March 9th
Text: 逆にオレはいつも一人で大勢の敵を相手に戦ってきた…
Our club president is an athlete, so I think it will be hard to beat her.
On the contrary, I always came to fight against hordes of enemies alone.
On the contrary, I have been fighting alone against the enemy’s crowd
On the contrary, it has come to be that I fight the crowds of enemies alone…
No, actually I’ve been a one-man army fighting against the enemy ranks.
How about asking if he/she has forgotten the keys to his/her own house?
What if you just asked, “Did you lose the key to your house?”
If they ask you “Did you forget your house key?”
What if I asked if it is because they forgot the key to their own house?
I asked him, “You have forgotten your own house keys?”
(Darn it, I could see my mistakes now )
No, if you look closely, you’ll see the yolk is diffusing.
No, if you look in detail, you’ll see that the yolk is getting bigger.
Oh no! If you look closely, the egg yolk is spreading.
Now, if you look closely, you’ll see that the yolk is spreading out.