar with English slang, think of it like the word ‘sick’. It can mean “cool, awesome” but also “gross, unpleasant”.

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Similarly, “awful” used to mean “awesome” (which is close to すごい) or “inspiring awe”. It’s weird that these words don’t mean the same if you think about it. “Awful” isn’t used like that anymore though, contrary to すごい apparently (though i’ve never seen it as “terrible” personally, granted my reading experience could be better).

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I think the only times I’ve seen it used as “terrible” would be as an adverb. Like “it’s terribly insane” or something. But I can’t recall seeing it used in a negative sense, least not yet.

Gotta love how language is ever evolving though x’D Keeps you on your toes, haha.

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Would it be possible for the reading passages to have the blue numbers for notes both on the English translation as well as raw? Cuts out having to have both sections up at the same time to figure out the nuance.

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First of all, great job with the recent updates to Bunpro. They are truly appreciated!!

Also, +1000 on adding Quartet I & II pathways, please!! This would be amazing :star_struck:.

Lastly, I’m sort of new here, but is there a way to do a Cram session of a specific pathway (i.e. Genki II, Chapter 17)? Apologies if this is already possible.

A lot of times I just want to focus on studying a single chapter of Genki, but the only way I know to do this is to manually find and select each grammar point (which is obviously not ideal). If this is not already possible, then it would be nice to add this feature. Possibly next to the “Study Full Chapter”, adding a “Cram Full Chapter” next to it would be nice.

Thanks again for everything you do!


Can I have a badge for completing all the N5 reading practices please?


How about topic-specific summary-pages, e.g. a page the compares all grammar available that has the meaning “because”?
These could be visualized somewhat, e.g. using a grid with politeness on the x-axis and frequency of use on the y-axis.

I think this would be really useful to connect the dots.


It would be really nice to have a “hide studied items” feature in the path overview list.

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We are currently looking into the possibility of adding other pathways, and Quartet was one of the ones that came up in conversation. I cannot give you a timeline on exactly when something like that could be organized, but we have been discussing it, and a few other textbooks that we would like to add pathways for in the future. :relaxed:

Cramming a specific chapter of a textbook is an interesting idea! Cram is also something we have been talking about recently, and how we can make changes to it that would improve user experience. I think it would definitely be cool to be able to save your own specific cram lists, that you could add/remove things from whenever you want. :partying_face: That would make studying certain things way easier!


It would be nice if there was a way to always show the content of the [more] section. Maybe an option in the profile, like toggling kana. The reason for it is just that some grammar points are very similar, and the extra info helps knowing which one is wanted.

Feature request: onomatopeia lessons and exercises.
The book “Jazz up your japanese with onomatopeia” has exercises. Lessons could be something like, Onomato Project :: guruguru - ぐるぐる - グルグル


Maybe it’s already been suggested (it’s a long thread!), but how about paths for the Shin Kanzen Master books?

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You guys are quick!!

Thanks for adding chapter specific cramming…yeah!! This is exactly what I needed, 本当にありがとうございました。

Looking forward to the addition of Quartet to the list of pathways (other books are a plus, of course). And thanks for continuing to improve this site. Keep up the great work :+1:.