Well, better start sooner than later. If anyone finds error(s) with my sentences (and/or translations) please tell me.
This is difficult, right? / This is probably difficult. / This is difficult, isn’t it?
(Can I use これ here to refer to this thread? Making a sentence? Writing this sentence I wanted to refer to this topic/making a sentence/thread. I honestly don’t know and since I’m trying to work with what I know I didn’t try to look it up.)
My first created and written sentence in almost 5 years.
This thread is a great idea, but… very difficult… to come up with sentences with no context, and to use something taught in bunpro… (so I wimped out by trying to reply to the post above, but…)
I’ll try something using one of the things I’ve learnt in bunpro today…
You should reply to this thread every day!
(I had to look up “thread” online so not sure if that’s common usage, and wasn’t sure whether to place the 毎日 at the start or do このスレッド毎日のリプをした方がいい
or whether my usage of の was correct… or whether a particle is needed between 毎日 and この…
Oi! Silly me. Thanks! I did double check the word… so breezily I didn’t notice the wrong sound/kana. Slarvig! (Swedish for sloppy. I talked to my dad about practicing Japanese and how it was important not to be sloppy just a short time ago. >_> )
@Jul3 I understood your sentence even if I don’t know the grammar about な at the end yet.
Hmm… yeah, I know it’S a crazy idea Maybe it will pan out into some kind of story or just random sentences. Didn’t know where this thread could go after started. So I guess we’ll just try and see.
Not really, you are But thanks. Btw. how do you do the Furigana thing?
@seanblue Thanks for the extensive feedback and tear apart of my sentence. I knew that I had this coming for me.
ドアー should be ドア. --> Hmm… auto correct maybe.
You’re missing a particle between 家 and 有る. --> Yes I thought so, but wasn’t sure which one. Thanks for point this out, so に it is. I learned this, should have known…
Why 有る instead of ある anyway? —> Isn’t it to have rather than there is?
I wonder if there’s a smoother way to say what you want that doesn’t use ある twice. Maybe 青いドアがある家に住んでいる or something like that. --> Thanks for all the good pointers
Here my sentence today, reflecting a little bit on the above and what I learned new today. However since I didn’t know how to best express the middle part I had to cheat a little and look at grammar from N4. I hope I didn’t mess that up:
Because the japanese language is difficult, I have to study more but, it is fun.
@lopicake Thank you for helping us beginners out here so kindly
So I thought to get into the right mood, I’m gonna kick of some seasonal talk, if it is understandable. haha
I had to again use some N4 grammar to get said what I wanted but I hope it’s alright. My two Grammar points that I actually wanted to use are bold here. (Funny enough, they are the very first and the very last Kana of the sentence)
もうクリスマスは近いですね. いま、プレゼントを買なくてはいけないだけ.
Christmas is already near. Now I only need to buy some presents.