Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

Echoing this! I don’t wish to change my timezone because that causes all sorts of complications, but I would really love to be able to set when my day ends and the next begins in terms of Bunpro. I’m a night owl (on weekends where I have room to be!) and so being able to do reviews comfortably at a later time would be lovely.


I would like to suggest getting the 命令形 (imperative) form added. I know we have なさい (polite imperative) and 禁止形 (negative imperative) but unless its hidden I can’t find the main imperative form. :pleading_face:


Is there scope to have another window drop down after you get a review correct/incorrect (like the grammar windows) that shows the vocabulary used in the example sentence during reviews?



When learning new grammars, if you enter the wrong answer, you automatically go to the next question and won’t be able to edit your input. However, in the reviews, if you enter the wrong answer you do not automatically go to the next question and you are able to re-try and still get the question correct. Is there a way to make the review format same as the one when you are learning new grammar?

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I don’t think they have that option, there is bunny mode that automatically continues when you get it correct.

I believe there is a script already made that does in effect what you are looking for if you really do want that feature

It’s on this forum post but in precise it would be this script that they have available

But I’m not sure it’s a good idea to use because I don’t think that’ll help you learn. But it’s do able


This has bugged me literally everyday since starting but its minor enough that I just ignored it.
The default “Reviews/new grammar done per day” starts in the middle date from April 1’st 2018 to the present, meaning that it doesn’t show your own start date unless you happen to have been going for however many years. It would be better if it culled all days prior to when you started, and preferably showed you your current month, by default.


Hi, i apologise if this has been suggested before, but here goes:
I’m thinking it would be neat to have a button to mark something as known during the lesson process, especially in regards to vocab. I know I can go and do it after, but sometimes I like to do bigger chunks of vocab and it can get tedious to have to go through them individually afterwards to mark them as known.

edit: changed “review” to “lesson”

i would like to manually order example sentences so i can put easy ones to the bottom and hard ones to the top.

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Also, auto ranging colours for the data would be preferable. The present colour scheme conveys next to no information to me whatsoever as I routinely do at least 50 reviews a day, higher than the highest colour option of 20.

For comparison here’s a screenshot from the Wanikani’s heatmap script with autoranging colours.


I like that you can see what you have under each srs level when clicking it now. Is there something that you could add to that like have a cram button for all srs in the beginner and/or adept stages? It is kind of cumbersome to have to goto the cram button then select the ones you want to review.


I just finished a bunch of reviews, and I thought it would be nice to have on that summary page a button to cram all the grammar points I just missed in that review session. I don’t know how hard it would be to program that, but I thought I’d suggest it in case it’s not too difficult. Thanks!


I see something along this line was attempted. Thanks.
If I may be picky…Here is what my stats looks like upon loading in, with the scroll bar almost entirely to the right. If you could just make it literally 1 more click to the right it would be perfect, as it stands it cuts off the current month’s data.


Not sure how feasible this is, but it would be great to be able to add grammar points to a private deck or collection, or even to tag grammar points with our own custom tags, and then be able to cram the private deck, collection, or tag.


I have a couple of design suggestions that may improve readability. On the grammar pages, what if the “Information” and “Your Notes” sections/boxes took up the full width. I think the empty column is distracting. Something like this:

I like the gray and white, it might improve readability to have the border portions in gray and the parts with the text in white. Something like this quick and dirty mockup. And maybe there could be 2-3 more different themes so people could pick the version they liked best?

Could there be some indication during the reviews (perhaps by using color) to indicate whether the item is a vocabulary point or a grammar one? I’m spoiled by the way WaniKani has their radicals in blue, kanji in pink, and vocabulary in purple. They also have a black bar if the question is looking for a Japanese response and a white one for English.


I would love if I could create a custom curriculum for myself. Currently I am going to a Japanese school in Japan and would love if I could setup my own structure of the order of grammar so it can align with the schools textbook. It would the be nice if I could then practice content based on my custom organization in the cram section of the website so I can prepare before tests in addition to the spaced repetition.

Not sure if this has already been requested as there are more requests than I can read through in a reasonable amount of time.

Is there an easier way to add or study vocabulary? The only way I could find was searching google for “bunpro vocab”, landing on this page and choosing one of the decks to study from. I could not find any way to find vocabulary from the dashboard or the top navigation.

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You need to opt-in on the beta on Settings! This will allow you to access Decks from the navigation.

To do that, just use this setting:

This will give you an early glimpse of a lot of functionality that’s on the works, vocab included.

Hope that helps!

That helps immensely. All opted in now! Can’t wait til an N3 vocabulary deck is added. Syncing with WaniKani cleared out most of the N5 and N4! But there’s plenty of kana only words to keep me busy for a bit. :grin:

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Super glad its working out for you!

The feature is still in Beta and we aim to polish it, any and all comments you might have are more than welcome!

I did notice that when I turned on the English when learning new vocabulary I could not figure out how to turn it back off.