@mrnoone That was just a mistake. www I’ll go ahead and fix that.
私は明日 looks more natural. Gramatically yours is fine but nobody ever says relative time first.
Are you trying to say you’ll start a new job? If so, it would be something like 新しい仕事を始めます。You said something along the lines of ‘the thing that will be new tomorrow is work’ which is a little strange in this case.
would you thne use the に particle for the relative time?
No, relative time doesn’t take に, but specific time does.
So, words like 月曜日, 6月, 29日 and so on will take に, but words like 明日, 来週, おととい and so on won’t.
Thank you.
Let’s do today’s sentence.
この前 and 三月から are both indicative of a time you did something, so I would personally only use one. Can someone else confirm this please?
Also, I wouldn’t usually use the kanji for a month - I think it looks a bit old fashioned - like something you’d see written in a shrine or in a calligraphy class.
So, let’s go with 私は3月からずっと働いていません。
Also, the first two parts of your sentence used ます (polite) form, so to keep this part uniform with that, I would stick です on the end, so let’s go with 今日は難しかったです。
Thanks so much for the feedback.
All thieves are criminals but not all criminals are thieves.
You got to fight for your right to party!
These both look OK to me. Just a tiny idea (I might be wrong) but I always interpreted 戦う as a physical fight and 闘う as something less physical, so maybe possibly maybe i dunno possibly maybe in the context of your sentence it might be more appropriate.
I’m not sure. I only just added 権利 and 戦う the other day so I don’t have enough statical information to say. It just came to me while reviewing flashcards and I thought it was funny.
Based on this:
It looks like it could probably go either way though.
Ooh, this is interesting. Thanks!
(After a long time, I am finally able to study some Japanese)
(Not sure if it should be 勉強するのができるように/勉強できるようになりました)
時 is more of a moment in time. 間「あいだ」 would be better for a time frame.
Also since 勉強 is a する verb you can do potential form like:
In case you haven’t been told this before できる is the potential form of する so just using directly is perfectly fine. As for using すること vs するのが; I personally feel すること feels more natural but I’m pretty sure either way is possible.
Hi and welcome!
This means “today is very grammar” so I’m not sure exactly when you mean, but when you have から after a noun, you should put だ in front of it. So this should be 文法だから.
If you wanted to say “today is grammar day” or something like that, you could say 今日は文法の日.
This is perfect
Thank you so much I was trying to say something along the lines of “Today I studied grammarfrom みんなの日本語…” since I was practicing using から in a sentence! I read it could be used as “from”?
から can also be used when giving reasons as well! Something to be careful about ^^