Today I finally acquired the pink colored Rank in DragonballFighterZ.
Today I finally acquired the pink colored Rank in DragonballFighterZ.
I don’t like most fish, but I’ve always liked sushi.
It’s probably just a typo, but you can only use を with 好き when it’s followed by a verb. Eg. 寿司を好きになった.
Setting aside the occasional bug, this computer is of fairly high quality.
I will defeat the Demon King, even if I have to fight every demon in Hell!
But, like, even if I stayed up all night every night and studied super hard I’d probably still fail the exam, so there’s no point, right?
Roborock S7MaxV のお陰で、ぼくのアパとは綺麗。
Thanks to the Roborock S7MaxV my appartment is clean.
[Another unrelated question: I think I have often heard うちの in Anime when characters are describing their own things (eg. “my” room), but I could not find any grammar point for that. Is that an acceptable way of saying “my” (instead of 僕の etc.) , or did I mishear it?]
I believe うち is Kansai-ben. Also I think it’s mostly used by women.
@eoghandall Yeah, it was a typo lol
I’ll play NieR tonight. I love playing with 9S!
Im a bit confused on the usages of 遊ぶ and する
うち as a first-person pronoun is Kansai-ben and feminine, yeah. You might also hear it used as a plural pronoun (our household, our company, etc.) which is standard I think. For example, I was having dinner with some married friends (not from Kansai) a while back and the husband said うちの子は、友達を作るのが上手.
If the conversation’s about games and anime and such I can more or less understand Japanese, but if more complicated topics come up I’m hopeless.
When it comes to nuclear physics, there is not a single person more knowledgeable than him.
We have an almost perfect argument, but should the prosecutor bring evidence we are not expecting, we will have no choice but to improvise.
Day 1. Today I will start writing in this thread.
Goal is to study various grammar points every day and use them here.
That guy watches TV in his room for around 5 hours a day like a lazy person.
Chocobo GPのシーズン1は終わてシーズン2まだ始まらないだからプレイしなくても構わない。
Chocobo GP Season 1 ended and season 2 has not yet started, so it doesn’t matter whether I play it.
Chocobo GP のシーズン2といえと、新しいキヤラチョッカーズとドル君は可愛い。大切より新しい競走場はくわわる。楽しみだ。
Speaking of Chocobo GP Season 2, the new characters Jailbird and Chip[names differ in japanese] are cute. More importantly a new race track is added. I am looking forward to it.
[I am not sure if I can compare using yori when having two different sentences, or if there is a more common way of saying more importantly in japanese]
As the average temperature of the Earth is increasing, there is a trend of decreasing biodiversity.
This town carries out garbage disposal in accordance with prefectural laws.
Well, if you’re going to the shop anyway, would you buy me some chocolate or something?
So, the より construction you’ve used here is like “more new than important”. Think of this use of より as contrasting two qualities - the one before, and the one after. A way of expressing “more importantly” without dramatically changing the sentence could be:
の here acts like こと, acting as a noun that 大切 modifies and that can be marked as a subject with は. Since 大切 is a な adjective/adjectival noun, you put な between it and の. There’s nothing before より in this sentence, but your listener/reader will infer that it’s referring to the previous sentence.
加わる is an intransitive verb (think of it as “to be added” as opposed to the transitive 加える, “to add”), so が is the correct particle. [Disclaimer: I may be wrong and は may be acceptable here. It’s sometimes interchangeable with が. This is just my gut feeling.]
Also today, I have to study. However, I want to play video games…
I only did that one time, so I want to practice a few more times until I can do it completely perfectly.
Even though I watch more anime than I play games, that does not mean I like anime more than games.
[I used the opportunity to review 「より」again. I hope I used it right.]
If you can’t pass your driving test this year, there’s no way you can become a professional driver.
It seems like Joe’s trying his best to stand out, but I wonder if he understands that he should only request work befitting his actual ability.
As my Japanese language skills improved, so too did my confidence in conversations.
Isn’t it quick! Half a year has already passed this year
Out of all of this band’s songs, there isn’t even one bad one.
Today I am tired. I should sleep early.
[I don’t know whether 早い or 早く is correct here]
早い is an adjective: 明日は早い。“Tomorrow is an early day.”
早く is an adverb: 今日早く帰りたい。 “Today I want to go home early”
Generally if the adjective is modifying a verb, you use the adverb く form and if it’s modifying a noun you use the い form.