Haruna's short story (reading and listening practice)



Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

It looked like something in the wax was alive, but whatever had been pulsing through it had died and sunk into furrows along the surface… I used my fingernail to create a small lip along the edge of the wax before peeling open the envelope. Inside, there was a black piece of paper folded. I carefully removed the letter, taking note of the fact that the paper was quite cool to the touch and had a slight glossy feel on the surface, almost like metal. Opening the letter, it appeared as though my impression may have been correct. The writing seems to have been carved into the parchment, rather than written on it. This created a font of copper colored lines that ran in straight indentations, similar to scratches. Zooming out my focus from the individual letters to the whole letter, I began to read its message. ‘Akane, it’s really not polite to stare. 174330 tomorrow evening, bring your toothbrush.’ Before fear had a chance to completely set in, the words appended to the end of the letter somehow calmed me down. ‘My Fawn’.



正直なところ、この言葉が私を落ち着かせる理由は何もなかった。それは、私が小さい頃に いつも祖父母の家の裏の庭ではしゃぎ回って 5分後には必ず躓いて泣いて戻ってくることから付けられた、祖父の 私に対する呼び名だったのだ。よく飛び跳ねて、よく転ぶ…。それが 彼の子鹿に対するイメージだったのだろう。祖父を知らない人が この名前を知っているわけがないのだが、彼らは私に何を求めているのだろうか…そして、これらの数字は何なのだろうか?これについて 筋の通った結論を出すには、家に帰って考えを整理する必要がある。家への旅路を行く前に、私は手紙と封筒を財布に戻した。(まず第一に。家に帰って、ドアに鍵をかけて、シャワーを浴びるんだ。)と夕日を追い越すほどの速さで歩きながら 自分に言い聞かせた。

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

To be honest, there was really no good reason why this should make me feel calm. It was a pet name that my grandfather called me when I was little because I always used to frolic around the garden at the back of their house and then come back 5 minutes later crying when I inevitably tripped over. Jumps around a lot, falls a lot… I guess that was his mental image of a fawn. There is no possible way that someone who doesn’t know my grandfather would know this name, but what do they want from me… and what are those numbers about? I need to go home and collect my thoughts if I am going to be able to come to any rational conclusion about any of this. I put the letter and envelope back in the purse before I restarted my trip home. ‘First things first. Get home, lock my doors, have a shower’, I told myself while walking fast enough to outpace the setting sun.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

Unlocking the door to my house, the sound of the latch flicking open gave me a fright. I’m definitely way too on edge right now… I looked over my shoulder one last time as I entered my apartment through a space not wide enough for anybody to be able to see in through. After closing the metal door which I had always thought was a bit excessive until today, I secured the dead bolt and hung my keys with a sigh of relief. Fast forward 40 minutes, 1 shower, and 2 glasses of wine later, I found myself sitting on my couch, staring intently at the purse I had placed on the coffee table in front of me. Opening it up, I poured out the contents onto the glass tabletop. The inside of the wallet itself appeared to be no different to anything you might expect to find. However, under one of the flaps was a photo secured behind a clear plastic shield. A photo of me sitting next to the woman that I saw sitting on the tree stump. We were both smiling and holding up a drink toward the camera as if we were saying cheers to something. My grandfather could be seen behind us, he appeared to be carrying another round of drinks in our direction and was laughing. Despite the happy memory that this photo portrayed, it failed to take into consideration the reality that my grandfather passed away when I was 17, and I looked to be at least 30 when the picture was taken.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

Although me being 30 in the photo is just a guess, I definitely look older than the 26 that I am right now. However, it’s not so much that I look older, I just look like I have lived my life and seen the world. I guess the type of person that would typically be called ‘well travelled’. Well I guess she really is my doppelganger then, because that doesn’t sound anything like me at all… I really don’t think there is anyone I can show this to… Who would believe this sequence of events? My knees popped as I stood up to get another drink. ‘Well, maybe I’m closer to 30 than I’d like to admit’, I thought. Taking the wine out of the fridge, I placed my glass on the counter and began to fill it as I looked at the pile of mail that had been accumulating recently. 174436. The factory number written on an invoice from an air conditioning repair business that I contracted last month caught my eye immediately. That’s it! The number on that letter is a factory in this area! I raced to my laptop to research it straight away, almost tripping over a power cable on the way.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

174330… I typed the number into Google, hoping that it would bring some kind of closure to this mystery. ‘Miyazaki Commercial Dry cleaning’. Huh? A commercial dry cleaner… Opening the dated webpage, It seemed like they provided dry cleaning services and clothing repairs to some of the other big factories in the area. After not being able to find anything of interest, I finally clicked on the ‘About’ page, praying that there would be even a sliver of useful information. Jackpot! Right there in the middle of my dust-covered laptop screen sat the woman I had seen earlier today. She had a beaming smile and was the focus a section titled ‘The Miyazaki Family’. Apparently they moved here 40 years ago from Kumamoto when Ms. Miyazaki’s father started the business. Scrolling further down the page, there were several other photos of Ms. Miyazaki, who had apparently taken over the business 15 years ago upon further reading. However, one photo toward the end of the page stood out. Ms. Miyazaki standing in the center of a group of smiling factory employees. The one who was directly to the left of her was my grandfather.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

I resolved to at least visit the factory tomorrow. I was going to be passing close by there on the way home from work anyway, and if this person was really a friend of my Grandfather’s, I highly doubt they had anything malicious planned… Well, apart from scaring the life out of me with the note and the identification. But considering how much of a trickster my grandfather was, I wouldn’t put it past one of his friends being a kindred spirit. Ms. Miyazaki… What could someone that owns their own seemingly successful business want to do with me, and why do they have fashion sense that probably wouldn’t look out of place in a runway show on Mars. All will be revealed tomorrow I guess, I better get some sleep. It’s only just on 8:30pm, but this afternoon seemed like an eternity. As I was winding down and preparing my lunch for the following day, the smell of cooking rice was able to make all of my stress dissipate in the blink of an eye. Whether it’s my average day to day life, or the threat of a giant stalker, there’s nothing that will change the relaxing scent of freshly cooked rice. I guess I am Japanese through and through.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

Waking up in the morning, I lay in bed and stretched my body out until I could feel the cold morning air hit my toes poking out from under the futon. ‘Gosh I’m glad I don’t have a boyfriend. If my toes poke out from the end of this bed, a taller person would feel like a sardine in a can!’, I jokingly thought to myself before coming back to the reality that I found myself in. Oh right! Yesterday was real! I jumped out of bed and hurriedly began preparing for work. Naturally, I messed up basically everything that it was possible to mess up along the way. Burnt toast. T-shirt on backwards. Salt instead of sugar in my coffee… This may actually be a good thing. The more horrible my morning, the lower the possibility that something even worse could happen in the afternoon. Picking up the wallet in question along with all its contents as I raced to the door, I threw everything in my backpack before I put on my shoes in the entrance area. As I opened the heavy metal door and felt the cool air hit my face together with the warmth of the slowly rising sun, I somehow felt like the rest of my day wouldn’t be so bad afterall. How wrong I was…



いつものように、私はボスよりも早く出勤して、それは実際よりももっと忙しいように誤魔化さなければいけなくなる前に自分のペースで仕事を出来るようにするためだった。渡辺さんを責めるのは良くないけどね、彼は実は本当に良いマネージャーだから。私たちは二人とも、工場の海に飲み込まれつつある靴屋を閉店させないために出来る限りの事をしているだけである。「あかね、今日は早いね!」と、玄関のドアが開く音に続いて聞こえた。「毎日早いですよ!』と私は答えた。渡辺さんは、店を開ける前に半額になった靴でいっぱいのカゴをドアの近くに移動させた。渡辺さんは、「確かにそうだね」と、「でも、いつも驚くけどね」と付け加える前に言った。私は笑った。今日の午後の予定を誰かに話すのが賢い選択だと思い、私は渡辺さんと今までの人生で一番長い間話すための勇気を出した。「今日の午後は、この先の業務用の洗濯屋さんで働く友人の所を訪ねるつもりなんです。」「ほう?」彼は半分その発言に驚き、半分 私が会話を始めた事に驚き、眉を上げて答えた。「まあ、友人っていうほどでもなくて…どうやら祖父の友人のようなんです」と私は続けた。彼は運んでいた靴の入っているカゴを置いた。「友人らしい?」彼は困惑した顔で尋ねた。

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

Like always, I arrived at work before my boss, so was able to go at my own pace a little bit before I had to start the daily charade of pretending to be a lot busier than I really was. I shouldn’t give Mr. Watanabe a hard time though, he’s actually a really nice manager. We’re both just doing the best we can to keep the doors open to a shoe shop that is slowly being engulfed by a sea of factories. ‘Akane, you’re early today!’, I heard following the sound of the front door opening. ‘I’m early every day!’ I replied. Mr. Watanabe set about moving some baskets full of half price shoes close to the door before opening the shop. ‘That’s true’, he said before adding ‘but it never fails to surprise me’. I laughed. Deciding that telling someone what I was planning on doing this afternoon would be wise, I plucked up the courage to have a longer conversation with Mr. Watanabe than I’ve ever had in my life. ‘This afternoon I am planning to go visit a friend that works at that commercial laundromat down the road’. ‘Oh…?’ he replied, raising an eyebrow half in surprise at the statement, half in surprise at me starting a conversation. ‘Well, not so much a friend… Apparently a friend of my grandfather’s’ I continued with. He put down the basket of shoes he was carrying. ‘Apparently a friend?’ he queried with a puzzled look on his face.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

I paused and took a moment to collect my thoughts before continuing with ‘Right… I came across some old photos at home that had some names and dates written on them. I’ve always wanted to know more about my grandfather, so I had a shot at looking up one of the names. The lady works in this area!’. My boss’ confusion turned to what appeared to be mild amusement. Smiling very rarely, I almost burst out laughing watching his facial muscles perform yoga whilst trying to warp themselves into some alchemical concoction of what they assumed a smile should look like. ‘You’re going to visit an old lady at a commerical laundromat to hear stories about your grandfather?’ he quizzed. ‘Yeah… Just thought you’d like to know’, I laughed nervously. ‘Well that’s the hard part out of the way. Now at least if I go missing someone will know where I was’ I thought to myself. With the first genuine grin I have ever seen, Mr. Watanabe replied with ‘In that case let me know how it goes… I sometimes wish I knew more about some of my family members as well’. His smile quickly melted away as his face shifted slightly toward the ground. ‘People come and go too quickly while we’re all busy trying to make ends meet’. His last words hit me a little bit deeper.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

After letting his words sink in for a moment, I looked up at the clock. ‘Oh, almost time to open! I’ll be sure to let you know what this afternoon is like Mr. Watanabe!’. He replied with a meek smile and then wandered off into his office. The rest of the day actually went by fairly uneventfully. About 15 customers came, 9 of which ended up buying something. That may sound like a lot, but one of the benefits of working in a fairly odd area is that the customers that actually come, usually come for a reason. It was already approaching my finish time. Just as I began balancing the cash register, Mr. Watanabe came out of his office for only the second time all day… The first presumedly being for lunch. ‘Akane, this is for you’, he said, motioning with his eyes at a brown paper bag he was carrying . ‘I saw this cake when I went to get my lunch. I thought that maybe you could enjoy it with your new friend’, he winked. ‘Afterall, it would be rude not to take something!’ he then followed with. ‘Oh, thank you so much! I was considering buying something on the way, but this will be perfect!’. After handing me the cake he said ‘Well then, I can finish here for the day. I’ll see you tomorrow’. I thanked him and went to grab my belongings… For some reason I couldn’t shake the feeling that I would never see Mr. Watanabe again.



携帯電話のGPSを頼りに五分ほど歩いた後、業務用の洗濯屋さんの場所なら憶測を試みれるほどこの辺りの道はよく知っていると判断した。携帯電話をしまい、私は初めて自分の周囲をきちんと把握した。化学廃棄物で枯れた草むら…製造業の町ならではの様々な物が混ざった匂い…洗剤、液体金属、木の煙、発泡スチロール、段ボール。これらの香りを全て組み合わせると、産業主義が擬人化されてバーを開くとしたら そのマルゲリータはどんな匂いになるだろうと想像したものになる。本当に目眩がするほどだが、同時に、不思議と どこか心地よさも感じる。気がつくと、私は目的地の通りに出ていた。あった…。まだ数百メートル先なのに、一目瞭然だ。この距離から見ると、複合施設を出入りするバンは巣の周りを飛ぶ蜂のように見える。その「宮崎業務用クリーニング」という看板は、誰が女王なのかを疑う人への警告でもあった。

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

After following the GPS on my phone for about 5 minutes, I decided that I knew the streets well enough around this area to be able to hazard a guess at where the laundromat was. Putting my phone away, I properly took in my surroundings for the first time. The patches of withered grass from chemical waste… The cocktail of smells that one would only ever expect from a manufacturing district… Detergents, liquid metals, wood smoke, styrofoam, cardboard. Combining all of these scents together, it was how I imagined a margherita would smell if industrialism personified itself and decided to open a bar. Really it’s enough to make you dizzy, but strangely somehow comforting at the same time. Before I knew it, I had turned onto the street of my destination. There it was… Still a few hundred meters ahead, but already as plain as day. From this distance, the vans entering and leaving the complex looked like bees hovering around a hive. The ‘Miyazaki Commercial Dry cleaning’ sign serving as a warning to any who might question who was the queen.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

As I drew closer, I noticed more and more things about the building that seemed out of place. For starters, there was advertising posters plastered all over the facade. Almost as if someone had watched far too many advertisements on television and forgotten that the real world didn’t consist of a voiceover shouting about how discounted something was over and over. There also appeared to be nobody getting either in or out of the vans. They reversed into the side of the building next to something that looked like one of those tubes that passengers walked through when boarding a plane, and then about 15 seconds later they left… How could they possibly be loaded in that time? Well, who am I to judge, I know absolutely zero about dry cleaning. I was now about 100 meters from the main building. Shifting my sight away from the almost orchestrated coming and going of the vans, I looked down toward where I assumed the entrance should be. There she was… Standing outside the doors, looking at me while pointing at her watch like an irritated mother whose child had arrived home from school 5 minutes late. Momentarily forgetting that I was an adult, I began to hurry the remaining distance. Coming to a halt in the last 5 meters, she finally opened her mouth and said in a voice that sounded somewhere between a yawn and a hiss, ‘My dear, your habits really do leave much to be desired’.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

Now that she was standing right in front of me, Ms. Miyazaki’s hair looked even more yellow than when she had first caught my attention. So yellow in fact that I was not sure whether it was even possible under normal circumstances. Doing the best I could to maintain any form of confident demeanor, I met her gaze and replied with ‘Habits? I’m not sure what you’re talking about’. ‘It’s okay dear, I’m just teasing you. I’m sure I’d be acting sketchy too if a stranger was acting like they had some kind of connection to me’, she laughed. I laughed back, ‘but you’re not just acting, haha, right…?’. She grinned just wide enough for me to catch a glimpse of what appeared to be braces. ‘I suppose we will find that out very soon’, she said. Before I had time to express my concern that this was actually a terrible idea and I think I’ll just go home, appearing to sense my apprehension, she smiled, clapped her hands and shouted ‘Masaru, it seems Akane-chan has had enough’. A reply came from behind the door in a voice so familiar it sent shivers down my spine. ‘Harharharrr, has my fawn really become so timid?’. Swinging open the door in the fashion of someone convinced of the fact that they were the main character was a tall, clearly elderly, but not at all frail looking man with a perfectly trimmed white moustach… My grandfather.




嬉しいです!!ありがとうございます :laughing: :sparkles:



「お…おじいちゃん?」私は、顔に浮かんだ不信感を 少しも隠す事が出来なかった。「でも、お葬式に行ったんだよ?ママは悲しみに沈んでいたよ!」私は泣きそうなために 声帯が締め付けられて言葉が詰まるのを感じた。「俺は君のお母さんを立派な役者に育てたんだ、彼女は流石さ!」と彼は答えた。私の不満そうな顔から判断して、彼は咳払いをしてから続けることにした。「ゴホン、まあ…彼女は実はしばらく悲しみに暮れていたが、それは全く違う理由のためだったんだよ。」夕日を見て急にせかせかし始めた彼は、「さあさあ、誰もこんなところで一日中立って年を取りたくないよ」と言いながら 巨大な女性と私の両方を中に案内した。その時、その言葉で、私は初めて彼が前回見た時よりもほとんど年を取っていないんじゃないかということに気がついた。実際、全く老けていないことに賭けようとするくらいだ!

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

‘Po… Pops?’ I couldn’t hide the feeling of disbelief on my face even a fraction. ‘But… I went to your funeral? Mom was inconsolable!’ I said, starting to feel my words become choked as my vocal chords tightened in preparation to burst into tears. ‘I raised your mother to be a fine actor, I would expect no less!’ he replied. Judging from the look of dissatisfaction on my face, he decided to continue after clearing his throat. ‘Ahem, well… She was actually inconsolable for awhile, but that was for a completely different reason’. Suddenly starting to appear a little bit agitated after glancing at the setting sun, he ushered both the giant lady and myself inside while repeating ‘come on come on, nobody wants to stand out here all day and get old’. It was at that moment and with those words that I noticed for the first time that he barely looked a day older than the last time I had seen him… In fact, I’d almost wager that he hadn’t aged at all!




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

Walking through the door, I felt an immediate change in temperature and density of the air. It was deathly cold, and so thick that simply pushing through it was a struggle. I looked back toward my grandfather who was still holding the door open. In complete contrast to his laughing a moment ago, right now he looked completely serious, brow furrowed as he made sure to keep direct eye contact with me. ‘From here on out, make sure you follow my directions exactly’, he said as he slammed the door closed, pressing all of his weight against it. In that moment, the already cumbersome air became even heavier, heavier, hea… trying desperately to force air into my lungs, the liquid pulsing through my throat made me suddenly realize. ‘I’m drowning!’. I panicked. I tried to run toward the door but failed to move any faster than someone running underwater would be able to. As I was beginning to see stars come into my peripheral vision, I thought that I was going to pass out. However, as the stars grew more intense, they began to turn a light blue green and spread completely throughout the air. I realized that I wasn’t seeing things, but that the air itself was beginning to glow in patches. ‘Breathe as deeply as you can!’ I heard my grandfather command at the same that I heard a voice that seemed to come from the air itself. ‘Balance’.



空気からの声によって全身の鳥肌が立ったのと同じ瞬間、爆発したように、空中の薄い青緑が一瞬血管のようにつながって見えた。光の高速道路と裏道が建物の中全体に広がっていった。部屋そのものが脈打つように見え始めると、眩いばかりの明るい光の波が 激流のような速さで私の方に流れてくるのが見えた。「何をするにしても、必ず呼吸を続けろ。」祖父は再び命令した。「全ての筋肉をリラックスさせて、力を入れないように。」祖父が二つ目の文を言い終わるや否や、私はとてつもない重さになってきた周囲の大気に押されて膝をついた。光の波は瞬く間に私に到達した。本能的に、私は口を開けて最後の力を振り絞って息を飲み込んだ。すると、瞬時に光が口の中から入ってきて、血管の隅々まで、体の隅々まで行き渡るのを感じた。それはまさに祖父が言っていた通りで、私は内側から爆発しそうな気がした。皮膚が泡立つのを感じると、丸くなりたくなるのを必死で堪えた。意識が遠のいていく中で考えられたのはこれだけだった。(死にたくない…。死にたくない…。)

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

In the same moment that the voice from the air gave me goosebumps over my whole body, the light blue green in the air exploded into a giant network of veins. Highways and byways of light spread all throughout the inside of the building. As the room itself began to appear to pulse, I could see blindingly bright waves of light flowing in my direction with the speed of a raging torrent. ‘Whatever you do, make sure you continue to breathe’, my grandfather ordered again. ‘Relax every muscle, don’t clench even if you feel like you’re going to explode’. Just as he finished his second sentence, I was pushed to my knees under the now immense weight of the surrounding atmosphere. The tsunami of light reached me in the blink of an eye. Instinctively, I opened my mouth and made one last effort to inhale with all of my might. I could feel the light instantly invade my body through my mouth, spreading through every single vein, every single fiber of my being. It was just as my grandfather had said, I felt like I was going to explode from the inside out. I did my best to fight the desire to curl up into a ball as I felt my skin begin to bubble. All I could think as I was beginning to lose consciousness was ‘I don’t want to die… I don’t want to die’.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

As I slowly regained consciousness, I could slightly make out the silhouettes of two people kneeling over me. I assumed it must have been my grandfather and Ms. Miyazaki, but in my stupor it was almost impossible to tell. Despite slowly but surely regaining the vision, my attention was focused inwards. It felt like every single cell in my body was filled with a type of energy that one could only describe as a higher state of being. There were two things that I immediately noticed. The first was that I no longer needed to breathe. The second was… well, I’ll get to that in a moment. As for the not needing to breathe, it was hard to describe. It wasn’t as though I suddenly knew that I didn’t need air, It was more like that feeling you have immediately after taking a few deep breaths when you’re about to go underwater. The first 30 seconds or so, you don’t forget how to breathe, your body just doesn’t send you any reminders in the form of the urge to inhale. This feeling seemed to continue without end. Believe it or not, the second thing I noticed was far stranger than the first. It felt like there was an extremely weak force within my body that was constantly directly me where to go ever so softly.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

The only way to describe the ‘force’ that was directing my body is that it felt like I was tied to some kind of invisible thread, and every cell in my body could ever so slightly feel it’s tug. I have no idea what this actually meant, but with nothing to compare it to, that’s all I was able to think of as a comparison. As my eyes grew more and more accustomed to what was in front of me, I could slowly see the broad smiles of both my grandfather and Ms. Miyazaki. Judging purely from that, I came to the conclusion that I thankfully wasn’t actually dying. However, as my mind came back to reality, it dawned on me that what had just happened was not even 1% how I foresaw my evening going. After twitching my fingers to confirm that I was somewhat able to control my muscles again, I slowly tried to escape by wiggling backwards on my elbows. Despite that, the pull of this ‘force’ within me objected. It wasn’t stopping my movement, but it seemed to be trying to communicate to me that I was doing something unnecessary. Assumedly noticing my hesitation at attempting to escape, I heard my grandfather’s voice say ‘listen to the spark. It will save your life time and time again if you do’.