Immersion Log Let's try something new!

Played More Atelier Ayesha.
this amused me
I finished the main questline, so this is “理由は、特にはない”

I started the next one Atelier リディLydie and スールSuelle doesn’t have a log, so I can’t copy it for you.
I heard
Dad “monsters! that’s dangerous. you’re not allowed in any paintings”
main character “you spent all of my food money on paint supplies, we need to gather alchemy ingredients”


After a break of 3+ years I thought to try out a new Japanese mobile game. リバリバ (WORLD | リバースブルー×リバースエンド(リバ×リバ)公式サイト) is about to go live today. Hopefully the story is fully voiced and entertaining.

Started reading ダンジョンの中のひと (第1話 / ダンジョンの中のひと - 双見酔 | webアクション). The hope is to pick up a few work-related words without watching any actual workplace dramas.

And also slowly going through 安達としまむら volume 1. I really like the flow of Shimamura’s inner voice, but not so sure about the story itself.


I haven’t been doing much immersion lately: been doing a lot of actual Japanese learning stuff, like studying grammar and kanji. For listening practice, I’ve been listening to Comprehensible Japanese, the Genki textbook CDs, and the Bunpro grammar sentences audio. Yeah, so all learner material. But I think I’m getting better at listening!

Not sure when it happened, but I got into a rut over the summer and have had a hard time focusing on Japanese. I think I’m getting out of it though, so I’ll go back to (trying to) read manga and playing Animal Crossing in Japanese.


I’ve been fairly slow to immerse into ‘natural’ Japanese content. I listen to all-Japanese learning podcast very regularly but nothing else.

I have just recently started watching コタローは1人暮らし with Japanese subtitles. I have watched this before with English subtitles a while ago, so thought it would be a good start as I roughly know what going on (I don’t watch much anime, and its a simple storyline and daily language). Understanding varied of course, occasionally getting whole small interactions, sometimes just the general gist, and sometimes nothing at all.

How long would you generally spend stopping, looking up words, getting everything or most, and then carrying on, before you think its too much or not enough? I’m doing this for learning, not because I’m just trying to watch anime for recreation.


There are ways to look up words from a show. I only look up words when reading since it’s easier.

I recommend doing which ever is easier for you.
If you want to put every single word into SRS like the book club decks or JPDB, you can do that
If you want to just work through a pre-made deck for your SRS (esp n5 and 4) and immerse relying on context clues that aren’t direct look ups
watching a show you already saw in English is one example
I got the game FAQ page up on my phone for atelier ayesha

“Kevin’s English Room” is cool, I found it from your comment, ありがとう

happy to see もう少しの辛抱だ in Atelier same day I missed it in Anki.
read 140 pages of ドラゴンヘッド at a cafe, which is not about a dragon.

not super related, I’m disapointed in how much anki I’ve been doing

First spike Genki Vocab deck I knew pre - anki. second spike is kanji cards from Kanji Damage

It’s so small because Epoch Fail, my phones time ( and ankidroid) thought it was the year 2000 when I synched once

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1 played persona. It has English subs. I repeat after the voice line and imagine how it is written n9t the best immersion, OK 発音練習
2 quit my dance team. this took like two hours. so tired(I’ll have to change my icon… )
3 transcibing Japanese hand writing. did you know して looks like い and とand を look the same? it tests your grammar.


Hi Noxsora,
What kind of resources do you use to find Japanese handwritten materials? I’d love to know more about where to find similar materials.
Thanks for your time!

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ah, something I had to do at work today in Japan.
I tried looking up handwriting on Google images - they all had much clearer handwriting…


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Oh, no worries! Thanks for the reply. Yeah, Google Images isn’t the best for that—authenticity really makes a huge difference!

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Today I looked up a curry recipe, bought the ingredients and ate it.
I followed this curry recipe 簡単!基本のカレーライス by 附属太郎 【クックパッド】 簡単おいしいみんなのレシピが392万品
and here is my curry:

I played alot of Persona 4 this weekend. With English subs so it doesn’t count.
I joined a kabuki club. I have 3 lines


not quite immersion…
I made anki cards for each of my kabuki lines today
1 front has my line - just read it
2 front has the previous line and first word of my line
3 front has the previous line
4 front has Audio
in all cases the back has my line in furigana and the club president’s Audio



Yesterday I watched 天気の子. Love or flood, you choose!




I’ve been reading all the latest news at NHKやさしいことばニュース (formerly, NEWS WEB EASY). I’ve got this feeling that, since the rebranding, the articles have gotten quite shorter and even easier to read. Has someone also felt this?

What I now do is read the article and then press the NEWS WEBでよむ button (when available) and try to read the original article.

Still, this is quite a good way of acquiring new vocabulary and testing your real comprehension of the grammar.

ちなみに, このやさしい日本語についての動画を観て面白かったと思っていたんです。



I played トーム today.

Thanks for the rec pablun^⁠_⁠^ I read the harder version first then the easy version to check comprehension

also, can you explain ending a sentence with an を Please? I don’t get it.



Glad to be of help! I will try your method, seems like a better way to improve comprehension.

As for the ending of the sentence, it is really the short version of ‘良い週末をお過ごしください’. I’ve seen this used to say ‘have a nice weekend’. There is also the expression ‘良い一日を’ (‘have a nice day’), as a short form of ‘良い一日をお過ごしください’.

Come to think of it, it is the same thing that happens with こんにちは (or こんばんは), where the expression ends in and is actually the short version of a longer formula, ‘今日は、ご機嫌いかがですか’ or ‘今日は、いいお天気ですね’.


Continuing to play through レイトン教授と不思議な町. It’s starting to get easier after about 20 hours, considering I accidentally found myself with the version of the game that doesn’t have any furigana. I basically started on hard mode.

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In relation to this, I read this article, which I found both interesting and good practice.

良い一日を :wink:

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I played more Atelier Ayesha this weekend.
I finnished Regina’s and Linca’s storylines. The only two quests I have left are

  1. craft everything
  2. kill a dragon for Keith’s story line.

Today a student called me 相棒, which I recognized is what the owner of the café/bar calls my character. He google translated ‘buddy’