に基づいて にもとづいて - Grammar Discussion

English translation:
based on
in accordance with

Noun + に基づいて
Noun1 + に基づく + Noun2

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I was wondering whether づく has some meaning here, that could help understand and memorize this point. Is it related to 付く?

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Yes, 基付く is an alternative spelling.


Thanks! Knowing this will help a lot.


I am having some trouble understanding the distinction between this point and の下で – for example, in the sample sentence ちゃんと計画に基づいて、動いてください, would ちゃんと計画のもとで、動いてください not have the same meaning?

In the sentence " 実話じつわ______ドラマには説得力せっとくりょくがある。"
Entering " にもとづいて” results in “Let’s try a different grammar structure here.” which I think is usually reserved for entirely different grammar points? Is this intentional here?

Hey @pasi !

This seems like an error on our end, so we have just fixed this! Thank you for letting us know about this!

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