Leveled up WK and BP.
- WK kanji is starting to get harder. Small kanji with 3 complex radicals is really hard to read on phone
- As for BP, killed most of the ghosts, only 3 remaining
Anyway, I’ll add more grammar points then. - Seems like the fastest way for me to get vocab in check is just by jamming it fast in sentences. 2300 words on iKnow so far with 200+ reviews per day. I go full speed at 30 words/day. I’ll finish Core 2000 and stop there for a bit and level up the sentence trainers.
- For reading, I’ll get N3 book soon. Seems like N3 books have listening and reading than N5 and N4. I’m planning to get Nihongo So Matome (5 books) and Shin Nihongo N3.