JLPT December 2022 - Results published / Certificates sent

Out of all of the people that I know that have taken the exam at any level, listening is usually always the hardest due to the least actual study resources preparing people for it. So if it’s your best score, I definitely wouldn’t be too upset. The other stuff can all be studied in the traditional way.


I would recommend the 日本語の森 service to anybody preparing for N3-N1, especially to people that want to improve their listening scores. All the content is in Japanese and they even have technique videos for the reading and listening sections + 2 full mock exams.

Edit: Their pricing is kind of weird. One year for the whole package is reasonable but if that doesn’t work for you, try messaging them on LINE. I’ve seen people ask for N3 or N2 only and that was the response given by support.


I felt that their mock tests were waaaay easier than the actual tests. I passed with flying colours on both of the mock tests but have failed the real tests twice :confused:
But other than that, I thoroughly recommend it. You get listening practice and you get grammar understanding all in Japanese!


Took N1 and failed lmao, no big deal though, it was my first attempt and I didn’t really study for it at all. Actually did better on the vocab section than I thought.

My reading absolutely sucked though so I know where I need to focus.


Dang, I completely forgot to come back here to report my test results. Like some of you, I was sure I failed the N3 test, but was surprised to know I ended up passing it (just barely though :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:). This was my first time taking the JLPT test after all, so I’ll take it. I managed to get A’s on Vocabulary and Grammar though (Thanks BunPro!!)

Congratulations to everyone, regardless if you passed or not. Taking this test is already an achievement that not many people can boast about. As long as your putting the work, that’s all that matters :+1:.

Next I plan on taking the JLPT N1 test in two years. Let’s keep working hard everyone!!


Just out of interest, (why) are you skipping N2?


It’s because in order for me to take the JLPT I have to fly to Miami, since that’s the only city in Florida that offers it. I could drive there, but it’s about the same price as flying, plus it takes ~4 hours to get there by car as opposed to ~45 mins by plane. Personally I’d like to arrive to Miami the day before the test, so that I’m rested for the exam, which means I also have to pay for a hotel for the night. Also factor in Uber/Rental expenses to move around and food expenses, not to mention the price of admission to take the JLPT. Then return back home the same day of the test since I have work the next day (Monday).

As you can see, it’s expensive and not the most convenient for me to take the JLPT, which is why I waited until I was about N3 level to take it for the first time, and it’s also the reason why I will wait until I’m N1 level to take it again. Hopefully that will be the last :pray:.


Makes sense - it sure isn’t the easiest of tests to take logistically and is quite expensive when including all expenses and buying a certificate, even though it’s multiple choice :laughing:

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I’d love to learn more about their scoring criteria, I took the N3 as well and ended up receiving a 34/60 on Grammar but still only received a B on reference information. I wonder what ended up curving the grades, if it’s the comprehension of more obscure grammar, specific portions of the test, or something else.

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This image explains the criteria.



I often hear this as 頑張ってぉ

Reading is definitely the way to improve with Japanese! Have you tried reading 漫画 or 小説 every day? This is my new routine and my reading level has been increasing quickly!

Good luck. :+1:


I received my results certificate by mail, so all people who took it should be receiving soon.
You should be getting a letter even if you failed, unless you got a red card during the exam.

Otherwise contact with the institution where you took the exam.


Got mine this morning! It’s getting framed and going on the wall of my office for sure! Whilst I was a bit underwhelmed by my N5 score (my ego writing cheques that my ability couldn’t cash to paraphase an old movie line) it said I was in the 88.5% percentile, which is better than expected.

Cheers, onwards and upwards


Wow, they took their time! :crazy_face:

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Got my N3 Certificate yesterday. Soo happy :partying_face:


I’m not getting mine because it was mailed to my address without the apartment number, so as it’s my fault for putting in the incorrect address, they will not resend it. There is no way I did not put my entire address in because I am not an idiot, so I suspect the system has trimmed a line or something. I make online forms for a living (and also do a lot of address validation stuff) so I know how to enter an address! I don’t remember what the signup form looked like but actually, if they used google address validation, that would have removed the apartment number. When websites use that, I have to select ‘enter manually’ because only the building address exists in their system. It’s very annoying.

Regardless of how it went wrong, no certificate for me. Unless if turns up somewhere and
someone sends it back as return to sender, then they will send it again to my correct address.

I still have my yellow envelope of shame from when I failed it years ago, so I am kind of upset I am not getting the one I actually passed. If I ever actually need a physical copy I guess I will have to apply for a reissue.

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That sucks. Sorry to hear that :cry:.

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