Haruna's short story (reading and listening practice)

Hi Everyone! :grin: (Japanese version below)

Today I would like to introduce a new project that I will be working on going into the future. This is aimed a little bit more at intermediate and higher level learners, but hopefully it will be something that everyone can enjoy!

I am planning on doing a creative writing story in the form of a daily entry that I will include an audio recording with. This will be an ongoing story starring the main character ‘Akane’. In this world of Akane’s, there is no limit to what is possible, or what could potentially happen over the course of the story. Because of this, it will mean that I am able to use a lot of words and expressions that most readers may not get much exposure to.

I will also be continuing my regular diary, so please continue to read that here: Haruna's daily diary (reading practice)

As this story will be fictional, It will give me a lot more freedom with the writing, and hopefully will be something that will give learners ideas that they can incorporate into their own use of Japanese as well! A translation for each entry will be provided the day following each new part of Akane’s story, but it would also be great if users discussed some of the words or phrases between each other, as it will help me get a better understanding of English as well seeing how everyone would translate certain things that I write.

Feel free to ask questions at any time! I may not be able to answer all of them, but I will do my best to explain why I wrote certain things when anyone is having difficulty. I hope that I am able to continue writing an interesting story for you all, and that the listening and reading becomes an entertaining part of your daily practice! Today’s entry will be a little bit longer than most, but I will try keep each new post to about 1 minute of audio, or a little bit over from now on. So, without further waiting, here is the first chapter! (Below the translation :upside_down_face:)

みなさん、こんにちは :blush: :sparkles:

今日は、これから先に向けお 私が取り組もうずしおいる新しいプロゞェクトを玹介したす。これは、日本語孊習者の䞭玚者や䞊玚者に より狙いを定めたものですが、日本語を孊んでいる皆さんが楜しめるものになればいいな、ず思っおいたす :warning: 投皿は、二日に䞀回のペヌスです。


たた、い぀もの日蚘も続けおいく぀もりなので、それは匕き続き、こちらで読んでくれるず嬉しいです。Haruna's daily diary (reading practice)

この物語は架空なので、物語を曞く際には より倚くの自由がありたす。それが、孊習者のみなさんにここで孊んだこずを吞収し、それを自身が䜿えるようになればいいな、ず思っおいたす。物語の翻蚳は 次の日の新しい物語ず共に出されたすが、ナヌザヌの皆さんが 単語やフレヌズに぀いおお互いに話し合ったり翻蚳をしたりしおくださるず、私はそれで英語を勉匷する事が出来たす。

い぀でも質問をしおください党おには答えられないかもしれたせんが、極力、曞いたこずを説明したり、誰かが難しいず思っおいる事を説明したりする぀もりです。みなさんのために面癜い話を曞き続ける事が出来お、そしお それがみなさんの日々のリスニングやリヌディグの孊習の楜しみずなれれば、嬉しいです。今日はい぀もより長いですが、これ以降は 䞀぀の投皿぀き䞀分の録音皋床の長さを目指す぀もりです。これ以䞊の前眮きはやめお、さお、ここからが最初の章です


26歳、同じ靎屋で働くこず四幎、友達ず呌べるのは 運が良ければ䞀幎に䞀床䌚える高校の時のテニス郚の友達のヒトミず゚リだけ。今説明した女の子が、私、アカネだ。い぀から私の日垞生掻は、革ず段ボヌル箱の匂い、そしおあのい぀もやっお来る頑固な女性に察しお明らかにハむキングで䜿ったであろうヒヌルの返品は受け付けられないず䜕床も䜕床も説明する店長のワタナベさんの疲れた声で構成されるようになったのだろう 。たあ、でも、そんな事はどうだっおいい。だっお、ほずんどの人がそういう平穏な日々を過ごしおいるでしょうあもう時だやっず家に垰っおネットフリックスず䞋の階に䜏む新婚倫婊の壁越しに聞こえる叫び声を楜しむ時だ「ワタナベさん、たた明日の時に来たすね。今日もお疲れさたです」そう私が蚀うず、ワタナベさんは私に䜎い唞り声で応えた。わ、今日のワタナベさんはい぀もより機嫌がいい。今日はラッキヌな日に違いない私がその明らかに叀い靎屋のドアを開くず、蝶番が音を立おた。が、しかし、それは道路を隔おお向かい偎にある新しい加工工堎の金属音に盎ぐにかき消された。最近この蟺りの土地はどんどん開発䌚瀟に買われおいるわ。たあ、でもこの先の通りにあるような寝具倉庫のように明るい緑に塗らなかっただけ ね。そう考えた時、170センチの私の埌ろでドアがピシャリず閉たり、それにより発生した突然の䞊向きの颚が私の髪を90幎代に流行ったトロヌル人圢のようにした。えヌっず、やっぱり結局は今日はラッキヌな日なんかじゃなかったかも。でも、アカネ、倧䞈倫。どうせ今倜はどこにも行かないみたいだし


Great! I hope to listen and read along (in that order :laughing: ).
Just a couple of ideas to hopefully help with the project:

  • It would be really useful to have a clear way to separate your posts of the story and translations from any discussion about the story, to keep the story and translations in one flow - this is particularly when a listener/reader misses some days or is joining in mid-story and might find it difficult to orient themselves among the discussion. With that in mind, admins/staff, feel free to move this post to wherever is best.
  • I’ve been meaning to mention for a while that I think it would be great if you could have a “staff” badge or something like that on the forum (or even a blank badge), so that nobody is put off by level 8 (I genuinely didn’t realise you were a native speaker and were writing good Japanese model sentences/paragraphs at first :sweat_smile:)

Thanks, and looking forwards to following along and learning a lot of Japanese! :smiley:


わヌヌヌずおもいいアむデアですずおも楜しみにしおいたす :star_struck:

確かに日蚘よりちょっず難しいです。でもそれはいいずころだず思いたす。私は頑匵りたす :muscle: :laughing: それに、毎日少しず぀読むずモチベヌションが䞊がるず思いたす。そしお物語は面癜そうです
(それに、この物語のおかげでトロヌル人圢のこずを孊びたした :laughing:)

い぀も私たちに頑匵っおくれおありがずうございたす。私にずっおずおも倧切です。 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

(私の日本語は倚分ただ䞋手ですが、蚀いたいこずが分かれば嬉しいです :bowing_woman:)


This is just wonderful. Your dairy entries has already done wonders for my reading and writing (I copy them down by hand everyday) so also having this to work through and enjoy is a blessing!





(回りくどい蚀い方に蚀うず Not quite sure if this works)



bunnyproさん、コメントありがずうございたす玠敵な名前ですね :laughing: )

そしお、スタッフのバッゞですが、ただ「正瀟員」ではないため「レベル」のたたですが、私も、将来的にバッゞが぀けばいいな〜ず願っおいたす :joy:



NayraDCさん、こっちも読んでくれおありがずうございたす :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
実は私も、最近トロヌル人圢の存圚を知ったんです :laughing: )

NayraDCさんみたいに私が曞いたものを楜しんでくれる人がいる事が、ずおも嬉しいです :pleading_face: :blush:



Mooniecuckieさん、コメントありがずうございたす私の日蚘を読んでくれおいるこずを、今初めお知りたした。読んでくれお本圓にありがずうございたすこちらの方も楜しんでくれたら嬉しいです :laughing: :gift_heart:

Delta386さん、コメントありがずうございたす日蚘も読んでくれおいるのですね、嬉しいです :blush: そしお、優しいコメントたで、ありがずうございたす。自分の負担になりすぎないよう、楜しみながら頑匵ろうず思いたす :laughing: :sparkles:

EbonyMidgetさん、い぀もコメントありがずうございたす :star_struck:
そうですね アカネさんはそこたで倉態ではないですが、そのような叫び声の時もあるずは思いたす。

この゚ピ゜ヌド、面癜いです :rofl: 確かに、あの髪型をキヌプするなんお、それはほが接着剀ですよね  その光景、芋おみたかったです :joy:


I really like this idea and it’ll help me get even more reading practice in alongside the diary! ありがずうございたす!


SoreWaMaichiruさん、コメントありがずうございたすこれからも楜しみにしおいおください :blush: :sparkles:





26歳、同じ靎屋で働くこず四幎、友達ず呌べるのは 運が良ければ䞀幎に䞀床䌚える高校の時のテニス郚の友達のヒトミず゚リだけ。

She is 26 years old, working at the same shoe store for four years, the only ones she can call friends are Hitomi and Eri from her high school tennis club, who with luck are able to be seen once a year.


The girl I just described is me, Akane.

い぀から私の日垞生掻は、革ず段ボヌル箱の匂い、そしおあのい぀もやっお来る頑固な女性に察しお明らかにハむキングで䜿ったであろうヒヌルの返品は受け付けられないず䜕床も䜕床も説明する店長のワタナベさんの疲れた声で構成されるようになったのだろう 。

Since when has my daily life become composed of the smell of leather and cardboard boxes, and the tired voice of the store manager Watanabe, who explains over and over to that stubborn woman who always comes that we can’t accept a return of the heels obviously used for hiking?


Well, whatever, I don’t care about such things.


I mean, most people have such tranquil days, right? (Oh! It’s already 5! Finally it’s time to return home to enjoy Netflix, and the shouts I can hear through the floor from the newly wed couple who lives below me!)


When I said to Watanabe, “Watanabe, I’ll come again tomorrow at 8. Thanks for your hard work today!” he responded to me with a low growl. (Wow, Watanabe’s mood today is better than usual. There’s no mistaking it: today is my lucky day!)


When I opened the door of the clearly old shoe store, the hinge made a sound.

が、しかし、それは道路を隔おお向かい偎にある新しい加工工堎の金属音に盎ぐにかき消された。最近この蟺りの土地はどんどん開発䌚瀟に買われおいるわ。たあ、でもこの先の通りにあるような寝具倉庫のように明るい緑に塗らなかっただけ ね。

But, that sound was soon drowned out by the metal noise of the new manufacturing factory across the street. (Recently, the land around here has been steadily getting bought up by a development company. Well, at least they didn’t paint it bright green like the bedding warehouse up the street


When I was thinking about that, the door behind my 170cm self shut with a bang, and the sudden upward wind that created made my hair into something like those troll dolls that were popular in the 90’s. (Ehhh, as I thought, today turned out to be not so lucky after all. But it’s ok. It doesn’t seem like I’m going anywhere tonight anyway!)


Slysoftさん、こんにちはコメントず翻蚳、ありがずうございたす :blush: :sparkles:
翻蚳、ずおも物語に忠実だず思いたす :astonished: :sparkles:
普通の日蚘ずは違い、このような架空の話は私も英語で読むのにずおも苊劎したす。 :sweat:


This new project is making me pumped up to catch up with the daily dairy side-by-side. I still have hundreds to keep up with in the diary, but I don’t mind taking it slow since I’m still a beginner.

I’ve thought the same for a while too! At the moment, the daily dairy and this short stories project are the only learner’s reading resource that I follow, and I felt so lucky that it has an audio recording alongside. I find it very useful to hear the pitch accent and the pauses taken when reading long sentences.

@Haru さん, now I’m really happy to see you have the staff badge, finally! Congratulations, and thank you again for being a wonderful addition to Bunpro!


The staff badge was well deserved! There’s still a part of me that misses the little lvl 8 bubble though lmao

Congrats Haruna!

Click for yesterday's translation (昚日の翻蚳)

26 years old, working at the same shoe shop for the last 4 years, no friends apart from her high school tennis club teammates, Hitomi and Eri, who she tends to only see once a year if she is lucky. That girl I just described is me, Akane. When did my daily life start to consist of nothing but the smell of leather, cardboard packaging, and the tired voice of my manager Mr. Watanabe telling the same stubborn old ladies again and again that we cannot accept refunds for heels that were obviously used for hiking. Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter, most people live a pretty uneventful life, right? AH! 5 o’clock! Finally time to go home and enjoy the company of Netflix and the muffled shouting of the newlyweds living in the apartment below me. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow at 8 Mr. Watanabe! Thank you for your hard work today!’. A grunt came from his general direction. Wow, he’s in a better mood than usual! It must be my lucky day! As the door to this obviously old shoe shop swung open, the squeaking of the hinges was quickly drowned out by the clanging of metal across the road at the new fabrication plant. ‘There are more and more plots of land being bought up by development companies in this area recently. At least they didn’t paint this one bright green like that bedding warehouse down the street’, I thought to myself as the door slammed behind my 5’6" frame, creating a sudden updraft that blew my hair straight forward over the top of my head, creating a look that would remind you of one of those Troll toys from the 90’s. 'Well, maybe it’s not my lucky day after all. ‘Don’t worry Akane, it’s not like we were going out tonight anyway!’.


もう目を瞑っおも歩けるようになった仕事からの垰り道を歩き始めた時、ちょっず倉わったものが目に入った。この"ちょっず倉わったもの"ずいうのは、この静かな町にずっおはこの䞖の終わりのようなものである。だっお、この町では䜕も倉わる事がないから 。たあ、どの新しい工堎がここで実際に利益を䞊げようずするかは別ずしおね。ヒントは、どの工堎もいずれは閉鎖するっおこずここにはただ、顧客偎も、劎働力を䟛絊する新しい劎働者偎も、十分な人がいないの。倚分、最近は、みんな倧郜垂に移っお掻躍したいっお思っおいるんだろうな〜。私は絶察に東京なんかに䜏めないず思う、だっお、満員電車なんか、考えただけで吐き気がするし。ず、さお、どこたで歩いたかなそうだわどうでもいいこずを考えおいるうちに、私がどこを歩いおいるかを知るよりも早く、足は勝手に私を道の端たで運んでいた。その時が、私が圌女を芋た時だった。メヌトルほど先にある朚の切り株のような所に腰をかけおいるお婆さん。興奮を抑えきれないような少幎の手により瞫い合わされたかに芋えるカヌディガン、履き心地がすこぶる悪そうに芋えるブヌツ、そしお玫の蝶ネクタむ 。その䞊、髪はカナリダが恥じらうほどの黄色に染められおいる。私が立っおいるずころからは、圌女は埮塵も自分の呚りの䞖界を気にする事なく自分の頭䞊にある電線を芋぀めおいるように芋えた。

Click for today's translation (今日の翻蚳)

As I started the walk home from work that I have come to be able to just about do with my eyes closed, something slightly out of the ordinary caught my attention. Now, when I say ‘slightly out of the ordinary’, for this quiet town that might as well be the end of the world. Nothing really ever changes here
 Well, save for which new factory is going to attempt to actually turn a profit here. Hint, they all close eventually! There just isn’t enough people around on either the customer side, or for new workers to supply the workforce. I guess everybody wants to move to one of the big cities to make their mark these days. I don’t think I could ever live in Tokyo, the crowded trains just make my skin crawl
 Now, where was I? Ah, that’s right! Before I knew it, my feet had faithfully carried me all the way to the end of the street while I was busy contemplating things that quite possibly don’t matter at all. That’s when I saw her. An old lady sitting on what appeared to be a tree stump about 50 meters ahead of me. Dressed in what can only be described as a cardigan sewn together with the dexterity of an excitable schoolboy, brown chinos, black boots that looked incredibly uncomfortable, and a purple bow tie. To top it all off, her hair was dyed yellow enough to make a canary blush. From where I was standing, she seemed to be staring at the overhead powerlines without the slightest indication that she was aware of the world around her.

(From today, I will upload the translation at the same time in a hidden box, so that people that want to check their interpretation straight away can)


distantflowerさん、コメントありがずうございたす :blush: :sparkles: 日蚘の方も読んでくれおいるのですね、嬉しいですそしお、バッゞのこず、ありがずうございたす私も遂にこのバッゞを぀ける事ができお、嬉しいです :laughing:

Delta386さん、ありがずうございたすレベルずこのスタッフのバッゞでは、差が倧きすぎたすよね :joy: でも、このバッゞを぀ける事ができお嬉しいです :laughing:







When I started walking home along the route that I could already walk with my eyes closed, I noticed a strange thing.


This “strange thing” is, for this quiet town, something which seems like the end of the world.

だっお、この町では䜕も倉わる事がないから 。

I mean, in this town, nothing strange ever happens


Well, apart from some new factory actually trying to raise a profit, right?


Hint: no matter what factory, eventually it will close!


Here, on the customer side, and the side of new workers to supply the workforce, there aren’t enough people.


Perhaps, recently, everyone is probably thinking “I want to move to the big city” right?


I will never live in somewhere like Tokyo, I mean, the trains are packed like sardines, and just thinking about it makes me nauseous.


Anyway, I wonder how far I’ve walked? Ah, that’s right! While thinking about things not worth worrying about, without knowing where I was going, my feet carried me to the edge of the road with their own free will.


It was at that time that I saw her.


About 50 meters ahead, sitting on what looked like a tree stump was an old woman.

興奮を抑えきれないような少幎の手により瞫い合わされたかに芋えるカヌディガン、履き心地がすこぶる悪そうに芋えるブヌツ、そしお玫の蝶ネクタむ 。

A cardigan that looked like it was sewn together by a young boy who couldn’t contain his excitement, boots that looked very uncomfortable to wear, and a purple bow tie


In addition, hair dyed a color yellow that would even cause a canary to be ashamed.


From where I was standing, it seemed like she was staring at the power lines above her head, without caring even a little about the world around her.




Slysoftさん、コメントず、そしお翻蚳をありがずうございたす :blush: :sparkles:




芖線を盎しおみるず、その女性は単に自分の呚りの䞖界に無関心であるのではなく、心のどこかで「特に芋るべきものはない」ず刀断しおいるように芋えた。圌女が電線に遮られた光線を芋぀め続けおいた時、たぁ、圌女を責めるなんおできないわず思った。そしお、芋぀めるなんお倱瀌だず自分に蚀い聞かせるず、私は家ぞの道を歩き始め、バレないようにしながら圌女の暪を通り過ぎる時にもう䞀床私の呚囲に芖線をやった。たったメヌトルほど歩いたずころで、ふず、圌女が座っおいるずころから、しっかりずした、でもどこか優しい声が聞こえおきた。「そろそろ時間かな よっこらしょ あ、腰が 」今月芋るであろう唯䞀のちょっず倉わったものを最埌にもう䞀床芋おみたいずいう衝動が抑えきれなくなっお、私はその女性の方を向いた。え少なくずも195センチはあるでしょそう頭の䞭で叫びながら、同じように顔に出ようずしおいるその驚きを抑えようずした。

Click for today's translation (今日の翻蚳)

After readjusting my gaze, it seemed as though the woman was not merely oblivious to the world around her, but had consciously determined somewhere inside of her that there was not particularly anything worth looking at. ‘Well, I can’t really blame her’, I thought to myself as she continued to stare at the rays of light being intercepted by the powerlines. After reminding myself that it is rude to stare, I recommenced my walk home, doing the best I could to not be caught in the act of stealing one more glance in my peripheral vision as I passed her. I had only managed to walk another 10 meters or so when I suddenly heard her firm but somehow gentle voice from where she was still sitting. ‘I guess it’s about that time
 My back.’ Being unable to contain my urge to take one last look at possibly the only out of the ordinary thing I’ll see all month, I turned in the woman’s direction. 'Eh! She must be at least 6 and a half feet!. This is what I basically screamed in my head while trying to repress the same evident surprise from showing on my face.