JLPT December 2024

Passed N2, 105 overall :stuck_out_tongue:

Reading was the lowest section so will definately need to work on that for N1.


Passed N5, 161/180 :grin:

Reading/Grammar/Vocabulary - A/A/A - 117/120
Listening - 44/60


Almost literally the same for me (60, 51, 60). I could swear that there were at least 2 things in vocab where I knew I had picked the wrong thing, plus a couple of listening ones where I didn’t catch the gist of what was said at all and just made a random guess :man_shrugging:


passed N3 with an embarrassing 95 (the minimum score :grimacing: )

that is actually the best possible outcome to me as I was convinced I had failed due to stress massively taking over so I just couldn’t concentrate despite being well over prepared.

Terrible score, but I feel everything is exactly where it has to be now :relieved:


I’d make a sappy post but a huge part of this was entirely thanks to Bunpro. Starting Bunpro near the end of December 2023 and doing the N5-N1 grammar, completely catapulted my understanding to a level where even if I can’t perfectly understand the exact meaning I always know what the intention of any written text is.

By far the best learning platform and absolutely no competition for grammar. Would easily recommend it to anyone who isn’t brand new (learn some kanji first) in their journey.


High five to you! I was definitely guessing at some of the listening questions too because the sound was SO LOUD. I guess the graded scoring made a big difference.


Passed N5 after failing N4 some 5 years ago.

69/120 for language knowledge and 42/60 for listening, A/A/A on sections. I thought I did way better in language knowledge than I apparently did, so I guess I just need to focus up more.

Grats to everyone who passed! Keep going, those who didn’t quite make it this year!


when i first tried n2 in 2023 i was rather sure i would pass - but didnt.
this year with my second N2 attempt i was VERY sure its a fail again.

but surprise. like with N4 and N3, when i think its a fail, i pass. :smiley:

still shaking my head in disbelief. did all the star questions wrong and couldnt finish the last 5 items because of time and didnt understand 3 listening part questions because of noise from outside…

its funny but iam glad.

N1 here i come.


I’m so glad I passed the N4 in Paris with 127/180 (81/120 + 46/60) : )

I was confident with the listening, kanji and vocabulary but found the grammar much harder than anticipated. In fact, it was the reason I decided to slow a bit my daily Wanikani reviews and started BunPro.

Congrats to all of you who succeeded.
As for the others, keep fighting! It will pay in the end, I guarantee it.


Passed N3! Thank you Bunpro for the help!


Managed to pass N2 for the second time!

Results Dec 2024: 121/180, Grammar&Vocab: 38/60, Reading: 38/60, Listening: 45/60
Results Dec 2014: 100/180, Grammar&Vocab: 25/60, Reading: 37/60, Listening: 38/60

I restarted my Japanese study in 2024 after taking a 10 year break… I’m really happy that I managed to pass the N2 again, and even improved my scores a little bit! I’m really surprised that listening was and still is my strongest skill, as it’s actually the part I feel the least confident about :slight_smile: But I guess listening to so many Nihongo con Teppei podcasts eventually paid off!


So I took the N1 with no specific preparation (aside from using the language every day) and the results were quite bad, kind of expected but I also thought I’d score a little bit higher, especially in the listening section I was quite confident that I got most of it right. I really wish I could see what I got wrong…

Giving it my all on Bunpro since the exam, re-doing all of N3 and N2 and then finally study the N1 grammar properly.


I passed N5 in Warsaw with147/180: 104/120 from Vocab/Grammar/Reading and 43/60 from Listening (I think the listening part was harder than what I was accustomed to). I am lazy, so I think that I’ll be taking N4 in December instead of July. :smiley:


N1, 140/180
Language Knowledge: 43, Reading: 60, Listening: 37

The grammar portion of the N1 exam has changed significantly compared to exams from over two years ago. Historically, it used to test quite a bit of N1-specific grammar points. However, in recent years, the exam now tends to assess how well one understands N2 and N3 grammar points. For example, the phrase 買うだけ無駄だ demonstrates an interesting use of だけ, which I don’t believe is covered in Bunpro.

I’ll be taking the exam again in the future and plan to incorporate more immersion, especially listening, in my Japanese learning.


For everyone having another go next time and everyone moving on to the next level, join the thread for the next JLPT!

But … it may be too early to jump back into serious JLPT stuff! :laughing:
So why not do something fun and get some kawaii animal therapy in Japanese for now here:


I took the N4 and was certain that I would fail especially after one of the guys in my language class failed but I was shocked to see that I passed considering I didnt study pretty much any of the N4 vocab. I think my RTK kanji knowledge hard carried me through it.

although I did barely pass with a 56%


You guys already have your results ?

I’m in France and I didn’t get anything yet for my N5. Is there a portal I can check my result on or am I damned to wait for the postal service ?

Update. I digged around and found a portal. I passed with 108/180, but I still have A/A/B as grades. I’m very happy but it feel weird to have A-average with less than 2/3 of the maximum score. Is that common ?


I don’t know if it is common, but maybe the statistics on their website can give more insights. Check the individual PDFs. They are not the most detailed statistics, but it’s the only official public data.



Passed N4! I still can’t believe it \o/


In case it’s still helpful to anyone, here are the links for checking results!

(NB: Click on your relevant country on the “overseas results” page).