Have you written your Japanese Sentence today?

You could always use 自宅 (じたく)!

So you could write the sentence like: 自宅へ行くのは、私です。




I want a curry that is about the same spice as my ramen.




By mistake, the eyes are outside of the face!

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There is nothing better than a cool breeze on a hot day.



I read the same stupid magazine!

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「失礼します!あなたのねこがまもなくします、かんけいありません、蒸留酒が彼は飲んだ !


"Excuse me! Your cat will be gone soon. It doesn’t matter. He drank the distilled alcohol.

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It is raining so it is unlikely we will be able to go to the amusement park.

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天皇のカーペットはとても細かい。 仕舞った!幻覚坊した!


The Emperor’s carpet is very small…!! Got it! I was hallucinated!

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In this case, you would instead use the potential form of 行く, 行ける.
The direct translation of “行きそうもない” is rather “It is unlikely we will go” as opposed to “行けそうもない” meaning “It is unlikely that we will be able to go”.

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Thank you for pointing that out!

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As the temperature drops it will begin to snow.


Intended translation

“The window of my room is big, so I don’t open it”

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Every time I go out with Tanaka my legs start hurting. But, I still keep playing.

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There is no dog assassination anywhere.

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Blast me :speaking_head:










Intended sentence

Il mio telefono è vecchio, ma veloce
My phone is old, but fast

Ho volato dall’Italia
I flew from Italy

Visto che mi ha fatto male, non ci parlo
He hurt me, so I don’t talk to him

Cerco di passare il test studiando
I try to pass the test by studying

Mi piace giocare a calcio
I like playing football

La mia stanza, in particolare quella col letto
My room, the one with the bed

Vado in stazione in macchina
I go to the station by car

Quella ragazza è carina, non è vero?
That girl is cute, isn’t it?

Non hai una bella cera
You ain’t looking well

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Few things I noticed:

This would be 速い which is the same pronunciation just different kanji as 早い means early or getting somewhere fast while 速い means fast in terms of speed/processing power. けいたい is perfectly fine but you could also use スマホ which is the abbreviation of スマートフォン meaning smartphone.

If you meant that you flew as in you were the one flying like a bird this would be okay but something better would be 飛行機で飛ぶ which would help say that you aren’t flying but are using a plain to fly, or you could also say 飛行機で行く, which means to go by plane.

This doesn’t sound too natural but, just like you I’m not the best so I don’t know how I would rephrase it, maybe someone else can give some input.

You wouldn’t just say 勉強 I believe in order to say you tried to pass it would be 勉強する which which is the する form of 勉強. テストのパス you could say テストを合格するために which means for the sake of passing the test, so the entire sentence would be something along the lines of 私はテストを合格するために勉強する. You could also say 私はテストを合格できるように勉強する。Which means I will study in order to be able to pass the test.

Rather than 遊ぶ the use of する would be more correct as 遊ぶ means playing around or having fun, like hanging out with friends, a very easy mistake to make.

This would mean The bed with my room, which isn’t what you intended, a better way to say this could be ベッドがある私の部屋 which means my room which as has the bed, or you could as say ベッドのある私の部屋 which would convey the same meaning but the のある conveys the one that has, making it slightly more natural.

Perfect, just remember the use of へ emphasis the journey rather than the destination, that doesn’t mean this is wrong by any means it is perfectly correct just wanted to point that out.

Perfect, your English is slightly off, but still very understandable it would be “That girl is cute, isn’t she?”

Almost there 元気ない due to 元気 being a noun you would use が as with out it sounds unnatural would be 元気がない. The use of だろう would be more of like, it seems, if you are trying to say your not well right, using ね would probably be better, and if you would like to you can remove the は from in front of あなた for a smoother sentence although that is not needed.

I may be wrong in some of the things I have pointed out so hopefully someone for knowledgeable can correct me if I, myself made any mistakes in trying to help you. I respect the fact that you are putting so much effort into writing these sentence, I couldn’t imagine learning a language using a language that isn’t my first language. So please keep up the great work, and I am sure that if you need any help many people in the community would be more than willing to help you.

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Thank you so much :pray:

The worst part is that English, Japanese and Italian all have a very different “sentence building system”, learning grammar can be complicated at times.

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叱叱! 一応は、たんまり悪化ですか?いい加減にしろ!でも青い窓を開けて と 大きなドアから出る!


Shh! Anyway, is it getting too bad? Stop it! But open the blue window and go out the big door!

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If you want to say “You Flew” from somewhere, your verb needs to be in past-tense, so in this case it would be 飛んだ。This sounds to me to be pretty natural, you could specify that you took a plane, but it’s generally understood that humans can’t fly.

If you want to say someone “hurt you”, you need to use a verb. 痛い is an adjective that means “painful”, so someone can’t “painful” you. It doesn’t sound right.
The verb I would use here is 「傷つく」which literally translates as “to attach a wound”, and is often used to express that someone has said or done something to hurt you emotionally or physically.
You would also use the particle 「から」 here to mean “from”, as the wound you received was “from” him.
The new sentence would look something like this:
This still sounds a bit funny to me, but the meaning would definitely be understood.

I’m confused as to what your meaning with this sentence is.
“The room with the bed is my room”?
If this is the case, some rearranging and additions would make this sentence sound more natural.
“The room with the bed is mine.”
「ベッドがある部屋」 literally translates as “The room that has a bed”, and then you’re saying the noun is a possession of yours using the の particle.

This is fine.

元気 can also be a な adjective and functions as such in this sentence. I see no issues here and 「元気ない」and 「元気なさそう」are very commonly heard phrases

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Thank you for correcting me, next time I’ll try and make sure the info I give is completely accurate, I did try last time but it seems a few things, that shouldn’t have, slipped through the cracks.

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