In the event you forget your points card, please bring them together with the marked purchase receipt to the register within 10 days
In the event you forget your points card, please bring them together with the marked purchase receipt to the register within 10 days
If you forget your point card, please bring it to the cashier with your stamped purchase receipt within 10 days.
In case you forgot your reward card, please bring it within ten days to the register with your purchase receipt stamped with a seal.
If you forget your points card, please bring it with the stamped sales check to the cash register within 10 days.
If you don’t use points within a year, they will expire.
On the occasion you forget your point card, within 10 days please bring your pointcard and purchase receipt to the register for seal imprint.
We are wondering when the Amazing Race will finish.
September 30th Translation
Notes :
上がれ・上げれ is another grammar point that is seen in many set phrases. In this case, the nuance is ‘Your -completed- purchase receipt’, as it is referring to the future. Meaning ‘If you finish shopping today, and suddenly realize that you don’t have your point card, bring today’s receipt -from completeing your shopping- to the register with you’.
New thread for October can be found here!
@Asher Thank you! I also got confirmation from one of my teachers that this construction Nとかのせいで is indeed used. But it is slightly incorrect according to her because とか is a bit familiar and used in spoken language whereas せいで is rather formal and written. So one should say Nなどのせいで or Nとかで for instance to be consistent, although Japanese people do use Nとかのせいで. Last のせいで as a nuance of accusation so one should avoid to use it.