There’s a large town like this deep in the forest… I haven’t heard that either
There’s a large town like this deep in the forest… I haven’t heard that either
November 4th Translation
Notes :
The タウン above まち here is another example of where irregular readings can be used with kanji. Usually this is done when a word from another language is used (or a made-up word), and the author wants to make sure that the reader can understand the meaning in Japanese.
It’s not like I want to rescue him or something, you know.
It’s not like I want to rescue that guy, or whatever.
I’m assuming they didn’t know the meaning of the word sket when they named this
I don’t especially want to save that guy, you know?
@s1212z どんな弁当が欲しい?
What kind of bento do you want?
The Sket here is an English/Katakana version of 助っ人(すけっと)… But yeah they probs didn’t know .
It’s not like I was thinking about rescuing him
hmm…I don’t think I’ll save them
Today’s translation sentence wasn’t particularly difficult.
“It’s not like I was thinking about rescuing that guy or anything”
is this the ‘ようと思う’ grammar but with a か in the middle? can anyone explain this please?
@gyroninja is correct. It is ようと思う but with the と omitted, and とか in it’s place. The と is very often omitted in speech.
November 5th Translation
Notes :
In casual speech, と will often be dropped from almost all expressions that use it as a quotation marker. This is because it is much easier to follow quotations when they are being spoken, as the participants of a conversation have some form of prior context.
November 6th
Text :
Announcement :
From today onward, GrammarInTheWild will be posted in the morning, Tokyo time (UTC/GMT +9), between 7am and 9am. This is between around 3pm and 5pm California time (which I am using as my reference, because I am Australian and don’t know any better references)
@Jake will be able to, and will give more accurate details re this at some point today!
Note :
There is a huge haul of signs and things from Kyoto that we think you guys will have a ton of fun translating!
The と is very often omitted in speech.
That doesn’t really seem to be the case here since it’s still there in とか. From what I understand the regular と and the と from とか both serve the same purpose of being used to quote something.
I think it’s more of a case of just adding か or using とか instead of と (as opposed to omitting と and adding とか) depending on if you want to analyze とか as a single “word.”
Within 天龍寺庭園 eating bento and such or drinking alcohol is prohibited.
天龍寺庭園 (Sky Dragon Temple Garden)
That is a good point, and I actually agree that it is sometimes easier to think of many of the different particles like とか, ので, etc as a combination of their (smaller) particles, as it makes it easier to understand. However, strictly speaking they are completely different particles that can’t always be used at the same time.
This is the fault of Japanese being an agglutinative language, as it makes it very hard to draw the line of what is a word, and what is simply a regular combination of other parts. In this case, seeing as とか is a word in itself (Adverbial particle), the と would be classified as omitted. But you are completely right that it is still there in the とか.
Inside the parc of the temple of the heavenly dragon, eating a bentou or other meal, and driking alcohol is forbideen.
Within Tenryu-ji Garden, things such as bento or alcohol are prohibited.
In regards to teaching Japanese online, one that is via video that is convenient and interesting is Nihongomori.