Haruna's short story (reading and listening practice)


シッグは、私とヴェイニャを上から下まで見回して、「心配しないで、この海岸から主要な交易地区までは歩いて10分ほどだから。皇帝も お二人に会うのを楽しみにしているよ!何しろ、地表からこの街に誰かが入ってくるのは久しぶりのことなんだから!」彼は 私をもう一度よく見てから続けた。「君のような人は 見たことがないよ、お嬢ちゃん!どこの星から来たと言ったっけ?」「言ってないよ、でも地球から来たの。」馬鹿な私は、その種の情報を教えることがいい考えかどうかよく考える前に答えた。幸いなことに、シッグは ほとんど平然としていた。「地球?聞いたことないな…。ここではいろいろな種類のものが手に入るよ!皇帝に会った後で、ぜひ地球について詳しく教えてほしいな!私たちの種族は 宇宙旅行には向いていないんだ、でも、宇宙旅行に慣れている人たちから話を聞くのは好きなんだよ!」

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

As he was scanning Veynir and I up and down, Sygg said ‘Don’t worry, it’s only about 10 minutes walk from the shore here to the main trading district. The emperor is going to be very interested in meeting you two! After all, it’s been quite some time since we had anyone enter the city from the surface!’ He took another good look at me before continuing. ‘Can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone that looks quite like you though my dear! What planet did you say you were from?’ ‘I didn’t, but Earth. I’m from Earth’. Foolishly I answered before thinking through whether giving away that kind of information was a good idea or not. Fortunately, Sygg seemed unphased, for the most part. ‘Earth? Never heard of it… We get all sorts here! After you’ve met the emperor, I’d love if you told me more about it! Our species aren’t suited for space travel, but were sure like hearing tales from those who are more accustomed to it!’



「もちろん、喜んで詳しく聞かせてあげるよ!」と私は答えた。シッグは 嬉しそうな笑みを浮かべると、台座の上から街に向かって歩き続けた。私はヴェイニャの方を向き、自分の声の大きさに十分に気を付けながら インカから聞いたことを静かに伝えた。シッグは まったく気に留めていないようだった。それどころか、自分が乗っている装置の上にある たくさんのボタンを操作することに夢中になっているようだった。ヴェイニャは フィグメントが何らかの形で利用されている可能性に一瞬動揺したようだったが、私たちがこの惑星から脱出するには 恐らくこの水生生物との協力しかないだろうことを思い出し、すぐに冷静さを取り戻したようだった。多くの疑問が残っているままで、特に、誰がキューブを持ち去ったのか、そして、なぜ触られても反応しなかったのかについてである。

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

‘Sure, I’d be happy to tell you more about it!’ I replied. Sygg gave a pleased grin and continued walking toward the city atop his pedestal. I turned toward Veynir and informed him quietly about what Inka had told me, being very careful of my volume while doing so. Sygg didn’t appear to be taking any notice whatsoever. In fact, he seemed wholly absorbed in playing with the numerous buttons atop the device that he was riding. Veynir seemed mortified for a brief moment at the possibility that the figments were being utilized in some way but quickly regained his composure upon seemingly remembering that probably the only way we were going to get off this planet was through cooperation with this aquatic species. Many questions remained, particularly about who took the cube, and why it had not reacted to being touched.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

I inquired to Inka in my mind about what could possibly be going on with the cube. His reply was short, but reassuring. ‘If there was any danger to the cube whatsoever, it would have moved to another location. Their understanding of reality and how to bend it is far beyond even the figment’s. However, that doesn’t mean that we can let our guard down yet. Just because the cube does not consider this race any kind of threat does not mean that they aren’t a threat to us’. I guess that is true, and certainly something worth keeping in mind. The border of the city had begun to slowly come into view, but opposed to the massive guarded gates that one would imagine of a city like this, the city was instead lined with shops. Actually, the only people that could be seen that one could assume were guards were in the towers on the higher floors of the stalagmite-like towers.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

Looking upward, it became apparent to Veynir and I that there was some kind of barrier several meters above where the guards were posted. Although not completely obvious, there was a green ripple pulsating through the air. Veynir broke the silence. ‘It is probably some kind of defense against aerial incursions’. ‘You’re not wrong!’ said Sygg. ‘Lots of dangerous creatures live in these underground tunnels, but the only ones that are a real threat to this city are the spireghasts. Skin tougher than you can imagine and large enough to carry away several people at once. Thankfully they’re only really a threat from above, and can’t maneuver effectively on the ground. Don’t worry though! It is very rare that they actually attack the city unless they are starving. Fair warning though, do not travel the underground tunnels alone’.


ところで、恐ろしい獣ですよ、スパイアガスト。 :grimacing:


ありがとうございます!!!あっという間に百話に到達していて驚きました :flushed:
いつも読んでくれるので頑張れます :blush: :sparkles: スパイアガスト怖いですよね〜 :cold_face:



私は 街の大きさに圧倒された。建物の中に明かりが灯っているのか、それともクリスタルの自然な効果なのか、区別がつかなかった。狭い運河が道と道の間を流れていて、人魚が水面から飛び降りたり、シッグのようなロボットに似た仕掛けに乗ったり、あるいは 通りをぞろぞろと這う前に尻尾で着陸したりしていた。しばらく歩くと、シッグは巨大なドアの前で立ち止まった。ここでは クリスタルの光が信じられないほど明るく輝いていた。「さて、フェルデモスの皇帝にお目にかかる準備はできたかな。」シッグはそう言うと、扉を挟む衛兵に近づき、耳元で何かをささやいた。衛兵たちは すぐに扉を開け、100メートルはあろうかという巨大な玉座の部屋を見せた。短い通路の突き当たりに、外から見える照明の明らかな源があった。水晶でできた玉座が強烈な光を放ち、その破片のひとつひとつが空に向かって伸びているように見えた。 玉座には 信じられないほどハンサムな若い人魚が座っていて、彼は鷲がその縄張りを見張るように周囲を見渡している。

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

I was blown away by the size of the city. It was hard to tell whether there were lights on within the buildings or if the illumination was a natural effect of the crystals. In some areas, narrow canals flowed between the streets as the merpeople occasionally leapt from the water, landing either on robotic contraptions similar to Sygg’s, or on their tails before beginning to slither their way around the streets. After a short walk, Sygg stopped in front of a giant door. Here the crystals’ light shone incredibly brightly. ‘Well, I hope you’re ready to meet the emperor of Ferdemoth’ said Sygg before approaching the guards flanking the door and whispering something into their ears. The guards promptly opened the doors to reveal a giant throne room possibly over 100 meters in length. At the end of the short promenade was the obvious source of the light seen from outside. A throne made of crystals glowing intensely as each fragment seemed to be reaching toward the sky. On the throne sat an incredibly handsome young merman, surveying his surroundings like an Eagle would survey their domain.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

The emperor stood, descended from his throne and greeted Sygg with a hug. ‘My friend, you have done your people proud!’ he said in an almost hauntingly melodic voice. Sygg smiled and replied ‘Of course my lord. I believe that these travelers came here from the surface world. It’s nothing short of a miracle that they survived!’ The young emperor approached a mannequin that was supporting a suit of armor and methodically adorned himself, seeming to completely ignore the presence of Veynir and I. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, I looked around the throne room, admiring the elaborate craftsmanship. Finally, once completely equipped, the emperor walked toward the railing of a nearby flight of stairs and looked to his right. Gesturing toward a beautifully carved statue the emperor said ‘She is Jeerah, a great hero in merpeople folklore. She taught us how to avoid many threats on both this planet and beyond.’ Finally, he turned and looked at me for the first time. ‘Are you a threat to my people?’


I really like the addition of the art, adds to the immersion of the story even more


嬉しいです!! :blush: 私も気に入っていて、もっと早くから入れていれば良かったな〜と思っていました :pleading_face:



私はショックで皇帝を見た。「ええ?!あなた達への脅威?私が脅威に見えますか?」「落ち着いて、アカネ」突然、インカが口を挟んだ。落ち着きを取り戻し、私は「どうやってこの星に来たのかさえ分かりません。」と答えた。今度は皇帝が驚いた顔をした。「そうか…これで私の疑問が一つ解決したようだ。お嬢さん、エルフ、よろしければ同行してください。さらに質問があります。」今のところ、私に選択の余地はないようだ。王座の間では 重装備の衛兵がうようよしていた。私とヴェイニャは王の後を追って、玉座の間から美しい中庭に出た。私たちは周囲を見渡しながら、皇帝の後ろを歩き続けた。そしてついに、シッグが前に言っていた 天井に穴の開いた巨大な建造物の前にたどり着いた。皇帝はしばらく間をおいて振り返り、「フェルデモスの宇宙港へようこそ。」と誇らしげに言った。

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

I looked at the emperor in shock ‘EHHH?!? A threat to your people? Do I look like a threat?’ ‘Calm down Akane’ interjected Inka suddenly. Regaining composure, I replied ‘I… I don’t even know how I got to this planet’. This time it was the emperor that appeared somewhat surprised. ‘Well I guess that answers one of my questions. Young lady, Elf, accompany me if you would. I have further questions’. I guess I don’t really have a choice for the moment. The throne room itself was absolutely crawling with heavily armored guards. Veynir and I followed the king through a side door out of the throne room into a beautiful courtyard. We continued walking behind the emperor while also taking in our surroundings. Finally, we arrived at another gigantic structure filled with holes in the ceiling, perhaps some of the tunnels that Sygg had mentioned. The emperor paused for a moment, turned around, and then proudly said ‘Welcome to the Ferdemoth spaceport’.



皇帝は続けた。「この都市に出入りする者は皆、この宇宙港を経由します。それは 単に便利だからではなく、この国の法律が そう定めているからなのです。単に 私たち自身の利益のためだけでなく、すべての市民と旅行者の安全を維持するための法律なのです。」ここで ヴェイニャが口を挟んだ。「閣下、私の友人が言ったように、私たちは 自らの意志でこの世界に来たわけではありません。しかし、私たちは 私たちのものである ある物を探しているのです。」皇帝はまた口を挟んだ。「そうですね、私は あなたたちが何を探しているのか知っています。そして、それが故に あなたたちをここへ連れてきたのです。フェルデモスよりも遥かに深い地下の集落であるジロスまで、私のクリスタルで出来た輸送機で一緒に行くのです。それ以外の方法でトンネルを通るのは、お勧めできないですね。ジロスに着いたら、私たちが手に入れたこのキューブについて話しましょう。」私とヴェイニャは困惑した表情で顔を見合わせ、なぜ 私たちが探しているものが何なのかを皇帝が知っているのだろうと不思議に思った。

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

The emperor continued. ‘Everyone that enters and leaves this city comes through this spaceport. This is not just because it is convenient to do so, but because that is what the law of this land dictates. It is a not simply a law that is for our own benefit, but also to maintain the safety of all citizens and travelers’. At this point Veynir interrupted. ‘Your excellency, as my friend mentioned, we did not come to this world by choice. However, we are searching for something of ours’. The emperor interjected again. ‘Yes, I know what you are searching for, which is why I have brought you here. You will ride with me in my crystal transport to Geroth, a settlement far deeper underground than Ferdemoth. Travelling through the tunnels by any other means is far from advisable. Once we reach Geroth, we can speak about this cube that came into our possession’. Veynir and I both looked at each other with a confused expression, wondering how the emperor knew what it was that we were searching for.


:warning: お知らせ :warning:
みなさん、こんばんは :blush: :star2: 今日から明日にかけて引っ越しをしている事と、引っ越し先にWi-Fiが無いため、少しの間ストーリーの更新が止まることをご了承ください :bowing_woman:


:warning: お知らせ :warning:
お待たせしました!引っ越しがほとんど片付いたため、今日からストーリーを再開します :blush:



どこへ行くのか見当もつかないまま、私たちは皇帝の輸送機に乗り込んだ。しかし、腹の底に感じる引っ張られるような感覚から、今のところは 下へ行くのが正しい方向なのだろうと受け入れた。電磁気によって動くクリスタルの乗り物で 数分静かに移動した後、皇帝が再び話し始めた。「君と君の仲間を疑惑の目で見てしまったことは謝るが、キューブに関することは 常に慎重に扱わなければならないんだ。もし 君たちがキューブとまったく無関係の状態でこの惑星に到着していたら、私の友人であるシッグは その場で君たちを処刑していただろうね。」私は 居心地悪そうにヴェイニャを見た。「とはいえ、彼があなたたちの命を奪おうとしなくて良かったと言わなければならないね。君も君の友人も、抹殺するのは至難の業だろうから。それは フィグメントを持つ者すべてに言えることだから、そうだろう?」皇帝はウインクした。

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

We boarded the emperor’s transport, not having any idea where we were going. However, due to the pull I could feel at the base of my stomach, I accepted that down may be the correct direction for now. After a few quiet minutes of travel in the crystal vehicle, which moved via some form of electromagnetism, the emperor spoke again. ‘I do apologize for treating you and your companion with suspicion, but matters related to cubes are always handled with the highest level of prudence. Had you arrived on this planet in no relation to the cube at all, it is likely that my friend Sygg would have executed you on site.’ I looked uncomfortably at Veynir. ‘However, I must say that I am glad that he did not attempt to take your lives, as it appears that you and your friend would both be exceptionally hard to eliminate. That’s true for all those who carry the figments, is it not?’ The emperor winked.



インカがまた話した。「分かった、僕は この男のことをまったく理解出来ないよ。どうして彼がすべてのことを知っているのか、彼に聞いたほうがいいかもね。これは 僕の予想の範囲を超えてるから。」インカのアドバイスを受けて、私は皇帝に尋ねた。「失礼ですが、閣下。どうやら あなたは私たちに伝えていないことを かなり知っているようですね。私たちはこの惑星に到着したばかりなのに、これまで私たちに質問したのは、あなたがすでに答えを知っているようなものばかりです。どういうことですか?」質問口調だったにもかかわらず、皇帝が 私の虚勢を見破ったのは明らかなことだった。幸いなことに、皇帝は それを面白がっているようだった。「お嬢ちゃん、政治の世界に身を置いて分かったことは、自分が知っていることと行動に移せる情報には大きな違いがあるということだよ。」彼は微笑み、しばらく遠くを見つめているようだった。「正直に言うと、私はあなたとあなたの仲間の助けが欲しいのです。」

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

Inka spoke again. ‘Okay, I can’t get a read on this guy at all, you may as well ask him how he knows all of the things that he does. This is beyond even what I could guess.’ Taking Inka’s advice I enquired to the emperor. ‘Excuse me your excellency. It appears that you know quite a few things that you are not communicating with us. I know that we only just arrived on this planet, but it seems that the only questions you have really asked us so far are the ones that you appear to already know the answers to. What gives?’ Despite my questioning tone, it wasn’t hard to see that the emperor saw through my bravado. Luckily, this seemed to amuse him. ‘My dear, if being in the political sphere has taught me anything, it is that there is a big difference between what you know and the information that you can take action on.’ He smirked, seemingly staring off into the distance for a moment. ‘To be honest, I would like you and your companion’s help.’



「私たちの助け?」私は小馬鹿にした。「どうやって 私たちがあなたを助けられると言うのでしょう?あなたは帝国を丸ごと自由に使えます。」「えーっと、ほら…。それが問題なのだよ。」と皇帝は言い返した。「ジロスよりもさらに深いところに、洞窟の天井に埋め込まれた大きなクリスタルに照らされた帝国があるんだ。その都には ピレンスが住んでいる。忌まわしい者たち… 自然の光を一度も見たことがないために 幽霊のように白いのさ。昆虫型の種族で、クレーラという名の女性が支配しているんだ。クレーラがどこから来たのかは定かではないが、1つ確かなことは、彼女は この世界の人間ではないということだよ。ピレンスたちはこの女性を中心にひとつの宗教を築き上げ、彼女はその宗教を利用して軍隊を作り、領土をどんどん地表に広げようとしているんだ。もしこの任務に手を貸してくれるなら、キューブを操る秘密を教えてあげよう。」

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

‘Our help?’ I scoffed. ‘How could we possibly help you? You’ve got a whole kingdom at your disposal’. ‘Well, you see’ the emperor retorted, ‘That’s just the problem’. ‘Even deeper than Geroth is a kingdom lit by great crystals embedded in the ceiling of the cavern. In that city lives the Pyrenth. Abominations… Ghostly white from never having seen natural light but as cunning as they come. They are an insectoid race that is ruled over by a woman who goes by the name of Klerra. We do not know where Klerra comes from, but one thing that is for certain is that she is not of this world. the Pyrenth have built an entire religion around this woman and she has capitalized on it in order to raise armies and try to expand her territories further and further toward the surface. Should you help us with this task, I will share with you the secret of how to control the cube’.




Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

Veynir and I looked at each other, mutually raising our eyebrows toward the offer. The emperor continued. ‘According to our sources, Klerra came to this world and happened upon some of the insectoids that were scouting the surface. Since then, she has spent the majority of her time underground, causing her once brown her to turn white. This was more than likely due to exposure to chemicals in the lower strata of the planet. The Pyrenth themselves have a vast hierarchical system that starts with the hivemothers, proceeds then to the Erebun, and goes right down to the various subspecies that are less intelligent, serving the roles of simple drones.’



皇帝は 乗り物内のスクリーンを作動させ、表示された写真を見ながら言った。「これはピレンスのさまざまな種類の一部だよ。見ての通り、彼らは最も友好的な生き物ではないが、実際には 非常に知的であることを再確認してほしい。正直なところ、できれば戦ってほしくないよ。彼らの数は 我々上層部をはるかに凌駕しているからね。一番の問題は、数千年にわたる戦争の結果、ピレンスは「先に突いて、後で質問する」といったような種族になってしまったんだ。そこで私は、君や君の友人がフィグメントから与えられた不死身に近い能力を生かして、ピレンスを怖がらせ、君らを神の一種かもしれないと思わせるのに十分な時間、生き続けてくれることを期待しているんだ。」私は 皇帝が何を言っているのかしばらく考えた。「待って…あなたは私たちに残忍な攻撃を受けて、そして交渉が始まるまで生き延びることを望むのですか?」

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

The emperor activated a screen inside the vehicle and motioned at the pictures that it displayed. ‘These are some of the various types of Pyrenth. As you can see, they’re not the friendliest looking creatures ever, but I must reiterate that they are actually quite intelligent. To be honest, I don’t actually want you to fight them if at all possible. Their numbers far exceed those of us in the upper strata. The main problem is that millennia of war have led the Pyrenth to be a “pierce first, ask questions later” sort of race. That’s where I am hoping that you and your friend’s near immortality bestowed by the figments will keep you alive long enough to scare the Pyrenth into thinking that you too may be some kind of god’. I thought about what the emperor was saying for a moment before just what was being asked of us clicked. ‘Wait… you want us to get brutally attacked and just hope that we survive long enough to open negotiations?’



皇帝は笑うと同時に、自分を愉快にさせたものを隠そうとするようなそぶりを見せた。「そのようにおっしゃると、本当に恐ろしく聞こえますね。おそらく、お二人とも、長い間フィグメントと付き合ってきたわけではないのですね?」ヴェイニャは 眉をひそめたが、皇帝に話を続けさせた。「フィグメントがあなたの一部にいながら、その明らかな恩恵を利用しようとしないのは、もったいないことだと思いませんか?私のように、何十万年もの間 フィグメントと向き合っていれば、一つや二つくらいは何かを学ぶものです。」20代半ばにも見えない年齢から言われたこの言葉は、私が予期していたものとはまったく違っていた。「あなたはもう 大抵の怪我から回復できることをご存知でしょうが、知らないかもしれませんが、フィグメントは 私たちとそう変わらないのです。何千年も前に、我らの最高の化学者たちが フリーターと呼ぶ調合薬を開発したのです。基本的にこの薬は、君の中にいるフィグメントを酔っぱらったような状態にし、最も強力な麻酔薬よりもはるかに効果的に、あらゆる痛みをブロックするのです。」

Click for today's translation (今日の翻訳)

The emperor laughed while simultaneously appearing to try and hide what had humored him. ‘When you say it like that it really does sound terrible. I take it that neither of you have been one with figments for any long amount of time?’ Veynir raised his eyebrow at this, but let the emperor continue. ‘Simply having the figments be a part of you but not seeking to exploit that clear benefit seems like a waste does it not? When you have had hundreds of thousands of years to experiment with them like I have, you learn a thing or two’. This coming from someone that looked no older than their mid twenties was not exactly what I expected. ‘You surely already know that you can recover from most injuries, but what you may not know is that the figments are not so unlike us. Many thousands of years ago, my best chemists came up with a concoction that we call Fleeter. Basically it allows the figments within you to enter a state similar to being drunk, blocking all pain in a far more effective way than even the most powerful anesthetic’.